Thursday, October 6, 2011

Darius and Friends Out Golfing

As I mentioned in a previous post, Darius and a couple of buddies are out golfing while their ladies are hanging out with Nikki..  Let's take a peek to see how the game is going.

(The cool golf cart was a Goodwill find years ago for $1.51.)

(The golf clubs are actually pens that I found in the Target $1 section.  Of course when I went back for more, they were all gone.)

He must be taking a few practice swings.  Let's hope so.

So intense!

Darius must be up, again.

Later, the guys join the ladies for a drink.  Jacquelyn had to rush off to have dinner with the family. 
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  1. I am behind on my blog reading, but had to stop to comment on the realism of these photos, especially the first one. Before I opened the blog, the dolls looked like real guys on the green.


  2. Vanessa they look so real! Amazing!
    And that golf cart...hello!

  3. dbg - Thanks. I got a new camera on Monday, and I have been unstoppable. I'm finally able to take outside pictures again. You should have seen me splayed across the lawn at the park taking these pictures. There was a class out there exercising near me at first. I know they thought I was crazy.

    Loretta - Thanks! Isn't that golf cart wonderful. I've had it many years and this is my first time using it.

  4. Frannie - I don't know who won, but I can't tell you it wasn't Pierre (guy in the sweater). He spent a lot of time retrieving balls from the bunkers.

  5. scare on the golf cart! These pics looked amazing!

  6. I agree with everyone one the shots really look good and I love the cart! Was it in the basement? LOL!

  7. Love the pictures, I agree everything looks so real. That new camera takes some really great pictures. Mr new guy looks so handsome in his relaxed clothing.

  8. william, Ms. Leo, and Chynadoll - Thanks. Ms. Leo, I pulled the golf cart up from the basement over a year ago. That tells you how long I've wanted to do a gold scene. I guess I was waiting for the new guy. Chynadoll you just reminded me that I can now name Mr. New Guy since he now has a wife and a group. I have to go look deep into his eyes and see what name jumps out at me.

  9. Wow, what a beautiful day and view! This is an amazing scene. I can't believe you scored a golf cart, you've got an eye for spotting 1/6 scale things. And those golf club pens...I've walked down Target's dollar aisle so many time but haven't seen anything that cool.

    I'd almost forgotten you had another FR doll. I remember seeing him in your All in the Family video (I think that's what it's called). He's perfect with the Monte Carlo Barbie(?) The new guy is a looker. He's got a real nice olive complexion to him. Very nice group of friends, mature and successful...nice!

  10. Tracy - I love the new sophisticated group. I can live out my bourgeois fantasies with them and live out my maternal fantasies with the families. Oh the beauty of the doll world. You have to go to multiple Targets. They don't all have the same thing. I have found some amazing pieces in the $1 aisle.

  11. LOVE the photos you've taken here. The guys look cute and they meld with the background. Thanks for having the courage to take these great photos in spite of the gawkers. (They were probably jealous of your cool collection ;-D)

  12. This is so awesome!! Reaffirms the fact that I need to get more guy dolls!! :D

    In A Dolly's World

  13. D7ana - I had a whole park at my disposal and I picked the one area with about 25 high school students. I'm sure me and my dog were looking a site. Darius and the guys were just happy to be away from the office.

    Dolly's World - It was wonderful spending some time with the guys away from all the remodeling, and the kid activities. I highly recommend adding guys to the collection.

  14. Vanessa your photography is excellent - this is coming from the eye of a photographer's wife. I unintentionally look for flaws, I never see any ;-)

  15. Sporadically Yours - Thanks!! I have a lot to learn, but I am always trying something new in an effort to get better.


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