Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Chelsea Has New Friends. Meet Tamika

On my trip to Walmart today, I was surprised to see a whole new line of Chelsea sized dolls.  How did I miss this?  I looked through the pack and selected the one AA Tamika doll that was there.

So this is Tamika.  Isn't she a cutie?  I was pleased to see that she didn't have one of those crazy bent arms.

This is the back of the box.  Sorry it's so blurry.  I was too lazy to retake this picture.  Here is the new crew. I love the red head and the strawberry blond girl.  I will be adding them soon. The Asian girl is cute too, but she has the bent arm thing going on. I think the Target Santa doll I bought is the same Asian doll, but with straight arms.

Julian was on the "Welcome to Morristown" committee.  I hate to break it to you guys, but it seems like the kids are getting big heads, too.  I guess it only makes sense that big head ladies would have big head kids. 

I bought this doll because she was seriously 'rollbacked'.  This is the overpiced ($20) Swapping Style Artsy.  I would never dream of paying $20 for this doll.  They had her marked down to $10.  I considered still not getting her and buying the Nikki doll with the new and improved body instead.  But I love this outfit and the highlights in Artsy's hair

She will keep her own body and be a part of Morristown. She will not, however, get to keep the outfit.  She will continue being Chang Lee's assistant, and swap heads as necessary. This is the second generation fashionista (swapping styles) body, not the new body. It's the one that very few people liked. This was the worst body that I've experenced right out the box.  No wonder they marked it at 50% off.  It kills me when they double the price and reduce the quality.  These dolls were overpriced from the very beginning.  But I sure love that outfit.

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  1. So is Tamika's head bigger than Julian's? Oh well, you're right at least she doesn't have the bent arm. She has alot of hair, so maybe the head can get covered with a bang.

  2. Ms. Leo - Her head looks a little bigger to me. It doesn't really bother me. I was just a little surprised by it.

  3. Tamika has such a pretty face. In my area, we never got the other dolls, only the blonde Chelsea's.

    That's a good deal on the Artsy doll. She's the one I was given as an Xmas gift, which saved the day for my Piper (Stardoll) since her Nikki legs went crazy.

    Another great find! :)

  4. I'm glad they have put Tamika out again even if they changed her whole appearance. I will look for her and the Asian girl and of course the doll with the pet lizard. I have so many dolls I can swap bodies for that non bent arm look I love.

    I will be in Target tomorrow for sure. I'm an after holiday shopper :O)

  5. Tamika is cute, big head and all. I'm glad to see a new little one in the mix.


  6. Tamika is a cutie pie big head and all LOL. It is really good to see a new one! I saw the other doll in that beautiful outfit but she was way over priced in Target for me to purchase. I walked away from her LOL.
    Great finds:)

  7. Tracy - These are brand new. Up until now it has only been Chelsea and the SIS kids.

    Dollz4Moi - I love that she has a totally new look. I have so many that look the same. I too have plenty of bodies that I could swap out if necessary. Didn't think of that until after I posted. My Asian crew over here is growing in leaps and bounds. I may have to add a whole new section in Morristown for the sudden influx. Let me know if you find them at Target. My Targets never have the regular little ones, only their exclusives. I have yet to see an SIS kid in my Targets. I have only found them and the non exclusive Chelseas at Walmart.

    DBG - Imagine my shock when I saw them. Normally I know when something new is coming. I love her look.

    Chynadoll - You mean your Target had that doll for more than $5? Well these are priced at $6.97 which has been the new Walmart price on this size ever since the new Chelseas came out. Good luck finding her. They come 16 to a box. It was a full box when I got there and there was only one Tamika in the lot. Typical. So I imagine she might be harder to find than the others.

  8. No, not the little one lol, but the artsy doll was highly priced. I have not seen Tamika yet.

  9. Chynadoll - Ohhhh! Okay. Yes, she was overpriced. She is also poorly put together.

  10. Love the new little ones! I need to add more kids into my story line soon! The new artsy never appealed to me except for the outfit!

  11. Hello from Spain: I like much your new Chelsea (Tamika). I had never seen them. Thanks to teach her. I want all to them. I hope that the next year they arrive at Spain. They are all so cute. Congratulations by your purchase. Barbie Artty I have equal. The red shoes I like much. Every time we have more equal things. I like much to enter your blog because I see things that I have and had kept or forgotten. We follow in contact of blog blog-.

  12. Marta - Thanks. So glad my blog can help you remember to pull out some of the doll stuff you have forgotten.

  13. Thanks for posting this Vanessa. I was thinking that this Artsy was the new one (3rd generation) that you were saying was the good one. Is the good one the Fashionista with the denim bottom?

  14. Georgia Girl - No this Artsy and those other $20 fashionista dolls they tried to slip in, are the Swapping Head Styles. So they are the 2nd Generation bodies. There is no pivotal movement and these bodies are very weak. Had it not been for he dress, I would have bought the Nikki doll instead since they were the same price.

  15. Georgia Girl - I forgot to answer the last part. No, I'm pretty sure the one with the denim body is 2nd generation too. The 3rd generation has the word Nikki going down the left side of the box. All the new ones now have real names and have completely different box styles. Nikki is wearing a yellow multicolored dress.

  16. Vanessa, I'm glad to see you have that Tamika now and know about the others. You know, we don't have any Chelsea dolls in Russia (well, we have some caucasian "I can be..." sets with Barbie and Chelsea and that's all), so I have a "Chelsea" saved search on eBay and get emails with new Chelsea auctions every day. Those kids appeared there about two weeks ago, and their promo photo had been seen on Flickr even earlier. I was very glad to see the first AA Chelsea friend and I also liked the other girls, but asked myself: "Does Vanessa know about them already? Maybe I should tell her about them?" LoL. I really like to share information. :)
    Btw, do you know about the AA "I can be..." sets with Chelsea? I never looked at "I can be..." sets earlier, but recently I learned that some of them had AA versions (which were never sold in Russia of course). I always knew, that many of those sets consisted of a Barbie and a kid or several kids, but then I understood, that it was the way to get AA versions of kids, which were usually caucasian only. I always thought, it was a pity Mattel didn't make AA Kelly dolls with a new taller body (there is the Sunflower Park Kenzie doll, but I don't know any other) and then I saw such a doll in AA "I can be..." set. Unfortunately she had colored legs, which I always hated. And then Chelsea appeared, but she was always caucasian only and didn't have any friends. And I thought: "Those "I can be..." sets are a way to get an AA Chelsea some day". And voilà, here she is: AA Chelsea as AA Barbie dentist's patient: I hope we'll also see other AA Chelsea dolls in "I can be..." sets later. Maybe they do exist already, but I didn't see any other yet. I usually don't like to buy sets for one doll only, but still I'm glad to just have such an opportunity, lol.

  17. Dukasha - All of the So In Style kids are the same size as the Chelsea dolls. I have quite a few that I don't use, so even though I have seen the "I Can Be Dentist set, I had no interest in buying it. That doll has the crazy bent arm, which is too awkward to work with. I do have extra SIS bodies to put her on, but I have at least 25 AA Kelly and SIS kids that aren't being used. I bought Tamika and I will buy at least 3 of the other new Chelsea (non AA) dolls because they are very different from what I already have. I did buy the I Can Be Babysitter set to get the new AA Baby. I do wish they had the I Can Be Kid Doctor's set in AA. This is the one with the growing Chelsea. I will get the Caucausian version soon. My town needs a permanent Pediatrician's office with all those kids lurking around.

  18. Yes, SiS kids and Chelsea dolls are of the same size, but they are not identical, that's why I want to have both, AA Chelsea dolls and SiS dolls. I have 7 SiS kids now and think about buying more, but if that AA dentist patient Chelsea was not a part of the set, I would buy her without any doubt. I would also buy more SiS kids, if they all were sold separately. As for the bent arm, sometimes it can be very useful. I like some of their poses. And when you need straight arms - yes, it's possible to swap the bodies... The thing I really hate is that Mattel makes so many sets. Of course it's possible to sell the dolls you don't need, but I hate to sell anything, so I usually just don't buy the set, when I want to have only one doll from it...

  19. Je ne savais pas que tu avais Tamika, elle est vraiment charmante.

  20. Shasirignis - Oui, elle est tres charmante. Mais elle n'est pas une familie. Peut-etre bientot.

    Whew! You are giving my French a workout today. Thanks. It is slowly coming back. A few more months between our blogs and YouTube and I will be fluent again. LOL! I am too lazy to figure out how to put the accents in yet. Peut-etre bientot. At least it shows that I am not using the translator.

  21. I missed a photo of Julian! Oh, no. Well I caught up. Glad to see him welcoming in the new cuties, Tamika.

  22. D7ana - You know Julian has always been on the town welcoming committee. He's such a friendly little fella.


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