Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lunch at the Local Fast Food Restaurant (Video)

I know these videos are coming fast and furious.  I do apologize.  I know watching the videos take more time, but I have so many stories and I need to get them all done.  So don't feel bad if you have to come back later to see the video.  Just don't forget to come back!  I also learned that the red background seriously degraded the image quality.  Of course this didn't show at all the umpteen times I played it on my computer.  It only showed after four hours of uploading to YouTube.  Hmmm.  Maybe it's a YouTube issue.  I'll just have to remember that the next time I decide to use red.

I have misplaced a few pieces to my McDs set, i.e. the food menu.  It's okay since this fast food restaurant will have more than the normal McDs food.

Yes, I popped open the Taylor High School Music doll.  I have deboxed 5 dolls in the past 3 days.  What a feeling!

Kara is looking like a hot mess in this video. It was sort of planned that way because it is Saturday and she has had a very busy morning at the salon.  She is wearing the outfit from the Gap doll I deboxed.  Believe it or not, I ironed that shirt she is wearing.  I guess when you have been in a box for that many years, some serious starch may be required.  Naisha is wearing the jean jacket, which is killer.  I can't believe I am just now deboxing that set.  I have another NRFB set in the basement.  I think it's going up for sale soon.

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  1. You are fabulous my dear...Love this video! Have a good evening...
    Warmest Regards,
    Loretta xoxo

  2. Great as always! Those kids are so precious! I especially love your family stories.

  3. Great job! I had to go back on view the video again. Thought I saw Jada with her eyes closed. Had me wondering if I was seeing things. Then realized how you had made it seem like she had fallen asleep.

  4. Did I see that right? Was there a little girls with no face? hahaha. Great video, my son watched it with me. he enjoyed it too.

  5. Loretta - Hi Sweetie! So nice to see you are back to blogging. That must mean you are getting better. I will be visiting in a short while.

    Georgia Girl - Thanks. Tony's going to get it. You know Zahara is going to spill the beans.

    Frannie - Thanks. Yes. Jada was pooped! She didn't wink at you, did she.

    mrscarissa - Thanks. You so funny. I needed to add some lashes, but they kept turning out so clownish. If I recall, your son also saw the blog post when I set up the McDs restaurant. What is it with him and only wathching the stuff that has fast food involved. LOL!

  6. Don't apologize for doing too many videos. As far as I'm concerned, you can't make them fast enough. This one is a sweet vignette. My brother has gotten busted for the same transgression as Tony -- feeding the kids fast food. But then, they also spilled the beans when mommy took them to Burger King :-).

  7. limbe dolls - I figured out a way to get a lot more dios set up, so it's going to be easier just to pump out stories. Too funny about your brother. I think secretly kids like when a parent gets in trouble. Sort of makes them feel better about all the times they got in trouble.

  8. Too cute! Love the special effects (closed eyes). Keep 'em coming.


  9. DBG - Thanks! Lots more is on the way!

  10. Wow!!! It looks so real-life!!! Wonderful job!

  11. Hello from Spain: the restaurant of McDs food enchants to me. Tail to eat really seems all the family doing. I like much the estilismo with the cap of Kara. The video is fantastic. Nonsouth wind the failures of the food. You are very perfectionist.Slight work you made so good. We follow in contact of blog blog

  12. Rosetti and Marta - Thanks so much. I love doing restaurant scenes. Such a great way to get a lot of different families in the video.

  13. Too cute! Love the eyes closed lol. Looks so real. Keep me coming, I will always be watching :)

  14. Chynadoll - Thanks. Doing the videos and the stories, keep me happy.

  15. Hmmmm idk. for some reason when I watch those he is always right next to me. LOL

  16. I loved this one! Shantavia and Naisha make great friends.

    Tony cracks me up with his responses, he is too funny.

    I think you're doing a great job of crossing paths with your groups. It's really turned into a town. :)

    Keep 'em coming, I'm hooked!

  17. Tracy - Thanks. I like that I am able to get more of the familes crossing paths. Didn't I tell you guys that little restaurant would take my families to another level. Nothing like food to bring families together.

  18. Tracy - Thanks. I like that I am able to get more of the familes crossing paths. Didn't I tell you guys that little restaurant would take my families to another level. Nothing like food to bring families together.


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