Sunday, June 10, 2012

Scenes From the Upcoming Video

I'm working on the new video today.  This will be the end of the reception regardless of what happens or doesn't happen.  It's time for these people to go home and get on with their lives.  The setting is a small bar area not too far from the ballroom.  Rod was looking for a more private area, but the hotel was pretty busy. Even the courtyard was crowded.

Poor Freeman

A few of the models, there for the conference, met in the bar to have a drink.  The bartender is loving all the attention.

Hmmm.  I wonder what they are saying.  I didn't have anything good to put on the shelf, so I had to make do.

This is one of my favorite dios.  It was a difficult photoshoot because this is located in one of my oversized bookcases in the darker recesses of Morristown.  It's always difficult to get the lighting right because of the reflections and not being able to get light behind or on top of the subject.


  1. The rooms look smashing. I can't wait to hear what happens to Freeman!

    1. Verona - Thanks. Poor Freeman could use a hug.

  2. Love the room! I wonder what they are talking about too. : ). Looking forward to the video.

  3. Hello from Spain: congratulations on these photos. I see them very good. You did a great job with the room and furniture. Ken I have the same waiter for several years. I love Freeman. He is a very interesting man. Keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Thanks! I just got Rhett a couple of months ago. He makes a great hotel waiter. LOL!

  4. Funny, I was going to say I liked the walls. Now I find it is your bookcase that is hard to shoot from. lol

    Everything is great and very realistic!

    1. Grandmommy - LOL! It's a very nice bookcase, but it sure could use some light holes in the back. It it wasn't so nice, I would cut them in.

  5. The bar area looks phenomenal! At least Freeman looks apologetic and like he doesn't really mean to cause them any trouble.

    1. Alura - You kind of have to feel sorry for the guy. I sure hope he has a good excuse.

  6. Hmmm.....I might have to take a walk out to the bar area. lol Looking forward to hearing the conversation between father and sons. That should be interesting and informative.

    1. Debbie - You are a little busy in the ballroom, trying to get your son to do you a favor.

  7. That first shot of Freeman looks great! As if Morgan F. himself were sitting there.

    Hmmmm ... I'm not so sure he should be "poor Freeman" - he could have waited until the guests were gone. Not beating him up, but I'm curious to hear what he has to say first. Brooding. Yeah, we'll hear about it.

    LOL - I know. I got nerve ;-D

    I love that bar setting. I can see by the sheen on the panels that that was a tricky shot to achieve. Applause for your doing so in spite of the lighting difficulties.

    Looking forward to the next video!

  8. D7ana - But look at that face. But come to think of it, he definitely won't win any brownie points with the stunt he pulled.

  9. The bookshelf creates a nice area for a dio. Looks like my den with our dated (but I like it) dark "real" wooden paneling.

    Can't wait to see how Freeman and his boys' conversation plays out as well as the reception finale.


    1. DBG - You won't have to wait long. I'm adding the music now and then uploading the video.

      If it was one of the cheapy bookcases, I would just put a few strategic holes in the back.

  10. Freeman does look a bit down. It will be interesting to see what he has to say for himself - and how the boys respond. Your background looks very appropriate for the conversation. Looking forward to the video.

    1. Carrickters - Poor Freeman. LOL! I know I sound like a broken record. I hate to see a grown man so upset.

  11. The dark bookcase gives a touch of classic elegance: love it!! I've lost an auction on Ebay for that Rhett! So jealous!!

    1. Sergio - I too love the elegance of the dark paneling. Perfect for a lounge/bar area. That Rhett shows up on ebay all the time. Hang in there. You should be able to get him for a really good price. Make sure you search all the auctions before you buy him.

  12. Replies
    1. Mark - That's what I said! Thanks. Video will be up in a few hours.

  13. I love Freeman! What a great doll!!!

    The setup is great! But yeah, I've found bookshelves are very dark when it comes to lighting.

    1. Heather - Freeman is so lifelike. I love him.

      I really think it's more the location of this bookcase. I have another wood one that I use that is in the center on the room that gets more light from overhead. It really makes a huge difference.

  14. Wonderful dio. Can't wait for the end of the story!!!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! Wait no longer. I just posted the final video.


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