Monday, March 5, 2012

Chocolate Cookies. Need I Say More

I made these on Saturday.  Along with some other treats.  They are currently available in my Etsy Shop.  They come four to a plate and they are loose for ultimate play.  They can be glued down upon request.

Each cookie is hand sculpted.  

The back is nicely finished.

This is Shannon, one of Nikaya's friends.

They are just back from basketball practice. They are hanging out at Shannon's house, where her mom made homemade cookies. Shannon has the best Stacy body.  Her ankles bend and everything.

I would love to show you her mom, but if you read my earlier post today, you know that she is still in the Big Lots store.  She looks like the perfect little girl for Barbie Basics #1


  1. Enough said! They look sooo real!

    1. Loretta - Thanks! I'm trying to keep up with all the wonderful baking you do.

  2. OMG, they look more real than real chocolate chip cookies. You're amazing.

    1. Debbie - LOL! How is that possible? Thanks!

  3. Oh, wow, they look so incredibly yummy!!! Amazing!! I just ate dinner, but now I'm hungry for a snack! LOL ;)

  4. Awesome Vanessa! They look so! Great work.

  5. In A Dolly's World - Sounds like the cookies were right on time for dessert. This is the best kind. You can just look at the dessert from afar and hopefully feel satisfied. LOL!

    Georgia Girl - Thanks! I've been wanting to make choc chip cookies for awhile. I'm glad they turned out.

  6. P.S. I wonder how m any of your blogs say something like too many doll purchases in the title....LOL :)

  7. mrscarissa - Too many! LOL! Those posts get the most views, though. So I love throwing one in occasionally. Not that I go out and intentionally buy too many dolls. It just happens.

  8. Oh darn. I was reaching for them when I read that they were for the dolls. Pouting here. LOL

    Lucky Shannon!


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