Monday, June 25, 2012

New TV Show! Craft Wars

Michael's is sponsoring a new TV show on TLC, starting this Tuesday at 10pm. Winner takes home $10,000.  That's a lot of crafting.  I'm sure we will pick up some great tips!  Should be very interesting.  You can check out the trailer below.


  1. I don't have cable channels so hopefully they will stream this online so I can see what they are up to. I do make a prediction that on the 1st episode someone is going to say, "It is what it is," about their project.

    1. Muff - I don't have cable either. I'm hoping they will do full episodes on their website. Finally a reality show I can get into.

  2. I'm sure the projects will be interesting. The show airs past my bedtime, however (early to bed, early to rise by habit).


    1. DBG - You know my motto. Never to sleep, always up. LOL!

  3. Hello from Spain: This program looks interesting. Keep in touch.

  4. Have to see it online. Wish they would do one with diorama experts. Play scale experts ... I mean, diorama creators who create in plays scale.

    Whew. Okay, I shoulda signed off a while ago.

  5. D7ana - Well tonight is the night. I just checked TLCs website. I'm sure they will do full episodes there. I can't wait! I'm anxious to see the crafting closet. We all should have one of those. That closet would be perfect for storing all the diorama stuff.


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