Thursday, April 5, 2012

Checking on the Wedding Progress

Last I checked, the ladies were still at the salon.  They were in the midst of hair drying.

"Let me call my mom to make sure they are okay."

Poor Ciana has fallen asleep. She did well getting her hair rolled.

Joseph also fell asleep.  David, Leslie's husband was supposed to pick him up by now, but he called to say he was running late.  No problem, Leslie went to her backup plan.  She knows that she always needs a backup plan to keep her sanity.

Why are these two just shooting the breeze?  HELLO, can you do something to hurry along this drying process?  We are on a schedule here.

Meanwhile, Adele is at the church, checking to make sure the dresses arrived safely.

"Well here's the flower basket.  Now where are the flowers. And I don't see the ring bearer pillow."

"Okay, little man.  Let's get you fed and dressed."
Leslie's backup plan was to call Olivia, David's sister, to come get Joseph.  She is recently back in town after spending months away on an assignment.  Danielle had already invited her to the wedding.  If you remember she was one of the guest at the beach house.  She and Ian became a hot item at the beach house and dated briefly once they returned home.  I wonder if Ian knows she's coming.

"Red" got a haircut.  I have never cut a doll's hair immediately after taking her out the box, but her hair was causing me issues from the very beginning.  I am not finished with it, but it's a good start.  Turns out her family owns the hotel where the reception is being held.  


  1. I can't wait to see all these curly heads. The ladies were very busy setting all those rollers. They earned that break. Dont be mad at them! LOL

    1. mustiwait - They can't take a break until I take a break and I haven't done so yet. Little Miss Ciana is not going to know what to do with a head full of curls.

  2. Their hair is going to look beautiful! And Red looks great with her haircut!

    1. Verona - I just hope their hair is dry by tomorrow. I need to shoot a video this weekend to stay on schedule. Thanks. Red almost looks like a different doll.

  3. I can't wait to see how their hair turns out. And wow, I didn't even recognize Red at first. She looks wonderful!

    1. Alura - I am a nervous wreck over how their hair will turn out. I am not great at hair styling. I'm sure it will work out in the end.

  4. There hair is going to be pretty. You rollerset it perfectly. Love all of the pics especially the one of Joseph sleeping.

    1. Georgia Girl - Perfect roller setting is different than perfect styling. You know I wish you lived a lot closer. LOL! Ciana loves her curls. Mom wants her to put it up. She wants it down. Let's see who wins that battle.

  5. I love the way all the interconnected story threads build the excitement about the wedding. Looking forward to the next video.

  6. It's just obscene to be this excited for a wedding not involving flesh humans! You make me feel like getting into my Dani's wedding could be fun! I don't always comment, but know that I'm always following along!

    1. Vita Plastica - Isn't it crazy? I am feeling the same way. With all the posting I am doing, I don't expect comments on everything, but I know you guys are watching because I look at the stats every day. Come back in a little bit. The ladies will be revealing their hairdos.

  7. Oh gosh...more butterflies....

    1. Debbie - You guys and these butterflies. Better you, than Danielle. She's probably feeling them, too.

  8. Hello from Spain: congratulations on the haircut of the basic Barbie in red. She is more elegant with the new look. The wedding dress is gorgeous. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I like her with her new haircut much better. The bride will wear both wedding dresses that were pictured. One at the ceremony and one at the reception.

  9. Love the salon hook up! The red head looks much better with shorter hair!
    I am so looking forward to this wedding LOL. I feel like its a real wedding. My dolls already have their outfits ready to attend (even if its only from here LOL) so excited!!!

    1. Chynadoll - Thanks! You just reminded me that I need to send out a message so people can post their pictures of their dolls dressed for the wedding to my FB fan page. I will do that after the next video. The wedding video will start after the one I do for Mon/Tues. I feel like a real wedding planner. Adele and I are both going to crash once this is over.

  10. So how exactly did u curl all the hair


  11. Dang I should have commented on the other blog. I said, "She'd be alright if she did something with that hair." Great minds think alike!

    1. Kenya - Great minds do think alike. Normally it takes me a long time to cut a doll's hair and it rarely happens. Because there is no 'growing' back if I mess it up. I disliked her with that hair so much I didn't even care. I just started cutting.


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