Monday, July 23, 2012

Getting the Boys Ready for Dinner

Danielle heads to the boy's room to get them dressed for dinner.
"Okay, Jacob.  Let's get you out of those pajamas."  (Danielle)

"Julian, what happened to the toys you were bringing up to put away?"  (Danielle)

"Oh yeah.  I forgot.  I'll go get them."  (Julian)
"Never mind.  Come get dressed.  We don't have a lot of time."  (Danielle)

"Hello, kitty."  (Jacob)

Danielle looks for an outfit for Jacob.
"Mommy can I wear my Batman clothes?"  (Julian)
"I don't see why not.  I'll get them out for you."  (Danielle)

Danielle finds outfits for both boys.
"Mommy, these are the wrong pants.  They're supposed to be black."  (Julian)
"The black pants are in the laundry, waiting to be washed."  (Danielle)
"Awww, man."  (Julian)
"You have to wear the gray pants today.  Sorry."  (Danielle)

"Now, there's my handsome little devil."  (Danielle to Jacob)

"Mommy am I your little devil, too."  (Julian)
Danielle starts laughing.
"You are definitely my little devil, among other things."  (Danielle)

"So how's it going in here?  We really need to get going soon."  (Rod)
"We are finished and just about ready."  (Danielle)

"Julian, where are your shoes?" (Danielle)
"They're downstairs."  (Julian)
"Okay, go put your shoes on and wait downstairs."  (Danielle)
Danielle starts tidying up the room a bit.

"Oh, I thought we were in a hurry?"  (Danielle)
"We are, but I always have a moment to hug my new wife."  (Rod)

"Awww, you are so sweet.  I will always have time for that hug, too."  (Danielle)

Meanwhile, Jacob and his kitty are headed out the door.
Danielle's sixth mommy sense kicked in.

"Jacob where are you going?"  (Danielle)
"I'm going bye bye."  (Jacob)
"Okay, well wait for us.  We will come with you."  (Danielle)
So the three of them head downstairs to join the rest of the family.


  1. Great dio and above all, lovely scenes!!! Julian and Jacobs are real "suns", as we say in Spanish! Danielle is a very lucky mum...

    1. Rossetti - Thanks. "Suns and mum". I love it.

  2. Very sweet. Is the cat a stuffed toy or a new member of the family? Either way it is precious.

    1. limbe dolls - That is Jacob's new stuffed toy. Danielle is not ready to take on a real pet yet.

  3. Love the boys' rooms and the family morning unfolding. Julian and Jacob are adorable as usual and Danielle and Rod remain my favorite couple.

    1. D7ana - It's actually early evening and they are headed to the family dinner they spoke about in the video. Jacob is still in his cars pjs because every time grandma tried to get him dressed, he would go into fits, so she just left him in them, just to keep the peace.

    2. Grandma having a good stiff drink now? In her place, I might, lol. I love how Danielle talks to her sons: she's direct and yet warm. No mush or baby-talk either. Go Mama-Danielle. Nicole lucked out getting Danielle for a step-mother.

      Those car pjs are cute as is Julian's Batman tee shirt. (And hey, what's with Mr. Julian wanting the black pants over the gray? Junior Divo on Danielle's and Rod's hands? Awww ... he's a cutie.)

    3. D7ana - Have a drink for me, too. Julian knows he has never seen batman in gray pants.

  4. Bah! These guys are so cute! They have such a wonderful, warm family dynamic.

    1. Heather - Danielle is such a good mommy. Her love for those boys always shines through. Nice to see she will have time for Rod, too.

  5. Hello from Spain: I love the children's room. I love Julian's shirt. Did you buy it? Jacob and his toy are cute. . They are a very romantic couple. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I bought Julian's shirt from Etsy. It's a tad big. I will look up the seller later and get that info to you.

  6. The boys' room is still fantastic! :) Jacob is too cute with his kitty and I love how he started wandering off.

    1. Alura - I imagine their room will get finished now that the wedding is over and Rod and Danielle will be remodeling the house.

  7. Ahh. A sweet evening scene. I'm so glad they got through the wedding with not much of a problem. I was a lil worried aboout Melanie!

    1. Verona - Now that they have made it through the wedding, let's see if they can make it through the marriage. LOL!

  8. Awww, such a cute story. Those boys are adorable. Rod and Danielle makes a very nice couple. I know it's early in the relationship, but I don't believe that Rod can do any wrong. They are my favorite couple in Morristown.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I would like to think Rod can do no wrong, too, but there are a lot of dynamics that could affect the relationship. Fingers crossed.

  9. LOL, that mommy sense will catch them every time. I couldn't get away with nothing sneaky when I was a kid. My mom would be like, "WHO'S THAT?! WHAT'S HAPPENING?! YOU BETTER NOT!!!"

    Are you using different lighting here? The original size photos are so nicely crisp. It looks bright and diffused at the same time. The boys and their room are adorable.

    1. Muff - Moms always had two or three pair of eyes and hands. They could be cooking, talking on the phone, and still be able to pop you. LOL!

      Not different lighting, my DSLR camera, for the first time. I don't know how to use it properly yet. It's still in auto mode, but I figured I better start somewhere and work my way to some really awesome photos.

  10. Very cute story. Love Jacob and his cat and Julian and his wanting black pants (reminds me of a family story about my nephew and his first can of cola). I hope Rod and Danielle stay as happy as they are now.

    1. Carrickters - How can you leave me hanging about the can of cola story? That sounds very interesting.

  11. Danielle definitely caught a good one, and she deserved it. I love the boy's room, it's so cute.

    I hope they have a nice dinner before Rod has to take Nicole home. :)

  12. how lovely Jacob is "i am going bye bye" love him. every time Danielle and rod have to hug (lol)

    1. jassica joe - Newlyweds are like that. They are always hugging. Usually it wears off pretty quickly when they get back to regular life.


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