Wednesday, May 16, 2012

TJMaxx Doll Goodies

Yesterday I went back to Marshalls to find another bottle stopper for a fellow blogger Kenya.  She is not a doll person and plan on using the bottle stopper as.... get this..... a bottle stopper.  I also decided to see what TJMaxx had.  Typically both stores get the same type merchandise.  They had a couple of bottle stoppers, too.  When I ventured to the toy section I found a couple of goodies.  

This is a newer line of Fashionistas, but I have yet to see Raquelle in the regular retail stores in my area.  This doll is pretty.  She jumped out at me.  To date, all of my Fashionistas have been body donors.  After seeing a Raquelle doll on Clicking Dolls website, I knew I had to add her to the mix.  Make sure you click on the link and take a look.  She is fabulous!

I noticed quite a few Only Heart dolls at the Marshalls I went to this weekend.  I was so good, I didn't buy any of them.  They had the Asian one, and the light skinned curly haired doll.  She is Jessica in my stories.  I already have both of them, so why would I need them again.  Well TJ had a few of the outfits for $4. 

I couldn't pass on these.

Then I saw this version of Kayla Rae.  She is Nicole in my stories.  There was no way I was leaving her in the store.  Then I remembered that I wanted to turn some of my Only Heart girls into boys.  So she will eventually be a little boy.  So now I regret not getting the Asian and the little curly haired girl.  They will both make cute little boys.  I should have stuck to my "buy now, ask questions later" motto.  Then I wouldn't have to run back to the other Marshalls.

This is bottle stopper I bought for Kenya.  I didn't see the one I have with the 3 bottles.  They also had one with a single bottle and a different container.


  1. Oooh! Fantastic finds!

    This reminds me that I haven't been to TJMaxx or Marshalls in forever!

    1. You and a Neemo should do some treasure hunting there. LOL!

  2. Hey, hey, hey! You need to get one of those bottle stoppers thingies to have as a giveaway at Xmas! You know you will be doing one and you know that we like go ahead! ;D

    1. Ms. Leo - That is a thought, but I don't like giving items that require alterations in order to use it. I know how to work around the stopper until I (or Muff) can figure out how to remove it, but I don't want to put that on anyone else.

    2. Shoot, I done already cut that sucker! Opps, I'm so happy my county talk done come out! LOL

      The dremel cut it easy peasy. I posted some photos so you can see how it turned out. Thanks again for finding such cool stuff.

    3. Muff - I knew you would do it. I will pop over later to see your results.

    4. You do know you can cut it and post it on Esty because it will be kinda handmade at that point! ;D

    5. Ms. Leo - Thanks for my morning laugh. I was wondering where it would come from.

  3. Jealous. I hate being jealous because we all have so much to be thankful for. Pls forgive me but I love your bottle stop.

    1. Duke of Swann - I understand. The bottle stops are really cute.

  4. Congrats on your finds! Raquelle is very pretty. I've seen some really gorgeous photos of her that tempt me every time. But, I still can't deal with her big head. So, I swapped her body and I'll use her as an extra.

    I'm gonna have to check out my local Marshalls. :)

    1. Tracy - I fell in love with Raquelle once I saw what Jorge at Clicking Dolls did with her. I don't even see a big head on this doll. Don't forget to check TJMaxx, too.

  5. Great finds Vanessa! The new Raquelle is beautiful!!

    1. Sergio - Thanks. I can't believe I added another Asian doll to the group. As soon as the reception is over, I am going to do some stories with that community.

  6. Great finds! I am off to find one of those bottle stoppers! I too have tools lol
    Then m off to my Marshall's lol. Thanks for sharing:)

    1. Chynadoll - Don't forget TJMaxx. I can work around the bottom for now. Once you and Muff figure out how to cut off the bottom, I will try your technique.

  7. Those were some great finds!

    I picked up some Only Hearts items from Marshalls a couple of weeks ago. Some will be gifts but the Kayla Rae and Sydney set are MINE.


    1. DBG - I didn't see the sets at the two I went to. If I can find another Sydney, she too will be converted to a little boy.

  8. Great. Now I have to go do the tj maxx/marshalls circuit again.

    1. Miss Lola - Does enabler mean 'good friend' in some foreign language? LOL!

  9. Sweet deals on the Only Hearts dolls and outfits! Congratulations on getting them and thanks for sharing that news.

    Where are my area Marshalls?

    I used to not care for any of the Only Hearts dolls but having seen your Jessica and your Kayla Rae here ... well, now I could sort of see them here. That confession was dragged out of me, lol.

    1. D7ana - I must say I was surprised to see you commenting with all the Only Hearts stuff in this post. I remember you saying a few times, how much you weren't fond of them. I really love having the variety. Don't forget to look in TJMaxx, too. I can't wait to experiment with turning her into a boy. I will first do a boil perm and give her really tight curls, so when I cut it, the little boy will have a cute little afto.

  10. Lovely buys! Aww, when will they put the new fashonistas in the stores already!

    1. Verona - I was very confused as to why there were several there. Usually these stores only get leftover or surplus items. The date on the box is 2011. That's why I went ahead and bought her. I'm starting to question whether they will make all the regular stores.

  11. Nice stuff as usual didnt see those bottle stoppers at the marshalls near my house will try in philly this weekend though. I got one of those new fashionistas from the walmart 20 minutes from my house. She is still in the box they do not have them at the walmart around the corner from my house though. Got her for her body and the outfit. LOL

    1. mustiwait - Sometimes you have to look hard to find the cool stuff. The one I posted here was all the way on a back shelf and it was the last one there. Of course TJMaxx had about 3.

  12. I never thought of turning girl dolls into boys. Thats a good idea and cant wait to see who thier families are.

    1. Priya - When was the last time Mattel produced a Stacy sized boy? It's been forever. And if they did, my guess is that he would be blond. So we do what we have to do. I am building up a group of kids for a classroom scene.

  13. I never thought of turning girl dolls into boys. Thats a good idea and cant wait to see who thier families are.

  14. Thanks Vanessa for info. Now I have to make my way over to TJ Maxx and Marshalls to look for those dolls. I am desperately trying to hold out for the doll show. Lol! It don't look like I am going to make it.

    1. Georgia Girl - Getting the Only Heart dolls for $7.99 is a great deal. I was surprised to see them show up. I should have titled this post, "Now I don't even have gas money to get to the doll show". LOL! It doesn't look like I will be attending the show on Saturday. I will have to wait until November. That is just fine, although I was looking forward to seeing everyone. Going to a doll show without money is torture. I might as well stay home.

  15. Oh,My Friend!
    Thank You So Much For Your Kindness!
    Lovely to see your mention of my blog "CLICKING DOLLS".
    I'm a little bit out because I have a sad lost.
    I loose my mother this week and I'm off course really sad about that.But it was as a caress to see how did you appreciate my post about "Raquelle".
    Thank You So Much Friend Vanessa!!

    1. Jorge - I am so sorry to hear about your mom. My heart goes out to you and your family.

      Yes, you my friend, have me buying more dolls! I think we take for granted what we have available to us in the States. Reading about Raquelle and how well she is liked and how hard it is now to find her out of the states, I have a different appreciation for her. Artsy, too. I love the attention you have also shown the Artsy doll.

      Again my condolences for your loss.

    2. Thank You My Dear!
      It's Great To Know I Have A Friend On You!
      When My Heart Starts Beat Again By The Same Rhythm I'll Try To Creat A New Post On The Blog.
      See You!!

  16. ello from Spain: I really like the new Raquelle. I had not seen before. Felicidade spor all your shopping ... I think I have to travel to America ... stores in your city you can buy wonderful dolls and clothes ... keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Come on over and bring an empty suitcase. I am sure you will fill it with lots of doll goodies.

  17. Love your purchases!!!! I'd like to buy that fashionista, too, I think I can use her body for my fashion fever teresa. However I'll have to wait quite a lot until it can be bought here.

    1. Rossetti - I am still confused why this fashionista was in TJMaxx. I have yet to see her in the regular stores in this area. This one is part of a new line with all new versions of each character. None of those have shown up in the local stores here. I wonder if they will show up at all.

  18. Thank you! I look foward to using it for a real bottle of wine ;-)


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