Monday, October 31, 2011

Not Much Sewing Done, but Zahara is Happy

I didn't have much time for sewing this weekend, but I needed to get my two weekly garments sewn.  I settled on a couple of things for Zahara, considering she has yet to get her red outfit back from Jada.

I started off making her some purple corduroy pants.  They are paired here with a coat I bought for Kelly (see the short sleeves).

I didn't feel like changing the thread, so I decided to make her a little jumper dress. The idea is to make her a turtleneck shirt and tights to go with this.

Then I put them together and got another little outfit.  Eventually I will add decorations to the kid clothes.  For now I will keep it pretty simple.

In honor of the snow the Northeast received, I made her a little coat.  It is a little small, so I have to remake it a little bigger.

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  1. These are too cute. you did a great job. I have a harder time making little things and big things. Crazy huh!

  2. Ms. Leo - Thanks. That's not crazy at all. I prefer making 18" clothes to Barbie clothes. The kid clothes are hard because machine sewing those small seams is a pain, and I don't like hand sewing. I'm dreading making clothes for the toddlers and infants, but I am going to try.

  3. Cute clothes. You did a fantastic job on them!

  4. Hello from Spain: the coat and dress is ideal. The want for my girls. It's a shame you live so far from my country ... I love all your dolls have a family name. Melanie is very pretty with his pants again. The clothes you is always perfect. The curtains in the room with the girls are very real and match the color of the beds. Melanie is very pretty. This model is very pretty and not sell it in Spain. Stay in touch Blog to Blog

  5. Frannie - Thanks. Zahara has been happy all day. She just loves new clothes.

  6. Mzrta - Thanks for your wonderful comments about the clothes and about Melanie. She is an old mold that is not sold here anymore either. At least not in the stores. I'll be visiting your blog soon.

  7. Love love all her clothes...the pant and jumper are darn cute! Great post! Don't forget our giveaway! Have a great week! Love

  8. Loretta - Thanks! She makes the perfect little model.

  9. OMG!!! I try to sew a little for my Barbies, but I would never be able to get those perfect and tiny outfits!!! Great job!

  10. Rosetti - Thanks. I don't enjoy sewing for the little ones yet, but I figure if I keep doing it, it will get easier. I finally had a chance to check out your blog. I am a new follower.

  11. I love jumpers on little girls. I am amazed you can do this without a pattern.

    Great job!


  12. DBG - I am going to throw in a few peter pan collars along the way. I can't wait to start embellishing the little girl dresses. I used to handsmock dresses for the 18" dolls. I don't think I will do that for these dolls, but I hope to do some lacy vintage style dresses, too. There's so much you can do for the little girls.

  13. The good thing about making little tiny clothes is they don't take as long as larger outfits. The other good thing about sewing for your doll children is they don't outgrow the outfits before you can make them!

  14. limbe dolls - It is very nice that they don't outgrow their clothes. I must say that I sew the big girl clothes (18") much faster than I sew these. That's probably because I am so used to sewing the big clothes. I'm sure I will get faster as time goes on.

  15. Dolly's World - Thanks. She is the littlest fashionista in town.

  16. So cute! I love her little outfits great job!!


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