Monday, December 12, 2011

Today I Joined the Stardoll Craze

Gotcha!  No, I didn't buy any Stardolls from the store.  I joined the on-line Stardoll site.   OH MY!  I love it!  If you have never seen it, you can find it at   They have a free subscription which allows you to customize your own Stardoll.  Below is a link to my Stardoll alter ego.  You literally have thousands of options available to you when creating your doll.  I am going to play.  I will be back with an updated assessment.

My Stardoll  This picture was taken before I learned how to remove jewelry.  I no longer wear a collar.  LOL. 

I am taking a break from playing.....

So I just spent about an hour playing.  AMAZING!  This is the ultimate in on-line doll play.  I am not going to be able to describe it to you, but I will give a brief synopsis.  You are given a doll to customize, a suite to decorate and a closet to store all your clothes and accessories..  You are given a small wardrobe to start with.  Of course you can buy more clothes, accessories, home furnishings, etc with your Starpoints.  You get a nice amount of Starpoints to start with and you earn more along the way just by playing. 

You can design your own clothes (and sell them if you like) in the Fashion Design Studio.  You can design rooms in the Interior Design Studio.  You can make movies in the Movie Studio.  These studios are beyond what you can imagine.  You can create your own fabrics, etc. 

Don't forget to go shopping.  There are HUNDREDS of clothes available to you to buy with your Starpoints.  You can try them on your Stardoll before you buy them.  The clothes are just phenomenal.  I am excited because this will definitely help me with my own fashion designs and the whole styling process.  For anyone who has played with paper dolls, this is paper doll play to the nth degree. 

I can see why Mattel wanted to pair up with Stardolls, but I don't believe they translated it well to the doll world.  They gave the real dolls the exact same body pose that the on-line dolls have.  Works perfect on-line.  Not so much in real life.   Now I know what I will be doing in the wee hours of the morning when I can't sleep.  I will be playing with my Stardoll.....on-line. 

I'm baaaack....  So after playing for a couple more hours, I have to make a slight revision. That Starpoints you get can not be used to buy clothes, etc.  You need Stardollars to buy those things.  You can buy those, or you can jump through a few hoops to earn some.   But you can still play and try on all the clothes without buying them.  That is probably what I will do.  I may add a couple of pieces, but I will stick to my free wardrobe to start with.  I also discovered there are tons of celebrity Stardolls that you can play with and they have their own complete wardrobes. 


  1. Hello from Spain: it already knew the game in Internet the Stardoll. In Spain she is much connected people. Particularly I do not like anything but I know that you secure to money and gifts for your dolls. In the end it is a virtual world. Well-taken care of Ten! because you can be hooked hours and hours to the game. We follow in contact of blog blog

  2. Marta - I think I am just late to the party. I'm pretty sure it's popular here, too. I have been to other virtual worlds. This one is so much better because it can inspire young people to be fashion and interior designers. It also helps you take into your creativity. The young people don't get enough of that these days.

    As an insomniac, I will spend the time that I can't sleep working on my own fashion designing.

  3. Thanks for the info Vanessa. I haven't checked it out yet. Hopefully, I will have sometime this week to play around.

  4. I had never heard of Stardolls until Mattel released their line. I've never done virtual stuff. I will give it a looksee.

  5. mrscarissa - Let me know what you think after you check it out. Stick to the free stuff, I don't want you spending extra money then blaming me.

    Georgia Girl - I had so much fun! All the clothes. It was better than going real shopping. I could try on tons of outfits all from the comfort of my bed.

    Muff - The site is extremely popular from what I hear. Once you check it out, the Mattel Stardolls will make more sense. Don't get overwhelmed and keep your wallet closed. At least until you have a good handle on everything.

  6. Didn't know the game, I'll try it during my Xmas break, seems adictive!

  7. Rosetti - LOL! Most of us are already addicted to dolls. What's one more addiction?

  8. Aren't they - Stardolls and Mattel - going to post updates and possible outfit or pack information on the original Stardolls site? No, don't tell me. I really don't NEED to know.

    Glad to see you enjoying some Stardolls stuff ;-D

  9. D7ana - I think the answer to your question is no. The Stardolls site mentions that Stardolls are now available for purchase at the local stores, but that's about it. I haven't even seen Mattel's name. But then I may have just overlooked it. I have been through the whole store and I haven't seen any of the things on-line that are in the 3 accessory packs that are out. But then again, I may have overlooked it.


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