Monday, August 13, 2012

Pillow Talk

Danielle finally emerges from the bathroom.

"There you are.  I was getting a little worried about you."  (Rod)
"Sorry honey.  I needed an extra long shower tonight."  (Danielle)

"Well, we got mom off today with only a short airport delay.  Julian tried to be a big boy, but I could tell he was sad to see her leave."  (Danielle)
"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there to see her off."  (Rod)
"Honey, she understood.  And Ian was there, so she was more than elated."  (Danielle)

"So how was your first day back?"  (Danielle)

"Long and lonely without you."  (Rod)
"Awww, that's so sweet.  I missed you, too."  (Danielle) 

"Honey, I would have done that for you."  (Rod)
"You can do it next time."  (Danielle)

"I guess I should get the lights."  (Danielle)
"Not yet." (Rod)

"So honey, yesterday my mom and I happened to be watching The View.  Would you believe their whole show was about blended families?"  (Danielle)
"Really?"  (Rod)

"It was as if I was getting a message.  Judge Judy was on there and she had a lot to say because of her own experience having a blended family, and all the crap she sees in family court.  Bottom line is, I no longer want to confront Melanie.  We are all intelligent adults and we are going to figure out how to make this blended family thing work." (Danielle)

"This is one of the many reasons why I love you."  (Rod)
"I haven't figured out the details, yet, but we will bring her up to our level.  We will not stoop to hers."  (Danielle)

"By the way, do you know what everyone was asking me at work, today?"  (Rod)
"What?"  (Danielle)
"About the baby."  (Rod)
"What baby?"  (Danielle)
"Apparently, the one we are supposed to have as a newly married couple."  (Rod)

Danielle pauses for a few minutes.
"I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to catch you off guard.  Just looking into your eyes and hearing you talk about our blended family, it just sort of came out."  (Rod)
"Goodness, we have never talked about having more kids."  (Danielle)
"And you know what, we don't have to talk about it right now.  Whenever you are ready to have that conversation, we will."  (Danielle)

Danielle sinks back into Rod's arms.
"Thanks.  With all the Melanie issues, and the renovations.  Have you seen our kitchen?  It's a wreck!  We still have to finish our bedroom, and Nicole's room.  Where on earth would a nursery go?"  (Danielle)
"Shhh.  Relax honey.  It will all get taken care of.   We have time.  I'm going to turn off the light."  (Rod)

Rod returns and holds his bride in his arms until she falls asleep.  He passed on telling her about the dinner that was in the planning stages for his father and all the grandkids.  Maybe he would tell her that news tomorrow.

While I was laid up sick, I did watch a show dedicated to blended families on The View.  Judge Judy was there and after seeing the episode, my whole approach to handling the Melanie issues did change.   The details have yet to be worked out.  Stay tuned!


  1. Sometimes tv shows are inspirative. This story is so sensitive e intimate, I feel like I have to speak softly to not disturb them

    1. Sergio - They are so into each other, I don't think they could hear you, no matter what.

  2. Really enjoyed this Vanessa...They are such a sweet couple! Seems as if this will be worked out soon. How are you...are you feeling better? Worried!

    1. Loretta - I am confident they will work it out. I'm feeling better today. Don't worry.

  3. I'm glad that Danielle doesn't want to stoop to Melanie's level. Hopefully, Melanie will be able to come to terms with everything in the end.

    1. Alura - If Melanie had heard what Judge Judy said, she would straighten right up. Judge Judy doesn't have a problem telling a person how stupid they are when they do stupid things. It has to work out, for the kid's sake.

  4. *sighs of relief* Whoo! I have a feeling Melanie just dodged a bullet there. As cute as it would be for Rod and Danielle to have a baby, I think that they should savor the honeymoon time before kids are mentioned again.

    1. Verona - Yes, one bullet dodged. They have a lot on their plate right now. Adding a baby to it would definitely be interesting.

  5. Great story Vanessa! I think this is a great way to handle Melanie. A new baby would be nice after they honeymoon a little more. : )

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. There seems to be plenty of room in there for a baby crib, when the time is right.

  6. I love it when real life inspires our doll's lives!! Danielle is being a better person by not stooping to Melanie's level. And Rod must love her even more for that. They are so sweet :)

    1. Miranda - Yes, my way is the civil way, but for a moment, I considered going the drama route. That route is rarely ever what's best for anyone involved. Makes great reality show fodder, but that's about it.

  7. Hi Vanessa! Having grown up in a blended family, I really look forward to seeing how you handle this situation. There are always so many emotions with both the adults and children. My situation started out rocky, but believe it or not, my mom and stepmom are now friends! Not best friends or anything but they have travelled together, celebrated holidays, and been a shoulder for one another to cry on at various times. I can truly say this helped me and my siblings be closer to one other. Also, it allowed me to have a close bond with my stepmom without feeling like I was betraying my mother. (Note-I still tread carefully when it comes to that! :) )

    1. veda - Thanks so much for sharing that with us. I can believe they are friends. I've been in blended families as an adult. They can be difficult, but I have witnessed some fantastic ones and it always warms my heart to see.

  8. Danielle is so civil.:-) She is still going to have to be firm if Melanie is verbally abusing the babies. It is really Rod's place to deal with his ex.
    I really like the poses Daniel is in. So realistic. lol
    They are so tender towards one another.

    1. Grandmommy - If done correctly, Melanie wouldn't ever verbally abuse the boys. She would end up loving them.

      Rod is really the calming force in Danielle's life right now.

  9. I just love this series it is so realistic oh and when r u going to make another beach sort of thing?

    1. CA Carlson - Thanks. I'm not sure I have to energy to do a beach thing right now. Maybe in the dead of winter, some couple or couples will take off to a beach resort for a winter getaway.

  10. Really good episode Vanessa! I'm going to see if I can catch the View episode online. I still haven't figured out how to work my own situation out.

    Something about Rod & Danielle episodes make me want a laptop faster than I plan on getting one. They give me that, curl up under my blanket and read it in bed vibe. :)

    Good to see you back.

    1. Tracy - Hope you are able to find the View episode. Those situations are always challenging.

      I sure am glad I got a man now. Otherwise these two would have me feeling left out. Aren't newlyweds so cute? The key is keeping that newlywed feeling going strong.

      Good to be back.

  11. thats so romantic i love them as a couple they are great togther.good that Danille had realexed from mealanie. i think that she is gona be really angry if she sow her.i still can's bealive that mealanie treated julian like that.i thought that she is you know kind!!!but she wasnt. hope danille forgets her treatment.and thats gona be great if Danille and Rod get a baby after there honeymoon.vanessa your really making you dolls as a real person.and witch i love it.

    1. jassica joe - I'm glad you are happy with the way Rod and Danielle are handling things. Once Danielle stepped back from her anger, she was able to see that Melanie didn't really mean any harm to Julian. That was misdirected anger. Once Melanie can dissipate that anger, which she admittedly doesn't understand where it's coming from, they will be able to move forward better.

  12. Good to see Danielle has thought it through and is opting for this approach. Now we'll have to see what Melanie does - because it takes everyone to make a blended family work well.

    1. Carrickters - You are so right about everyone needing to be on board with making things work. Let's just hope her personal life gets a little brighter. That usually helps.

  13. Welcome back; hope you're feeling better. Danielle's decision to "ignore" Melanie is quite the sensible approach. Melanie will have to come to terms with Rod's new family on her own. There is no need to add fuel to fire when the fire is not needed. But if Melanie ever mistreats one of Danielle's children, I will send Danielle's identical cousin, Kayla, to Morristown to snatch a knot in Melanie's tail. (Ooooh... did I write that?)

    Seriously, I read a Denzel Washington quote yesterday that explains Melanie's frame of mind and how Danielle is handling it:

    “What it taught me was forgiveness. It taught me that when people present themselves in a certain way, there's probably some back story or issue or reason for the way that they are. It's not you. It's them. And a lot of times, its about something that's completely out of their control”
    ― Denzel Washington, A Hand to Guide Me


    1. Love that Denzel quote! It's so true.

    2. DBG - Oh my, I don't think I have ever seen you so volatile before! Cousin Kayla seems to be one who could do it, too.

      That is a perfect Denzel quote, and his sentiments are ones I've been touting for a little while now. Especially the part about it not being within their control. Some of those issues are so deeply rooted, without some 'real' help, There can't be healing. Thanks for sharing that with us.

  14. Has Melanie been continuing her therapy sessions? Does she feel any remorse for what she said to Julian or is she too caught up in her own emotions to reach Danielle's level of grace?

    1. limbe dolls - Melanie has not been back to counseling, but she does have a session scheduled. We will be able to witness that soon.

  15. They're such a sweet couple... lol, although how long WAS she in that bathroom?? Days!!! XD

    I can't believe he didn't jump her when she got done with the lotion!!

    1. Heather - LOL! She was in there a while. I think bone jumping may have been in his plans, but he could sense she needed to talk.

  16. Rod is such a good man, I love him myself(just joking).I hope they have a wonderful life.

    1. drupay - If I told you my new real man is just as unbelievable as Rod, you probably wouldn't believe me, but he is. I am still in awe and thinking, "did I manifest this good man, through my Rod character?" Whatever the case, I sure have been blessed! I'm not putting too many bumps in their relationship for fear it will spill over into mine. LOLOL!

  17. Love seeing Rod and Danielle together. I think they can survive anything. Together. I thought it was cute when Danielle applied lotion to her legs and Rod told her that he would "do that."

    Glad to hear that you are doing better.

    1. D7ana - Aren't they adorable together. They are a strong couple and I think they can handle things together well.

      I'm feeling a lot better today. By the end of the week I should be 100%.

  18. I hope Rod and Danielle have a baby together. Can we take a vote on it like we did the wedding dresses? Just kidding, we'll all just wait patiently and be surprised down the road. Thanks for sharing what you've learned about blended families on the View. It's inspiring. : )

    1. Debbie - LOL! At least you guys have made me laugh a lot today. No baby voting. We will all just have to wait and see. Isn't it better when there is a surprise?

  19. Hello from Spain: I like the dialogue of this marriage. The topics are everyday in families. Television can be inspiring too. The room is very elegant. I like both pictures and lamp nightstand. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I like dealing with real topics with the dolls. I never know how they will handle things, but it's fun to see them try to work out their issues.

  20. Cool! I like where you are going, even though I don't know where you're going with your approach ;-) Too many people these days are handling stuff like they do on reality television like RHOA where someone is always trying to fight (last time I saw it anyway). And the reality is - it's bad - really bad.

    1. Kenya - My nature is always less drama, but you know how sometimes you guys like the drams to unfold even with the dolls. This is such a touchy subject, that I want to potentially help real people through it, if only by inspiration, because it's so worth it to get the blended family thing right. I can't even watch those reality shows. Occasionally, I run across one and think, "WOW, am I missing something?"

  21. LOL, I'm probably the only one who was rooting for a smackdown, but I guess it's good that cooler heads prevailed. I think it's probably out of Danielle's character to take someone to task, but when her kid was involved she was "in the moment" and not so quick calm herself.

    Rod is a very good mood reader because I know he gets all hot and bothered when she puts just one leg on the bed like that, but he held off too.

    1. Muff - You weren't the only one rooting for a smackdown. There were many others. Danielle just be throwing those legs around, totally forgetting about her husband. That lotion comment sort of flew over her head.

  22. I'm looking forward to that Melanie episode, Rod and Danielle are one of my favourite couples and I wonder how this issue will end...

    1. Rossetti - I'm anxious to see how it turns out, too. I feel confident that they will be able to work it out.


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