Monday, May 21, 2012

Halle Moves to a New Condo

There's a new condominium in Morristown.  This town is growing leaps and bounds.  I wanted to create another versatile space that could be quickly altered to create a new space for different characters and families.  There have been quite a few spaces leased out, but there are still plenty left.

This is Halle Berry's one bedroom condo.  She recently moved here to get close to the in town action.  It's a small space, but she thinks it's perfect for her.  She got tired of doing the up keep on the last house she was renting.  

This is her unfinished bedroom.  She literally moved in ten days ago, then jetted off to Atlanta for a week to do a photoshoot.

Her living and kitchen area.  

Halle is back from meeting with her agent about some upcoming projects.  She is already scheduled through August.

Halle relaxes a little with her favorite snack yogurt and Lay's potato chips.  She never goes overboard with the chips.  She decides to call Racquelle to make sure she is still coming over to see her new place. 

An hour later...
"Come on in.  I wasn't sure you were still coming."  (Halle)
"There must be something happening down here tonight because traffic was horrendous."  (Racquelle)
"There is always some event or concert happening at the jazz place around the corner."  (Halle)

"I love your new place.  Seems like the perfect little love nest for you." (Racquelle)
"I haven't had a chance to really see how I like it.  We didn't get my stuff moved in until the night before I left for Atlanta.  Getting a moving truck was almost impossible.  I'm sorry.  I'm being rude.  Can I get you something to drink?"  (Halle)
"No.  I can't stay too long.  I still have to stop by the store to get something to cook for dinner." (Racquelle)

"Now that's an interesting kitchen you have there."  (Racquelle)
"It's not as nice as the one in the last place, but I think it will grow on me.  If it doesn't I will just have it replaced.  As you can see, I still have a ton of decorating to do."  (Halle)
"Let me know if I can help."  (Racquelle)

"So how does Diego like the place?" (Racquelle)
"Considering all he's done so far is move in my stuff, I don't think he's had a chance to feel anything about it. He's coming by later tonight.  Did I tell you, he flew to Atlanta to spend a couple days with me?" (Halle)
"Wow!  I'm impressed, but not surprised.  You always have guys running after you.  He probably didn't want anyone in Atlanta pushing up on his woman."  (Racquelle)
"I like the way he put it better.....'A week is just too long to go without seeing you.'" (Halle)
"Oh that brutha got it bad."  (Racquelle)
They both burst out laughing.  Racquelle visits a while longer then heads to the grocery store.  

A few more people that live in the condo.
I love this girl.  She recently leased a space here.  She has also found a space for her Pet Boutique.

This is Max.  He's lived in Morristown for a while now, but is just now making his debut.  He is a trainer and masseuse.  As a matter of fact, he is Halle's trainer and was the one who told her about the condo.

Lynn and her husband (Jada's father) also live in the building.  They have a two bedroom condo to accommodate Jada when she stays over.


  1. Absolutely lovely! My girls are so jealous! XD

    1. Heather - Thanks! They won't be jealous if you build them a place of their own.

  2. It's beautiful! And that Max is a real cutie :).

    1. Verona - Thanks. Isn't Max a cutie? I named him after Max on Dancing with the Stars.

  3. Replies
    1. Shasarignis - Thanks. I love putting small spaces together.

  4. I like this alternetive story with other characters!! Did you do the tatoo on Max's arm?

    1. Sergio - Thanks. I have so many characters. This is the perfect time to give them a little time since so many people are at the reception.

    2. Sergio - I forgot to say that Max came with his tattoo.

  5. how do you seperate your doll houses and have room for them. do u put all the houses in one big room? just curious. feel free to email me at

    1. coolsinger - I have one room dedicated to Morristown. It has some shelving units and tables throughout where I build the houses and rooms. I plan to show it once I get it organized. Shouldn't be long now. I've been working on it.

  6. I love the architectural details. It adds so much depth. I cannot wait to see your doll room!!!!

    1. Vita Plastica - Goodness knows I can't wait to be able to show it. Seems like every time I work on one area, 2 or 3 other areas get messy. I'm close to having a space for everything.

  7. And now the secret is out about how Halle keeps that perfect figure...yogurt and potato chips! Who would have guessed? Oh, and I love her new condo!

    1. Debbie - You missed the real secret. Max, the trainer. I wonder if Diego has met him yet.

  8. I like that table to the right of the door. The one where Halle has that basket for her keys. That is cute and sensible. The mirror squares above the table are also neat.

    Nice to see Halle's neighbors, too.

    1. D7ana - The plan it to make a nice semi round wooden table with my newly acquired bandsaw. I need to assign a day to woodworking, so I can get some of these projects out of my head.

  9. I love the condo. Very nice...even partially finished.

    1. Georgia Girl - It reminds me of some of those matchboxes in Atlantic Station I used to show one of my clients.

  10. You just keep raising the bar with your set design. Supreme kudos.

    1. Muff - Thanks. I'm just trying to stretch my space and use all of these darn dolls I keep buying.

  11. Vanessa, you should do a tour of your doll room. :) I love Halle's condo! I really love the way you've decorated it and the color scheme makes the refrigerator really work. I've always sort of liked the sink/stove unit but the fridge, not so much. But now, it's hot!

    If you're not able to do a tour of your doll room, could you offer tips or a photo of the type of shelving units you use to create these looks? I think I know but I'm not sure.

    Anyway, another winner!

    1. Tracy - I do plan to do a tour soon. I've been working hard trying to get it presentable. I am real close. There are four different shelving units/systems used in the room. I hope to have some preliminary pictures later this week. The refrigerator by itself is rather hideous, but with the stove/sink, I like it too.

  12. As I said before you are THE MASTER!!!! Lol

    1. A really nice addition to Morristown. What I want to know is how you keep track of all your characters, their names and their jobs and their families names and their relationships to each other (and previous relationships etc. etc.)? It will be interesting to see how these new stories develop.

    2. Carrickters - Funny you should ask that question. That's how the whole blog initially got started. I couldn't remember the character names, so I wanted to write it down someplace permanently. Thus the blog was born. Now I can remember most of the characters. When I get stuck, I just search the blog. A lot of my characters are named after someone I know or someone famous. This makes it a lot easier to remember names. I don't rush into naming new characters. I wait to see if there is a connection to someone.

  13. WOW, it does look cosy, you've given me some ideas for the new apartment I want to do for my boys... thanks!

    1. Rossetti - Halle and Diego told me this morning that is was real cozy. I can't wait to see the one you build for your boys.

  14. Hello from Spain: I love Halle's apartment. I will copy the idea of living room kitchen.I also like the stroller Raquelle´s baby. I love the bedspread of Halle. It is veryelegant. Looks like a real house ... Great job. Keep in touch.

    1. Marta - Thanks. They all seem to like the new condo. I forgot what year that Kelly stroller came out. It had the Kelly that would wave.

  15. Nice place. Diego better not stay away too long. Max it too close for comfort.

    1. Kenya - You are right about that one. I wonder if Diego knows about her trainer who lives in the building. I'm guessing you, I mean she, didn't tell him. I can't wait to do a training session with those two.

  16. This is so cool! Seeing the layout of the place, it looks like big because of the way it was arranged. You were able to maximize every inch of space. Your readers should make it a pattern for their future homes! Very nice layout and design! :)



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