Monday, August 6, 2012

Changes at the Daycare

Hello dear friends. I just want you to know that I am sick.  It's the first time in 3 yrs.  I don't know what happened, but whatever this is, has knocked me on my butt.  I slept most of the weekend.  The new beau took real good care of me.  I have still managed a little energy to shoot some pictures, but I don't have enough energy to deal with Danielle and Melanie.  As soon as I am feeling better, I will get to those two.

Below are pictures of the daycare.  It has moved across town and gained a little more space.  I thought I would share it with you.  Please forgive the not so great pictures.  It was the best I could do under the circumstances.

The infant room is a tad larger.  Samantha is still out sick, so Daphne has moved to the infant room for the day.  The door to enter the daycare is to the left.

Cassandra has a makeshift office closer to the kids.  It will make it a lot easier to get some paperwork done, and at the same time help keep an eye on the kids.

Cassandra has asked her daughter, Christina, to come help out today because of the staff shortage.  A few kids are inside playing, while the rest....

are enjoying the new playground.  You can't have a daycare without a playground!

Faith is outside playing with the kids. 

Well, I'm off to bed now.  I hope to be 100% soon.  


  1. Oh wow!! What a coincidence because I'm sick too!! I know how your feeling and hope you recover soon.

  2. hope you feel better soon Vanessa.and the pictures are great.i liked the daycare.

  3. I'm sorry. I hope you feel better soon! The playground looks adorable.

  4. Take care of yourself and I hope you feel better soon.


  5. Feel better soon and tell the new beau I said thanks for taking care of you so well. :-)

    Oh yea, the playground is so cute!

  6. Hope you feel better soon.

    Love the new playground, and NO you could not have a daycare center without an outdoor area. Those young lungs need an outlet outside.

    Take care!

  7. Sending get well wishes and hugs!!!! So glad you have someone keeping watch over you. SLEEP! We can wait for more of your wonderfulness when you feel better.

  8. please take care of yourself!

    Cassandra is clever, for sure now it will be easier for her to work. daycare looks really good!

  9. Take care of yourself my friend. You have really been working hard on your stories...maybe some rest now.
    Prayerfully Yours!

  10. The daycare looks nice! *thumbs up*
    Get well soon Vanessa!

  11. Thanks everyone for your wonderful comments. I'm not feeling better yet, but I hope a good night's sleep with do the trick.

  12. I think you are taxing yourself with too many dolls! You need to give me some to lighten your burden! ;) Daycare looks great! Get some rest and take care!

    1. Ms. Leo - You could be right that the dolls are sapping my energy. Some of these dolls must have the flu and they didn't tell me.

  13. Heard there's a bad stomach bug going around, take care!

    1. pattidolls - No I don't have the stomach bug. My stomach has been functioning just fine. I have a head/chest thing going on.

  14. I'm glad you have a supportive new beau to take care of you. I hope you feel better soon.

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. I had to give the new beau a little break. Poor thing.

  15. Hoping you feel brtter soon. The new daycare centre looks great and the nice thing about dolls is - all their stories will wait until you get better.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. That is the good thing about dolls. Time seems to stand still.

  16. Love the day care center. The playground looks great. You have the coolest props. I hope you feel better Vanessa!

    1. Georgia Girl - I'm trying to use as many of those props as possible. I don't like accumulating stuff and not using it. Today I am feeling much better.

  17. Hope you feel better soon, Vanessa! Glad to know you're being well taken care of. : )

    1. Debbie - I am willing myself back to health through prayer. Seems to be working.

  18. Hello from Spain: I hope you already recovered your health problems. I love the nursery and the playground. I also I have those swings. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks for stopping by to see the new playground at the daycare. One day I will do a story or video with the daycare. It's always fun working with the kids.

  19. Although I am starting from where I left off, I hope you are back up to a healty percent by now!

    The daycare is spacious with plenty of room for little tykes to roam free. They've got cars and everything!


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