Saturday, March 17, 2012

Melanie Seeks Help

Last week after Melanie dropped Nicole off for her horse riding lesson, she scurried to a meeting she scheduled with Tina.

"So Ms. Taylor, what brings you in today?" (Tina)
"Well, I'm having a terrible time dealing with my ex's upcoming marriage and I fear it's starting to affect our daughter." (Melanie)

"I see." (Tina)
"This is my first time speaking to someone like you.  Before we start, I have to ask if our conversation will be kept private." (Melanie)
"Of course.  We believe in totally privacy.  Not only that, we are bound by law to protect your privacy." (Tina)
"Do you mind if I get comfortable?  I always said if I ever found myself in a place like this, I would lay down on the couch." (Melanie)
:"Please make yourself comfortable." (Tina)

"So if I am being totally honest, I HATE that my ex is getting remarried." (Melanie)
"Why do you think that is?" (Tina)
"Well up to the point when he got engaged, I always felt that I could get him back if I wanted to." (Melanie)
"And do you want to get him back?" (Tina)

"That's just it.  My feelings about wanting him back haven't changed.  But I do worry that I won't find someone else to share my life with.  I just wish I had been the one to move on first." (Melanie)
"So no regrets about not being with him?" (Tina)
"Well maybe a little.  But I really think I just don't want him to be happy with anyone else.  I want him to be happy with me." (Melanie)
"But I thought you were unhappy with him." (Tina)

"Therein lies the problem.  I tried to be happy and at first I was.  But the simple life just isn't for me.  I need a challenge.  It got to be torturous coming home and doing the same thing day in and day out." (Melanie)
"So you would rather be tortured than to see him happy with someone else?" (Tina)
"Sounds crazy, right?" (Melanie)
"Sounds pretty normal considering." (Tina)

"You mentioned this affecting your daughter. How so?" (Tina)
"Well I find myself finding excuses as to why she can't go over as often as she would like.  This was never an issue before.  I don't want to interfere with the relationship she has with her father, but I hate that she is bonding with this other woman." (Melanie)
"Understandable.  What's her relationship like with your dad's fiancee?" (Tina)
"Seems like it's good.  Deep down I kind of wished she didn't like her.  I know that's a terrible thing to say, but it would make life a lot easier." (Melanie)
"Having your daughter hate her father's new wife to be makes life a lot easier for who?" (Tina)

"Everything that you are feeling is totally normal.  You are not the wicked ex-wife.  You are a person with genuine feelings.  You have acknowledged that even though Rod was a really good husband, you were miserable.  There is nothing that you have said today that would indicate that being back with Rod would make you happy.  At this point, we just need to work through these scary, but normal feelings that you are having.  I can help you with that."  (Tina)

"I am very concerned about how these feelings are affecting your daughter.  If she has adjusted to the situation, and it sounds like she has, you don't want to do anything to change that.  Trust me, it will be to your benefit in the future.  Not to mention, every aspect of her life will be much better if she is happy with her home life.  The one with you and the one with her dad." (Tina)
"And I know you are right.  That is why I came.  I don't want her to resent me and think I am trying to turn her against her dad." (Melanie)

"So I will put forth a plan for us to help you through this.  You will be okay." (Tina)

"I think so, too.  But there are times when I am not too sure." (Melanie)
"We will have you feeling better in no time." (Tina)

"Thanks Tina.  Just talking about it makes me feel a little better." (Melanie)
"How about we schedule another meeting for the same time next week?" (Tina)


  1. I'm glad Melanie is opening up her feelings because keeping that stuff in will kill you!

    1. Ebony - That is so true or cause you to want to kill someone.

  2. Melanie needs someone in her life. We don't need any drama before the Wedding.

    1. Frannie - We don't need drama before or during the wedding. Don't worry. I'm putting security at all the doors. After all the work Adele has put into the planning, she will hurt her if she comes with the drama.

  3. It's true, sometimes talking it out always makes one feel a whole lot better. Good thing Melanie has Tina! :)

    1. In A Dolly's World - Just saying stuff out loud can make a person question their own craziness.

  4. I'm volunteering for the security job :) lol we def don't need any drama at all before this wedding (or during). I agree that Melanie needs someone in her life.

    1. Chynadoll - You are hired! You know its hard to find a man when you have so many qualifications. I'm sure someone good will come her way. She needs to release this baggage first, or else that relationship won't work either.

  5. I'm glad she saw someone and was honest about her feelings. She may need someone in her life or she may just need to enjoy this time of just her! Either way, keep the children on point! I have to say I love her outfit! That's not a crazy looking women. She looks in control!

    1. Ms. Leo - I think she needs to enjoy her new life and enjoy that new Partnership status at her firm. Bringing a man in right now might not be the best thing. I feel confident it will happen when it's right.

  6. Hmmm! I have a couple of people who need to make appointments with Tina! I sure hope that their wedding isnt interrupted by a jealous ex wife! I agree with Mrs Leo she needs to find a new man and move on!

    1. william - Send them over. Tina is so easy to talk to. Chynadoll is on security so there will not be any jealous ex wives in the church. LOL!

  7. I'm glad Melanie went to talk to the doctor. It proves she is not only a Big Girl but she is one with Class, little Girls with no class would have plotted to turn the Wedding out.

    1. mustiwait - I love your comment! You are so right.

  8. Well, it's a good thing that Melanie is expressing her emotions in a healthy way!

    1. Verona - I agree. Sometimes people would rather act it out negatively. This is a much healthier option.

  9. I too think Melanie is expressing some honest emotions. Even when you were the one to let someone go, you sometimes want them to come back when you feel like it.

    1. Hey It's Muff - Why do we do that? LOL! Then have the nerve to get upset when it doesn't happen.

  10. Well done Vanessa. I enjoyed the always!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! We needed to get an update on Melanie's state of being. LOL.

  11. Hello from Spain: I like many black and white shoes, Chanel type of Melanie. The clearance rack is beautiful Tina. Is it Mattel? Do not ever saw for sale in Spain. Melanie is in good hands. Tina is a great professional. I loved the story. It is very real. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Tina will be a big help. Are you referring to the bookcase when you say clearance rack. If so, it is Mattel. I think it came with an old nursery set.

  12. Wow, it's nice Melanie can express herself! She was very open and honest. I love how she get into great detail and stretches out on the couch. She needed that. I hope she will continue to seek help.

    1. Brini - Thanks. I too am happy she decided to talk it out. This could have gone a totally different way.

  13. This is my third attempt at commenting. Hopefully this time it works:

    Melanie seems so in control and well put together on the surface, but looks are obviously deceiving.

    I hope Dr. Tina will give her the necessary coping skills to realize that moving on is in her best interest as opposed to harboring ill feelings and envy toward Rod and the new woman in her life and interfering with Nicole's relationship with Danielle.

    Melanie needs to find her "happy" and realize that Rod has found his.


    1. DBG - Well said! Dr. Tina may need to collaborate with you on a few cases in the future.

  14. This was awesome. I was wondering when Melanie would open up about what she was feeling with the wedding coming up and all. I have to wonder though, how often if at all did she express her feelings to Rod when they were together. He seems like a reasonable man who would compromise if his mate wasn't happy. I can totally understand her wanting to further her career but it's kind of sad for her if she didn't open up to Rod about doing more than just the same ol' same ol.

    I'm glad Chynadoll volunteered to be security at the door, LOL.

    1. Tracy - I've been thinking about you and hoping you were okay. Glad to see you commenting again. I just think this was a classic case of just growing apart and having different goals in the marriage. I have to believe they did try to work it out.

  15. Replies
    1. sarah - Melanie has a Janay facesculpt, which were from the very first Jason Wu designs that sold at Walmarts maybe 10 - 12 yrs ago.


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