Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Glimpse Inside the Church

I thought we would take a look inside the church to see what the guests are doing.  Unfortunately, this church had a policy against too many decorations, so they will have to save the bulk of the decorations for the reception hall.  I plan to have a photostory up by tomorrow.  I will start shooting the wedding video by Sunday.

Shantavia has been taking pictures.  Jada is helping her until grandma Tina arrives.  Oops, I see her and Harrison coming through the door now.

There's Kenaz, Antoinette and Tony's son.  He is always on the move.


  1. Lovely Church! Getting closer and closer.... Kenaz is so cute!

  2. Wow, this looks spectacular! The church is beautiful, and so are the guests. Love all of the little details.

  3. I really like this scene. its so real. People think of pink ballerinas and unicorns when they think Barbie. They don't think "church". I like your reality based stories and scenes. keep it up, very inspiring.

  4. Looks amazing! I can't wait to see the wedding!

  5. Now, this is what I call thinking out of the box! I absolutely ♥ this set up. Can't wait to see the rest! Let the church say...Amen.

  6. Love this scene, too. Red carpet, wood doors, the wooden cross, wooden pews ... almost like I am back in church. Awesome.

    Gotta get my folks dressed and out. Disco Wanda is setting aside her dancing shoes to go "churchy."

  7. You have done a fabulous job designing the sanctuary. I am very impressed with everything including the stained glass windows!

    Great job!


  8. This looks absolutely amazing and real! I'm looking forward to both photo story and video...super excited. :)

  9. This is awesome Vanessa! I love it! I need these pews. Lol! Did you make them using foam core? The last pic is my fav. Looking forward to next update....keep them coming!

  10. Hello from Spain: congratulations for decoration. Looks like a real church. It's like the church we have in Spain. I like the detail of the camera and child walking. A gorgeous diorama. Congratulations. Keep in touch.

  11. Looks great! Closer and closer to the wedding! I'm so excited!

  12. Kenaz is so cute! I hope he can sit still long enough for the ceremony though!

    (and also... blogger ate your comment on my puppy post!!! 0_0 I got the message for it in my email, but when I went to publish it, it was nowhere to be found... so to reply... the post about puppies wasn't a failure... the original post that the puppies were filling in for was, but soon the original post will show up too XD but puppies are never failure posts XD)

  13. Everyone - Thanks for your wonderful comments. So glad you like the church. We will venture in and see what people are talking about tomorrow.

  14. It's incredible how you can create these scene! The church, the people inside, all. I'm speechless

    1. Sergio - Thanks! I am really pleased with the way this turned out.

  15. Great looking church! I could see people fanning themselves and the music starting. As always, you have set the bar high for the rest of us! Congrats!

    1. Ms. Leo - Thanks! Church fans... that brings back a lot of memories. Why didn't those buildings have air conditioning? All the money they spent on fans, they could have spent on real air.

  16. Your mind must be full cause you just keep laying the best ideas before my eyes. The church is perfect you captured every detail no additional decorations were needed.

    1. mustiwait - Thanks! I am happy with the way it turned out. If only I had enough time to get all my ideas done. There just never seems to be enough hours in the day.

  17. Wow! The church looks great! Looking forward to the wedding.

    1. ZDollCloset - Welcome to my blog. Thanks for commenting. So glad you like the church.

  18. Simply stunning. That's all I can say. *clapping*

    1. Muff - Thanks! I appreciate the hand clap!

      P.s. Send me an email at so I can send you a note.

  19. You are so good at making doll stuff , I wish I was as talented as you were!

    1. sisilovesinging - Thanks! Just start practicing and you will be amazed at how good you get over time. I have pictures of my first scenes. They were horrible. I just continue to practice and learn new things.

  20. Replies
    1. Male Doll World - Thanks! My guests wish those pews had cushions. LOL!

  21. The Church looks good I like how all the families are seated and waiting for the wedding. Love the flowers and the pews !

    1. Tinisha - Thanks! Those pews are about to get full. I am dreading the moment when all those people (dolls) have to stand up when the bride makes her entrance.

  22. Okay I was a the dentist office yesterday again:( (nothing bad happen it's all good) I was such in aww the assistant had to keep waving her hands to get my attention, so sad!

    1. Ebony - That is sad. I am sure she wanted to throw your computer right out the window. LOL! Glad everything is all good.

  23. I love the church!.....fabulous job! I have several doll families that are coming to the wedding...actually it will be all women. They are coming from New York City and chartered a jet...just to see their girlfriend get married! All are really excited about the wedding!!

    1. DollStories - Thanks! I can't wait to see your ladies. Will you be posting a picture soon?

  24. I sure will...I don't have things pulled together like you do but I will try my best to post them by the first of the week! You are my inspiration with my doll stories!

  25. Bravo Vanessa
    C'est génial. We are waitins for the movie now !

  26. Shasarignis - Merci! Il arrive! [Thannks, it's coming.]

  27. The church dio is perfect, I love it! Great job!!!!

    1. Rossetti - Thanks! It's getting full as we speak.


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