Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Sofa means new video is coming soon!

I finished this one a couple of days ago, and I finally got it posted on Etsy this morning.  You guys should really get excited when you see a new piece of furniture posted.  That means the new video is coming real soon. Yeah!

I did a loveseat with this same fabric not too long ago.  I don't wan't you guys to think that I am cheating and reposting furniture I already have. LOL!  Actually the loveseat sold already.  I thought the fabric would make a nice sofa.  The pictures make it seem like the striped pillows don't match.  That is not the case at all.  It's actually a perfect combination, but once again the lighting was a little strange.  Available at my etsy shop for $47USD + shipping. 

I would say that I am now going to shoot the next video, but unfortunately I have to go deliver a porcelain doll that I just repaired.  I used to make porcelain dolls in my former life.  I hate that I have to leave the comforts of my studio, but duty calls.  I guess I'll be doing that video tomorrow.  Have a great weekend!!


  1. Vanessa your sofa is so life-like. I love the details and the accent pillows. Thank you for sharing them. Luv-Loretta

  2. Loretta - Thanks so much and thanks for commenting!

  3. I love the couch as always but now I'm intrigued by your former life as a porcelain doll-maker. That sounds cool!


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