Thursday, August 9, 2012

Granny Goes Back Home to Florida

Danielle's mom is finally going back home to Florida.  As she puts it, she has done her job.  Danielle, the boys and Ian are there to see her off.  Rod had to go back to work.  Due to some minor passing thunderstorms, the plane departure has been delayed for an hour.

"Mom, I've gotten so used to you being here, it's going to take me a while to function normally again."  (Danielle)
"Oh chile, you will be just fine.  I am leaving you in good hands."  (Grandma)

Daria is headed to Florida to meet up with her husband who is on a business trip.  They will take the weekend to enjoy the sun and the sights.  Pretty poor timing, considering her younger sister just showed up in town.

"Do you really think we are going to be able to leave in an hour?"  (Worker in pink)
"They are usually pretty good at predicting those weather patterns."  (Worker in suit)

"So Ian, will I be back soon  to help with your wedding?"  (Grandma)
"Bite your tongue, mom.  I'm way too young to think about marriage.  Maybe when I'm 35."  (Ian)

"Come on Jacob.  They have candy over here."  (Julian whispering) 

No one notices that the two little ones have walked off.

Still conversating....

"Julian? Jacob?" (Danielle)
She notices them by the closed concession stand and she immediately hops up.

"Julian and Jacob, WHAT are you doing over here?"  (Danielle) 

"Julian, you know better than to walk off like that."  (Danielle)
"But mommy, you guys are right there."  (Julian)

"It doesn't matter how close we are.  It takes seconds for someone to snatch you away.   Not only did you risk your life, but you took Jacob with you, too.  Go have a seat.  We will discuss this more when we get home."  (Danielle)

"Julian, you know better.  What were you thinking?  Do you know how much we would miss you if something happened to you?  Come sit with me."  (Grandma)
Within the hour, Granny's plane is loaded and the take off is successful.  It's a very somber goodbye as everyone has gotten used to Granny being there.  She promises to come visit soon.

Note: About a week ago Ms. Leo did a blog post on a lady who sells inexpensive doll clothes, including clothes for the male dolls.  I bought a few things.  Ian is wearing one of the short sets that arrived.  It has a collar, but the collar is a tad too big for me.  Right now it is tucked in.  I will either cut it off or make the collar a little smaller.  You can get all the info about this ebay seller on Ms. Leo's post.  Thanks Ms. Leo.


  1. Julian adore's sweets i liked when he whispered to Jacob. he is so cute and funny.

    1. jassica - He must have seen the popcorn machine, because everything else was put away.

  2. Oh Julian. Hopeully Danielle won't be too hard on him. I hope we'll see more of Granny soon! Great photostory, and glad to see your feeling better!

    1. Verona - Kid snatching is such a scary thing. Granny will be back. She can't stay away from home forever.

  3. Nice episode! I kind of hate to see grandma leave. Love your dio.

    1. Georgia Girl - Sure was nice having granny around to babysit at a moment's notice. But she will be back to see her grands soon.

  4. The double doors to the waiting area are very impressive. Wishing Grandma a safe trip home!

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. I hope she makes it home safe too. Traveling in bad weather is never fun.

  5. Danielle is going to miss her mum, they always are there to help with everything! I hope she's got a good trip, and I hope you feel better too!

    1. Rossetti - Yes she will surely miss her mom, but she will pop back into supermom mode and be okay. Oops, almost forgot she has a husband now too. Luckily he isn't one of those husbands that doubles as one of the kids. LOL!

      I'm hoping to get antibiotics today. I've dealt with this sickness long enough. It's not leaving me and I need it to go.

  6. Nous sommes à l'aéroport ! C'est génial, cela me fait pensé à mon épisode 13. C'est génial Vanessa, tu as toujours de bonnes idées. Et j'imagine comme pour moi chaque nouvelle scène est un défi pour faire la décoration.

    1. Shasarignis - Merci beaucoup! Je vais avoir à réexaminer votre épisode 13. Les scènes sont très facile pour moi de le faire. Celui-ci a pris environ 15 minutes.

  7. Hope the antibiotics help.

    Aw, I'll miss Grandma, too. Look forward to her return. Julian and Jacob cute as ever; I trust Danielle to explain the situation to her sons.

    1. D7ana - I killed two birds with one stone today. As I was going through my first bout of chemo injections today (yeah, I didn't tell you guys about that new treat), the temperature I had threw up a big red flag and they pulled in a doc to prescribe some antibiotics. I actually felt a lot better after the chemo (much less toxic than regular chemo)injection. But six days from now I should be 100%. I had a sinus infection and it wasn't going anywhere.

      Granny shall return!

    2. Vanessa, glad that you killed two bird - metaphorically speaking ;-D. Hooray that the new treatment is working and hooray that the sinus infection is now leaving.

      Folks here are cheering for Granny's return.

  8. Granny fit in so well, I forgot she didn't live there.LOL
    Your dio is very realistic. Julian's little legs are so cute. lol
    Is it my imagination or is Danielle's outfit a bit in maternity? hmmmm
    I have that same fabric Ian is wearing. I was going to ask if you made the outfit.

    1. Grandmommy - Julian has skinny, tall legs. It's your imagination. Danielle is NOT pregnant. It's just an airy top.

  9. Ok, now I'm in the Mommie mode. Vanessa, please get your meds, and take your meds Vanessa! I don't want to have to come there! Feel better soon! Love you!

    1. Loretta - By default, I have my meds now. Unfortunately, all of my doctors are an hour away. Long story, but it was necessary to save my life. So popping in to see the doc is not so easy. The other thing is when you are on cancer meds, not all prescribed meds will work with them, so I like my oncologist to tell me what I need. I knew I would be seeing them today. I am better now.

  10. I love Julian's body language. He couldn't back up any further into that counter. LOL!

    1. Kenya - Good thing Julian didn't weigh much more. He probably would have knocked the counter over.

  11. The worker in pink seems ready for clubbing

    1. Sergio - That airline stewardess dress does not say clubbing to me. I guess her hair and makeup probably says she's ready to party.

  12. Love the shot of Julian and Jacob wandering off. I'm glad nothing happened to them though.

    1. Alura - When I shot the story, I had the man in the background just getting up to go to leave the area for awhile. Then I decided to have the kids wander off. When I saw the pictures, it got a little scary to me because I could imagine that man just nonchalantly picking up Jacob and going about his merry way. I'm glad I didn't have THAT story in my head.

  13. Hello from Spain: in my country the planes always come late ... We lose much time at the airport ... Jacob and Julian are very cute .. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I haven't ridden too many planes lately. I used to ride just about every week for the job. For the most part, the timing is pretty good. Are you on a break? I noticed you haven't posted in awhile.

    2. Hello again: I spent a week on vacation and took the opportunity to visit Madrid. It is the capital of Spain and is a very interesting city.I bought some Barbie for my collection ... I hope to soon resume the routine of my blog ... Keep in touch

  14. This is another great photostory.

    Julian is so adorable and innocent. I am so glad Danielle noticed the boys' absence before anything untoward could happen. You cannot take your eyes off children for a split second.

    I noticed the eBay seller's oversized ties when I viewed her Ken-sized clothing, but her prices are great. Ian looks cool (temperature wise) in his new clothes.


    1. DBG - Thanks. People laugh when they see parents with their kids on those little leashes. I understand. I'd rather have people laughing and my kids home with me at night time. My mom used to have one of those little leashes for my little brother, otherwise he would be off and running. He's 38 and it didn't hurt his self esteem one iota.

  15. Oh, so very creative. It really does appear like they are in an airport waiting room! :)

    1. In a Dolly's World - Thanks. I'll be by to visit soon. I have a lot of blog reading catching up to do.

  16. Vanessa, I hope you feel better soon! I didn't know you were taking chemo meds.

    Danielle will have to deal with Julian's growing independence! He is so cute. I hope he isn't in too much trouble.

    I liked Ian in the outfit. The collars on the things I purchased were OK. I looked over them well before I ordered and pick what I thought would work. Sorry if it wasn't quite to your liking. Thanks for the "shout out". I guess I need to get working on the fashion show.

    1. Ms. Leo - I've been taking oral chemo meds for two years. Now I have to move to injections. But it was better than I expected. I have at least a year, but my energy has never been compromised.

      You know Danielle loves that little boy too much for him to be in too much trouble.

      I was not disappointed in the outfits. I knew the collars were big when I bought them. But I knew I could make the necessary changes, and they were so worth it, and so cute.

  17. I'm sure they will miss there grandmother and they are lucky because Mrs Dotson stays on the move. Thanks for the link.

    1. Brini - The boys will miss grandma. She will have to come back more often, so they can keep that special bond going.

      By the way, your Bambi showed up in my backyard two days ago. I thought I would die laughing. I hadn't seen deer in my yard in over 7 yrs. I immediately thought of you and your harrowing deer situations.

  18. It's always so sad saying goodbye. I was a gate agent for an airline just prior to 9/11, back when you didn't have to have a boarding pass to go out to the gates. It was so emotional for me. One second I'm smiling as I'm letting passengers off an aircraft to greet family and the next moment I'm near tears as I'm watching people hugging and saying their goodbyes. So, watching grandma board her flight today brought tears to my eyes....even if she's only a doll : (

    1. Debbie - Awww, that was so sad. I never imagined gate agents would get sad. What a roller coaster day you must have had. Granny has a really nice life in Florida, but she will be back.

  19. I've been busy as of late, but your stories allow me to take a breather and always bring a smile to my face! Thank you! <3

    1. Matty - Hello. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to be back in the saddle real soon. I have to do my part to keep you smiling.

  20. I don't think I realized that granny lived so far out of town, but of course Morristown has an airport so she can get in and out when needed.

    If I had been Julian my mom would have whupped me right there in the airport. I don't think you can do that in public any more though. 0_o

    1. Muff - LOL! Yes those were the good old days. But I'm sure if your mom was anything like my mom, you knew not to try anything crazy like that. You knew what was coming if you did.


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