Friday, April 1, 2011

Impromptu Photo Shoot - The Redmonds and The Trotts

I started shooting the new video tonight, but by the time I got everyone dressed and the scenes ready, I was too tired to do the video.  Two of the families, the Redmonds and the Trotts, were dressed and looking nice, so I decided to let then do a photoshoot.

Sylvia and Sophia

This is one of the outfits I got when I bought the $2 dolls at the Doll Show last November. I think it is perfect for Sylvia.

Christopher and Sylvia

I could not get the lighting right, but it was such a sweet picture I had to share it.

China is casually dressed, but still picture perfect.

Darren and China

They all had fun at the photoshoot.  These pictures will be great memories of their time at the beach house.


  1. Are the Redmond a mixed race couple or is Christopher a light AA? I love Sylia's dress. It matches her eyes!

  2. The Redmonds are a beautiful couple. Sylvia's dress complements her complexion. Beautiful pictures!


  3. Lot of love in the Redmond family. It shines through in all of the pictures.

  4. Ms. Leo - Chris is biracial, hence his very light skin.

    DBG - Thanks! That blue color really suits her.

    PR - I think Sylvia's eyes just oozes love.

  5. Vanessa, you have some great looking couples! You definitely have an eye for chemistry. That Christopher is FIONE! LOL...They make the perfect couple and look really happy in love.

    Darren and China, wow! The one thing I worried about for my Darren was he looked a little young if coupled with someone other than my S.I.S. dolls. But placed with China, he looks all grown up and very handsome here. Great job.

    I'll be checkin' in for the next video! :)

  6. Tracy - You never seize to "crack me up". A little trick I used with my Chris doll (your Byron doll) was putting him on the FR stand that came with Darius. The bottom for that stand is about an inch thick. This makes him look taller. Darren does have a really young look. I think China is a little older than him (you know I don't remember all the details), but I like them together. Her sophistication makes him seem more mature.


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