Sunday, July 31, 2011

Permanent Room Dilemma and New Houndstooth Sofa

I just sent out my weekly blog update to a list of people who subscribed.  Why didn't you guys tell me that I had blog post diarrhea last week?  I think Frannie eluded to it.  I was a little crazy last week with the photostories and the video.  This week I will try to refrain from post overload of stories, so you guys can keep up. It might be hard because now everytime I go into the studio and I see a room set up, I want to do a quick story.  Boy do I have a lot of stories on the horizon.  The Anderson home design has been determined and I am in the process of tweeking. The Dinosaur museum was dismantled today, and I was so tempted to set up a new display for a new video.  Instead, I took pictures of the new sofa that I also did this past week.  Did I sleep at all this past week?  Let me think....  I do know that this morning I got up at 2:15am and haven't been back to sleep yet.

I will spend the next couple of days getting caught up on reading blogs.  I will also be making food for the store, because I promised people that I would have stuff available by August.  Can you believe tomorrow is August 1st.  This year is flying.  Making clothes for Julian and Jacob is also on my list for this week.  

The new sofa is of course, currently available in my Etsy shop.


  1. Vanessa, I love your stories and look forward to watching them and reading your posts. I just worry that you are not sleeping. Your body needs rest to stay healthy. Just don't over exert yourself.

  2. Frannie - I don't not sleep (forgive the double negative) on purpose. I sleep for as long as my body wants to. It just happens to be 3-4 hrs a night. I haven't used an alarm clock since I was 25. My brain never turns off, so if I don't get things done, I feel worse.

  3. I really like your blog. The sofa is gorgeous!

  4. Eliana - What a pretty name! Thanks for your comments. Always nice to know people are reading my blog.

  5. I vote for more posts! Or you could always do as many stories you want then if you catch a cold or something,you already have a new story ready to go!

  6. Dani - When I do more stories, more stories develop. Which is fine with me. I have worked hard not to catch a cold and haven't had one in years, so I don't think that will slow me down.

    I think there are quite a few stories on the horizon. School will be startinh soon. That could mean school shopping for someone and a visit to the dentist for someone. Someone in this town is probably getting engaged soon. Not sure who. Darius has a trip and an outing coming up. The dancer will be entering the scene soon. The Burkes are having issues that need addressing. The Langfords will be having their weekly family dinner soon. Then of course there is Rod and Danielle who will need to move their relationship along. A new man will be on the scene bringing much drama. A few people will be getting pets. Then there are the bikers. And of course it doesn't include those out the blue stories, like the dino museum.

    Oh my! I am with you Dani. I need to do more posts, not less. That is not even the full list.

  7. carmen - Thanks! I love your blog. Very informative.

  8. fantastic sofa!!!!
    Thanks you for visting my blog...
    Good Luck!!!

  9. Gabi-mates - So nice of you to visit. Thanks! I always love seeing your fashions. They are always so stylish.


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