Saturday, August 13, 2011

New Blogger - Chynadoll Creations

As you know, occassionally I will feature new blogs from people I meet.  Today I am introducing you guys to Chynadoll Creations.  She is a very talented OOAK artist.  I met her through my Facebook fan page, and when I asked her if she had a blog or website, BAM, she had a blog up the very next day.  I was impressed, and I have been impressed with all of her posts thus far.

Here are a couple of pictures, I borrowed from her blog.  Hopefully she won't mind.  It's 4am in the morning, and I couldn't get an answer from her, so I decided to make an executive decision.  I don't think she will mind.  It's for a good cause.  As for the dolls, she does everything.  The repaint, the hair, the jewelry, the clothes, etc. 

This is a S.I.S. doll remake.  I am loving this jewelry.

This was a $3 thrift store doll.  You mean my thrift store dolls could look like this?

So hop on over to Chynadoll Creations, and pay her a visit


  1. Thanks for letting us know about Chynadoll Creations! Her dolls are beautiful! Also another doll collector in the Garden State!!!

  2. Thanks, Vanessa. I think you made a wise executive decision here. I'll check her blog out.


  3. I love her blog but I can't comment. Am I doings something wrong?

  4. @Ms Leo, I left a comment but it is waiting for the blog author's approval.

  5. Gosh, they look so real. Very lovely indeed. I'm not a doll enthusiast, but I'm impressed.

  6. To everyone - Glad you like her work.

    Frannie and Ms. Leo - I should have known she was from that area! Those are my only blogger friends who have approvals on their comments! Is there a trust issue with the Philly/NJ people? LOLOL. I have asked her about the approval, as I do with all of my friends. I think people get more interaction amongst their followers when that approval is not there. Just my opinion. Not to mention, every time I see that after hitting 'post comment', my blood pressure goes up. I tend not to comment on those sites, except for Ms. Leo's and D7ana. But if I ever see those 2 in person, I am going to strangle them. LOL.

  7. Vanessa, I just think some people are afraid they might get some inappropriate comments on their site and that is how they control their blog. It does happen maybe once in awhile,but since I have been blogging I really haven't seen any on the doll blogs I read.

  8. Frannie - I have had maybe 2 strange comments from spammers. I just promptly erase them. No harm, no foul. I even accept Anonymous comments. Which is good because otherwise, I would never have received comments from the wonderful MsLydiaT, and a few other people that couldn't get comments in any other way. I am not saying that occassionally, once in a blue moon, something can't happen. I just think it's interesting that all of the approval blogs I follow are from the Philly/NJ area. Coincidence? Perhaps.

  9. I can't post at all! I say I am not allowed and to login under a differnt name? I don't understand.

  10. @Vanessa, thank you so much for making your executive decision and posting my dolls :)
    As for the approval of comments, I was not even aware that mess was there. PLEASE tell me how to remove it and allow anyone, and everyone to comment.
    I have no problems with comments good or bad lol. I am so new to this blog stuff and its because of you that I actually got off my butt and got it done lol.

    Thank you ladies for all of your comments and by all means please come back for a comment too LOL

  11. Chynadoll - Send me your email address to I will help you with the blog setup.

    Ms. Leo, hopefully I will be able to help her figure out why you can't comment.

  12. The dolls are gorgeous!! Very creative and so much talent!

  13. Wonderful! Awesome!
    Thanks, Vanessa! You make my day!


I love receiving your comments. Posts older than 5 days will require moderation until I can get the scammers under control. Thanks for your understanding.