Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Glimpse of the New Dio and Baby Cooper's Here

When we saw the Coopers at the Spa yesterday, they only had the twins with them.  They have since picked up baby Cooper from the babysitter's and they are now at the site of my next story.....a Baby Boutique.   

The Coopers were hoping for a little boy, but they got another little girl.  But she's happy and healthy and that is what counts.

I bought this baby from Walmart a couple of years ago.  There were at least two more in the pack with a few pieces of baby furniture.  She is the perfect addition to the Cooper family.

The baby boutique is not finished yet.  I wonder who we will see shopping here?  Stay tuned.  It should be posted by tomorrow.


  1. I see some cute items in the baby boutique, like the pale blue and green crochet fashion in the white display unit.

    I'll check back tomorrow to see the first customers.


    1. DBG - If I could figure out how to display them, there would be a lot of cute little crocheted items in the store. I guess I might be making some little hangers.

  2. Very cute family congrats to them on the new baby!! I am loving hte baby boutique!!! I am sure we will see Darius's sister (I totally forgot her name) and her husband shopping there very soon!

    1. April - Momma Cooper says thanks. I imagine Kendra and Nathaniel may be stopping by. Let's hope he has some time off, otherwise, one of Kendra's friends may have to fill in.

  3. Congratulations to the Coopers on their new baby. Eh heh - the Coopers, lol.

    Love the Baby Boutique. I gonna have to return to peep at the bigger photo ....

    Snoopy, yes.

    1. D7ana - The baby was hiding in with the baby clothes. Go figure. I never would have thought to look there.

      Snoopy, you say? Maybe he will be there, too.

  4. Cute Baby Boutique! There's one where I live and it's similar to yours

    1. Sergio - Thanks! Really? That's funny. The Coopers will probably do a little shopping since they are already here. I hope they put some clothes on the baby.

  5. So cute!!! I love the shop and the beautiful family.

  6. I use those babies as dolls or my

    1. mrscarissa - They are interesting looking babies. Are there larger toddler sizes? I haven't seen those. But I haven't seen these again since I first bought them.

  7. Vita Plastica - Thanks. Had to get the Happy Family back in action. At least for a hot minute.

  8. The boutique is looking great... and the baby is amusing... do you have a spare kid around for when she gets older? XD

    1. Heather - Thanks. I have lots of spare kids around. LOTS! Lol. But my kids and babies never get older. It's the beauty of being a doll. You never age.

  9. Nice Job! That is a cute baby. Wow, you have a great creative vision! Thanks for stopping hearing from you, but you know this, right? Luv

    1. Loretta - Thanks. So glad you could stop by. I'll visit again soon.

  10. Good to see the Coopers again! I remember them from some of your very first videos. :)

    The baby boutique is darling, love it!

    1. Tracy - They are happy to be seen. Poor thangs were just hanging out in a box waiting to get back into action. They were in one video that I ended up deleting. It was the first and last one I did with voices. It drove me crazy.

  11. Hello from Spain: I love the baby boutique. How much furniture you have and I like it all. What envy! I also love the baby. She is very cute. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I do have a lot of baby stuff. There's still more that won't even be in the boutique. I guess you can tell I love babies.


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