Monday, November 28, 2011

Nikki and Kendra Have Lunch

Remember Kendra?  I introduced her back in May.  She is Darius' sister and is married to Dr. Burke.  You can read a little about her here.  She and Nikki are meeting for lunch at a nice little Japanese restaurant to discuss their upcoming ski trip.

"This is one of my favorite little restaurants. Darius and I usually come at dinner time/"
 "Nate loves sushi, so I will have to bring him here soon." 
They continue chit chatting, while waiting for their drinks.

"So I just secured our lodging at a place called Chateau Eau Claire.  I just can't wait to hit the slopes. I desperately need a vacation and Aspen, CO is calling my name.  Darius won't admit it but he is running on fumes these days."

"I'm surprised you got Mr. Workaholic to go away for a week.  You know he thinks everything will fall apart if he isn't running things.  I don't know what I'm saying, Nate is exactly the same way."

"It wasn't easy.  It involved some major coaxing, if you know what I mean."

"Well I'm hoping that Nate and I will leave as a couple, and return as a family.   My doctor thinks we are too stressed out and that's why I can't get pregnant."

"Nothing like cold snow and a roaring fire to bring a couple closer together."

"How are you doing over there Dr. Anderson?"
"Just fine, Kimoko."

"Can I get you something to eat?"
"I'm waiting for my wife.  We have a lunch date."
"That is so sweet that you two still have dates. One second. I will be right back."

"Here are your drinks.  Your bento boxes will be out soon."

Ayami and Sunni are enjoying their lunch. 

"Here's to a wonderful, romantic weekend in Aspen, Co!"
"Here, here."

"Are you sure you aren't being stood up?"
"She wouldn't dare.  She's notorious for being late."

"Oh, there's my gorgeous wife, now."

"Honey, this is Kimoko. She's been keeping me company."
"Hi Kimoko.  I hope my husband hasn't been talking your ear off."
"No. He's a real sweetheart."

"Ladies, lunch is served.  Can I get you anything else?"
"No. That will be it for now.  Thanks."

Nikki and Kendra end up taking a little longer than an hour for lunch.  Dr. Anderson heads back to his dentist office for a few afternoon appointments.  The Coopers (they were first seen in the Pediatrician video), finally sit down for lunch.  With three little ones under the age of two, Mrs. Cooper is just happy to get an afternoon away from the chaos.  Sunni goes to pick up the girls from daycare.  Kimoko readies the restaurant for the evening crowd.

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  1. I love the little Bento lunch! :D Did you make them?

  2. Cat - No, I found them on ebay. It was one of those things that just popped up and I said "gotta have it". I am always looking at the real thing in the stores.

  3. i just love japanese food or anything japanese in general! The Bento boxes are cute! I love the rement sushi variety that i have seen on ebay!

  4. Good Story! Is that the Bratz Bar?

  5. william - I've always wanted to own my own bento box. They have some really beautiful ones. I'm too lazy to make anything to put in it though. Sushi doesn't last long enough for me to put it in a box.

    Frannie - Thanks. Yes that is the Bratz bar. I sure miss those Bratz playsets.

  6. Vanessa this is a very good story... I always get too involved and it comes to a quick end! Love it! Hug and Best Wishes!

  7. Great story. It was nice to see some of the old faces from past stories. Truly amazing how you keep up with them all.

  8. Loretta - Glad you enjoyed it. I have so many stories waiting to be told. If I don't get them out, I think my head is going to explode.

    Georgia Girl - Thanks. I am constantly reminded that I have way too many dolls when I think of all the characters that are waiting to get their stories told.

  9. Another great restaurant scene! I'll have to pull out my sushi bar soon.

  10. limbe dolls - Thanks. I love going to restaurants. It's more about the ambience of the place than the actual food. So I am now living that out through my dolls.

  11. Hello from Spain: what envy the weekend in Aspen. Dinastía type remembers to the American series where rich people went away to the snow to Colorado. Good what. I understand that Mrs. Cooper is happy for having time for her without children. Kendra is very pretty. The dress and the necklace that you put to her in the entrance of the month of May enchant to me. You did them your you bought or them? Very good recreation of the restaurant, really seems. Also you have many furniture and dolls. We follow in contact of blog blog

  12. mmmm!Japanese dinner, your dolls are beautiful.

  13. Marta - Hello. The only clothes that I made in this story are the pants that Kendra is wearing. I do have a lot of dolls. Doing restaurant scenes and the airplane scenes, allows me to show some a lot more of the dolls that I have.

    Bego - Thanks! I appreciate you visiting and commenting.

  14. I enjoyed reading this story. Love seeing your restaurant with multiple tables. Sigh. Very cool.

    Like the way Kimoko's arms spread out at the sushi table. Her realm, hmmm?

  15. D7ana - Thanks. Kimoko is running things. She is very good with the customers.

  16. Very cool restaurant with multiple tables! Love the real look to it. The Bento boxes are really cute. I love the re-ment sushi that I have seen on ebay also. Your dolls also look great in it! Great job.

  17. Chynadoll - Thanks! I have all the sushi and accessories that came with the sushi bar, but I decided not to use it in this lunch scene. I plan to do another restaurant scene in the future with lots of handmade sushi.

  18. Yummy bento boxes! Kendra reminds me of uh....the girl from the Fugees - oh Lauren Hill (in the eyes).

  19. I have to agree, I just love those bento boxes! I am such a sucker for miniature replicas, and I'm hoping to score some more soon for the rest of my diorama ideas. Love the restaurant chairs you used in this post too!

  20. In A Dolly's World - Those little miniature items are so addictive. Heck. It's all addictive.

  21. Cant wait to see what all the doll families are doing for Christmas ! Do you have lots of new foods to use?

  22. Comeca - Are you kidding me? I did that food the day before Thanksgiving. Haven't even thought about Christmas dinner. I imagine the some of the same food will be there, but I do plan to add some new goodies as well. Let's hope they aren't all fasting about that time. LOL.

  23. Hello from Spain: I discovered that in flickr also you hung photos. I saw of the 15 of November of 2010 the cradle with the small Krissy. It wears ideal clothes. I remained enamored with the photos and cogines and blanket of the cradle. If you remain without short term ideas you can hang in blog something of Krissy. Your furniture with the babies enchant to me. I saw a follower that your you know that Lara is called that hung a white kitchen and red in flickr but his blog ( is not finished. My doubt is that to leave a commentary in flickr I must give me of discharge? I prefer blog that flickr. Please if you understand to me and to know something of the subject I hope your suggestions. We follow in contact of blog blog


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