Friday, January 13, 2017

Help With the Laundry

Hey, guys.  I worked on Danielle's laundry room.  It's not finished.  I still have to add some decor touches and straighten up the hanging rod.  I didn't realize how crooked it was until I took the photos.  All the partially finished rooms I recently put together will be completed when I am feeling better.

In all honesty, I'm having a difficult time with these shingles and I'm not functioning at 100%. The pain is intense and frequent even with my pain meds.  If I could, I would just sleep through the whole thing.  It's been three weeks, and it feels like a lot longer.  Anyhoo....

Yesterday I was able to sit at my sewing machine for the first time in a month and make Dasia a dress.  I hope to finish a couple more outfits for her soon so I can reopen my Etsy store.  

Danielle remembered she had a load of clothes in the washer.  Jacob follows her to the laundry room.
"So are you going to help Mommy with the laundry?"  (Danielle) 

"I want to do it."  (Jacob)

"Okay, but let me open the door for you."  (Danielle)

With Danielle's help, Jacob is able to stuff the clean clothes into the dryer.

"Wow, aren't you a good little helper?"  (Danielle)

Danielle turns on the dryer, scoops up Jacob and heads out.  It's been a long day and she would really like to take a nap.  Unfortunately, the holiday company is still there.  She'll figure something out.


  1. Cute laundry Vanessa. I will keep you in my prays that you get relief and a quick healing from the shingles.

  2. Ugh shingles - that's really painful from what I hear. I had an allergic reaction to some pain gel last year that was similar and I wouldn't want to go through it again. I will definitely be praying for you. Take it easy though while you are recuperating because it can leave you with Chronic Fatigue.
    Oh, and Danielle looks really cute.

    1. Carrickters - Allergic reactions are really bad too. Shingles causes nerve pain, which is difficult to relieve. Fingers crossed it will go away real soon.

  3. It's a nice laundry room. The red looks good.

    I hope you feel better soon. Being sick sucks rocks.

    1. Jaye - Thanks. Once I get some pictures up it will look more cozy. There has been a lot of sickness with my friends and neighbors this year already. Not sure what is going on.

  4. Ugh, I really hope you feel better soon! Nerve stuff is no fun at all.

    The laundry room is so cute though! I love how you put in the "floating" shelf.

    1. Erin - Thanks. She's going to need a few more items to put on those shelves.

  5. Hi Vanessa!
    Great laundry room! Hope you get to feeling better soon...:-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. With the new baby, Danielle needed a nicer laundry room.

  6. I hope you're feeling better soon. What a rotten way to have to start the new year!

    I really like that you paired the red washer/dryer with black and white wallpaper. It makes the room (to me) feel energizing. If my laundry room was like that, I'd feel ready to take on all the dirty clothes every time I walked in there!

    1. Presto - Thanks. Glad you like the color scheme. I wish I had my own colorful laundry room.

  7. We all knowwhy the company is still there.. Zoè! I can't blame them.Little Zoè is so adorable! Hows Nicole doing with brand new room? Oh! Before I forget, how old is Nicole?

    1. Feel better soon! Get lots of rest.

    2. Jaiden - You are probably right. Zoé is probably off somewhere getting spoiled. Nicole is loving her new room. She is 10.

  8. Hi Vanessa, I pray it goes away real soon. Take care my friend. The laundry room looks great! Jacob is so precious!!

    1. Georgia Girl - Me too! Thanks. Jacob was all too happy to help.

  9. I hope you feel better soon, Vanessa.

    The laundry room is coming along nicely. I like the red washer and dryer.. This post reminds me that I put a small load of clothes in the dryer Friday and there they remain.


    1. DBG - Thanks. Danielle and I are both happy with her new space. She's been spending a lot of time in here lately.

  10. I hope you feel better really soon. Continue to take really good care of yourself. I've heard of people having repercussions from that illness.

    1. AG Lanc - Thanks. I feel like I'm having a setback. I was getting better, but now I feel like it's starting over again. I'm trying to ignore the pain and get on with life.

  11. You poor thing! I hear that the pain from shingles is really, really bad! I hope you get better very soon. I admire that you are still working on your doll things and getting rooms done and all!

    The laundry room is really pretty! Jacob looks so cute helping his mommy!

    1. Phyllis - I hate the idea of losing time to illness, so I'm trying to be productive. Getting back to sewing the past couple of days has been a big accomplishment. The pain is intense. I'm so tired of dealing with it, that I'm just trying to block it out now.

  12. Very cute room! I like the colors. Praying for those shingles to be gone!!! xo

    1. Farrah - Thanks! With that huge house, she needed a nice laundry room. Thanks for your much needed prayers.

  13. I love your laundry room! I am admiring how you are still pushing through this problem with shingles with the help of your doll family. You'll stay in my prayers.

    1. april - Thanks. Danielle loves her new laundry room. All those kids equal lots of clothes. Thanks for your much needed prayers!

  14. Thanks for sharing your creations and stories under these circumstances. I hope you have recovered from the shingles, Vanessa.

    Jacob is a sweetie. He's got his mom's good nature. I love seeing them together.

    1. D7ana - You're welcome. The shingles are still with me. I'm going to start charging them rent soon.

      Danielle is making sure she gives Jacob a little extra time right now. He's becoming a good little helper.


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