Sunday, November 13, 2011

Barbie Knitting and Crochet Books

I promised Ms. Leo that I would post this.  When she mentioned in her post that she didn't have Barbie patterns, I thought surely she has these two books.  These books came out around 2002.  They have some really nice fashions inside.  I have yet to make any of them but I still have hope that it will happen one day. 

They are still available for sale.  I did a quick search on Amazon and the Crochet book is fairly cheap.  The Knitting book is a little more expensive but still reasonable.

 There are 75 projects in each book.  I included pictures of a few, so you could see the quality. I mixed up and crochet and knitting pictures. 

I have spent many nights sleeping with these books, my yarn, needles and hooks. I guess I was hoping that I would make something in my sleep. LOL. It never happened.

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  1. Thanks Vanessa! I will have to check them out! There is no better person than a women of her word! Now I have to post the patterns that I found too.

  2. Ma. Leo - You're welcome. I wouldn't ming seeing some of those cute little bags in your DollPage shop. Hint, hint, hint..

  3. Could you photo copy the whole books for me

  4. lildolls - Go to You can buy it at a reasonable price there.


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