Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Vanessa Gives an Update on her Sickness

"Hello everyone.  It's me, Vanessa, reporting to you from my bed.  Yes, I am still sick.  I've been trying to do the right things to get better.  Not much seems to be working.  Maybe it will just need to run it's course."

"This is my nightstand which is filled with some of the things I've been using.  I've also been eating chicken soup and plain broth."

"My poor nose is tired of being blown."  

"My husband and kids have been real troopers.  Well Alicia, hasn't been quite as understanding, but Tyler is being very helpful around the house.

"Tyler brought in his goldfish to keep me company.  I had to move him across the room.  The way the tissues were flying, I didn't want him to become a casualty.  Look at that dust!  Sorry, I haven't been able to houseclean since being sick.  Amazing how quickly that dust accumulates."

"I've been trying to get a little work done, but every time I wake up, my laptop is missing.  That's my dear husband who thinks I should do nothing but rest.  We work-a-holics don't get better by completely resting.  We have to work in between resting.  But I understand his concern.  After about 15 minutes of doing something, I need another nap.  Just getting this room ready and this night gown on to talk to you wiped me out."

"So I'm going to take a quick nap, so I can go find my laptop.  I'm sure someone from Morristown will be talking to you again tomorrow.  Me?  I will most likely still be laid up in this bed.  Have a wonderful day!"


  1. Ooooh, I feel her pain!!!

    You think bed rest is going to be wonderful... and then in no time flat you're BORED OUT OF YOUR MIND!


    That's what I've been doing a lot of too, napping. Everything just wears me out. Oh Poor Vanessa! And I feel so sorry for her nose, I hope those are the tissues with Aloe in them!


    1. Heather - We are so sorry you are sick, too. No aloe in those tissues. Just good old fashioned toilet paper. LOL! Get better soon!

    2. Heather, we're wishing you well and hope that none of your young folk get stricken. Take care.

  2. It maybe be dull as can be, but bed-rest is the best solution! Hope you feel better soon.

    1. Verona - I'm not convinced! LOL! But I'm giving bed rest the old college try.

  3. Hi Vanessa! Thanks for posting while you are sick. G.I. Joe sends his love. The girls - Izzy, Hanna, and Fee - say to add sriracha to your soup to pep it up and help burn the toxins away. Maud Mavis swears by honey-laced hot tea and garlic in the chicken noodle soup. Krystal and the cycling set add that Gatorade can help - Krystal says get the Fierce Melon, the Strawberry-Melon, or the Fierce Lime for flavors. The rest just taste of Gatorade flavor according to her. The Power Team guys promise to take the next train down if you need pillows plumped - until Maud Mavis reminded them that you have a gentleman friend (for Human Vanessa) or husband (doll Vanessa) so they need not do that. We all here wish you a speedy recovery. Take care!

    1. D7ana - Wow, sounds like some great remedies there! I may have to try a few of those. Thank the Power Team guys for thinking of me. But if any more fluffing goes on around me, I may just float away. LOL!

    2. Combat the dreaded summer cold/flu with everything you got and anyone else got, lol. The Power Team guys shrugged - they are just taking care of the world, one pillow punch or patrol walk at a time. Old Joe opined that pillow plumping is an annoyance. The Power Team guys countered that studies have shown that the proper degree of pillow punching can radically reduce patient downtime. Joe rolled his eyes: pillows are for sissies. The Power Team jump up - no old duffer malingering in a fart sack would call them sissies. Old Joe counters that no pillow-plumping pantywaists would call him an old fart.

      Oh, wait. Here comes the man of reason: Ian is interceding. Whew.

      Sigh. Take care. Sounds like you've got loving - if somewhat obtrusive - attendants at hand. We'll look forward to hearing about how Danielle settled Melanie's case. Oh yeah, we haven't forgotten that ;-D


  4. Hey Vanessa, feel better soon, ok!

    1. Loretta - I hope James did okay on his first day back. Please give him my love.

  5. I hope you feel better again very soon, I'm also a work-aholic, but I tell you from experience that sometimes you just have to stop and take a rest. Get well soon!

  6. Vanessa,

    Better well feel soon. Yes, I know. But, I'll bet you forgot about your nose for a minute.

    1. Grandmommy - My nose thinks it's at the Olympics. It keeps running and running and running.

  7. I hope you feel better soon!!! Being down n out is not fun.

    1. Miranda - Thanks. It's just a matter of time. Although it seems like forever.

  8. Summer time colds are no fun, and I know you are probably weak. But I've found that bathing even when I don't have the strength makes me feel 100% better....and opens up the sinuses if hot enough. Feel better soon.

    1. veda - I took a hot bubble bath yesterday, and it was the best I had felt all week. Hot showers help, too, but not as well as the bath.

  9. oooo your still sick i hope you feel better soon how cute the golden fish is. kiss.

    1. jassica - Thanks! Wasn't it sweet of Tyler to lend me his goldfish. He can be so sweet.

  10. I hope you feel better soon. I hate being sick so I know after not being sick for three years you must feel terrible. GO REST and feel better soon! :)

  11. You don't have to answer to us Vanessa, we'll still be here when you feel better. But thanks for the sick bed update!

  12. Feel better Vanessa. Do get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. Rest, juice, and a hot bath go hand in hand when you are trying to feel better. I enjoyed your photo story...real cute! Take care.

  13. Yes, looks like we all believe you need a least a little bed rest and pampering. I agree with Heather about tissues with aloe in them - they are a lot softer on the nose. I've found lanolin also helps to make your nose less sore. And the old Australian rememdies for blocked noses are Vicks Vapor Rub on your chest (I have no idea if you can get that in the US) and drops of eucalyptus oil on a tissue so you can smell it or in hot water by your bed as a humidifier - it really opens up the sinuses (and everyone else will know you are sick and stay away). Get well soon.

  14. hope you will get better soon!
    whole room is lovely, but this nightstand is especially great!

  15. What a trooper you are to produce a photo story while you are sick! We would miss you but if taking a few days off helps you get better faster, please do.

  16. Awwww if the real Vanessa is sick, I am hoping you feel better soon - which means you need to stay your behind in the bed and rest. I LOVE Vanessa's bedroom. I've never seen it.

  17. NOTE TO ALL: The real Vanessa and the doll Vanessa are feeling much better. I have been up all morning without the need of a nap. Thanks for all the home remedy ideas. Carrickters, my mom used to put Vicks on my chest as a kid. Yes it did open me up, but nowadays I am ultra sensitive to smells. Even normal spells sometimes pushes me over the edge and I can't breathe. I realized late last night that I had not prayed for this cold to leave my body. Duh! So that's what I did. It was a harrowing night, but I could tell I was in healing mode. So when I woke this morning, I felt so much better. I am about 75% now. I will not overdo it today, but heck, I already have a new sofa listed. I will continue to work/rest. But I FEEL MUCH BETTER! Thanks for all your well wishes.

  18. Thanks for asking...he did well and followed Doc's orders...He sends his well wishes and says to take care!

  19. Oh no, being sick is no fun, especially in the heat. Looks like you're doing the right things though, but probably could use more rest. I'm sure I can speak for all of us in saying, we will be right here waiting for you to return, healthy. So, please rest and take some time to yourself to knockout that cold. :)

  20. Hello from Spain: I love the bowl with the fish. Is it Mattel? I had not seen before. I also like the photo of the trash and the bedside table. I hope you recover soon. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - That fish bowl is from a miniature store. It just happened to fit perfectly in the kid's room. It reminds me of the goldfish at the carnivals.

  21. I was all, "Awww, look at all the cute little things on the bedside table," and then I saw the goldfish and lost it. That is just too freakin' adorable. This room is very realistic, complete with used tissues even, lol!

    1. Muff - You see I had to make the poor man's tissue... toilet paper. Of course my dolls tissues always made the waste basket. Mine made it most of the time. My Tyler didn't want me to be lonely. The goldfish was a quiet, but welcome companion.


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