Monday, March 12, 2012

Adele Checks on the Church

After the cake tasting session with Rod and Danielle, Adele and Sydney head over to the church.  Adele just wants to get an idea of how the wedding will flow.  

Seeing how big the church is in person, will also help her figure out if the guest list is too large.

She rests for a moment as Sydney plays in the aisle.

She takes a moment to reflect on her own situation.  The wedding has taken her home search a little off course.  Her husband keeps inquiring and she keeps stalling.  She's having a lot more fun with the wedding planning than looking for a new home.  And with the wedding only a month away, it's crunch time.  

Right now, she and Sydney both need a nap.  She's too tired to get up and leave.  Just a few minutes more.


  1. It looks fantastic! Great job!

    1. Verona - Thanks! When I saw it was Mar 12th already, I figured I better get busy.

  2. Adele does look pooped.

    Great job on the church pews.

    (I'm behind in my reading, but decided I'd start here first.)


    1. DBG - Thanks! Adele's look is reflected in how I feel. This wedding is taking everything we have. I feel a little ahead now. I wasn't expecting to get the church pews done so quickly. Now for this darn tux!

  3. Replies
    1. Tabitha - Thanks! I'm glad to have them almost done. I may add a little arm rest on each end.

  4. NICE!!! I'm smiling from ear to ear I am so excited about this wedding!!

    1. mustiwait - Thanks. I'm getting a little excited now, too. Getting the church ready will be a major feat. There's still so much left to do.

  5. I remember last year you bought a cute crocheted christening outfit on-line but you didn't have a church for the christening. I'm looking forward to a video in which one of the many babies in Morristown gets christened in the church. :-)

  6. limbe dolls - Thanks for reminding me. There are a few babies here that haven't been christened yet. It wasn't a christening outfit though. It was just a 'going to church' outfit. I will have to put christening clothes on a list.

  7. You did a fantastic job on the pews and the Church. Can't wait to see what the altar section of the church looks like.

    1. Frannie - Thanks! I hope the rest of the church goes as smoothly as the pews did.

  8. I love your church pews. I'm getting excited.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I'm getting excited, too. I felt like I was there with her in the church doing the walk thru.

  9. Those pews sure do bring back some memories. They were sooo hard especially after being in church for Sunday School, Service, then eat, at the church, then go back downstairs to church for evening service!!!! LOL

    1. mrscarissa - Dang! Should I add cushions? LOL! The guests will just have to deal with it. I won't keep them there long. You really did go into flashback mode.

      By the way, did you see that you won the Easter basket? It's headed your way.

  10. You did an amazing job on those pews, they took me into flashback mode.

  11. Great looking church! A benefit to procrastinating my own Dani's wedding is I get to see everyone's great wedding ideas!

    1. Vita Plastica - Thanks. This just happened out of the blue. But it's making feel a liitle less anxious about the wedding.

  12. Replies
    1. Kenya - Awww, thanks. It looks so much like so many Baptists churches I've been to, that I really felt like I was there. The bright sunlight in the background was an added bonus. It was like they were being watched over.

  13. Yes, I saw that I won the basket! I am soo exicted! Can't wait to get it. My son is going to get a kick out of it.

  14. The pews look great and your right, Adele does look worn out. Glad things are moving along nicely.

    1. Brini - Thanks. I am going to give Adele something to perk her up real soon!

  15. I love the pews and the church looks great!

    1. Roxanne - Thanks! Still have a ways to go on the church, but I am happy the pews are done.

  16. Did you make the doors in the background too? O.0 This all looks amazing. I can just see it all decked out with floral arrangements.

    1. Hey It's Muff - There aren't doors up yet. I will be making some, though.

    2. Oh, I thought the very first photo has your dio in front of a window and a door on the right. That's window too?

  17. Your church pews look spot on. You did an excellent job there. Love the red carpet flooring too. I remember church scenes in settings like that.

    They can't have pads ... pads might make it too cozy ... some people might fall asleep. Not that I did ... zzzzz ;-D

    1. D7ana - Thanks. My behind can still feel the hardness of our church pews. And somehow the curve in the seat back was not quite right. I didn't choose the carpet, it just happened to be there and once I saw it, it reminded me of so many churches I had been to. The red carpet is actually the table cloth on my dining room table where the church is being temporarily housed. LOL!


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