Saturday, June 25, 2016

Nicole's New Dress

I stopped by Target a couple days ago looking for one of the new tall fashionistas.  No luck, but I did find a couple of Moxie Girlz on sale for $2.48.  I liked their dresses and knew that my dolls would like them, too.   

I initially thought these dresses would work for the new petite fashionistas.  In theory they can, but they're quite short on them.  The petite dolls are taller than these ladies.

I knew these dresses would work for my Only Heart dolls.  
Melanie bought this one for Nicole.  She's been buying her a lot of stuff lately.  I guess she's feeling a little guilty.  This is Nicole's "sorry you can't spend time with your dad right now" dress.  Poor thing.  Doesn't she look a little sad.  

Yes, Melanie is dragging Rod back into court.  However, they won't be going before a judge.  They've been assigned to an arbitrator.  We will get to see that in a story soon.

My Play Plans:  I know some of you miss seeing my other characters.  Right now my focus has been sewing for Dasia because I need to get my real deck fixed and it's costing twice what I thought it would.  The deck will be rebuilt in early July.  I will spend part of July making and selling shoes for Dasia, but  I will start incorporating some of our favorite characters back into some mini scenes.  I think Danielle's baby is due in August, which means I she will have to get that nursery done before that.  Somewhere in the midst of all that, I will squeeze in designing and sewing a wardrobe for Lammily.


  1. Nicole looks so cute in that dress! Though I wish Melanie would stop being so mean.. If Danielle's baby does come in August what day would she be born? I'm mostly asking cause my little sister Christina was born in August. Also, I've been meaning to ask but does Dasia's grandson Corey have a favorite superhero?

    1. Leandra - Sorry I'm so late responding... As for Danielle's baby, we really can't pinpoint a day yet. Babies sort of come when they are ready. Lol. Corey doesn't have a favorite superhero. He likes the majority of them.

    2. I don't mind late responses, patience is a virtue. When the baby does come, I hope everything goes smoothly. Will Danielle have a baby shower? So Corey would be happy with any?

    3. Leandra - Having a baby shower for Danielle is a good idea. Not sure when I would fit it in. I'm trying to get the baby room done this week. Corey would definitely be happy with any.

  2. Oh, Melanie! I give up on her having any redeeming qualities. She's just a miserable old b-word.

    Those Moxies really remind me of the way Sparkle Girlz market their dolls in the cones. Is the fabric/quality similar to that of Sparkle wear?

    1. Muff - The Moxie dresses are nice quality. Maybe just a notch higher than the Sparkle Girlz clothes.

  3. Nicole looks so adorable . Lord,Melanie really.I mean really can she give them a break.Danielle is already dealing with her pregnancy, now she has to deal with Melanie!I really hope she gets through this!I am so glad Nicole is going with the punches.She has always been my favorite! Thanks for the update! Can't wait to see danielle's baby!I'm sure Julian is happy!Are you thinking of getting them a bigger car?If so there is a barbie limo , i think its looks close to a family car.

    1. Jaiden - Nicole is dealing with the mama drama the best she can. Sometimes parents forget that kids have feelings, too.

  4. Aww Nicole looks pretty! Melanie is a meanie, but it good to see that she does not allow it to spill over into being a Mother other than depriving her of her father.

    Thanks for letting us know about the other families.

    Do you have plans to do some heels for Dasia?

    1. Georgia Girl - I wonder if Melanie was a mean girl growing up, or if she was bullied and became hard because of it? I would like to make Dasia some heels. We will see.

  5. It's nice Nicole is getting new clothes, but shame on Melanie for the reason behind getting them for her. Melanie is horrible. I hope the arbitrator gives her the side eye.

    1. Janainah - Nicole would much rather spend time with her dad than have a new dress. Hopefully this issue will be resolved soon.

  6. The dress looks very pretty on Nicole and I'm sure she likes it. I'm sure she also understands her mum's motives as well. Kids are not blind. I hope everything gets sorted out fairly.

    1. Carrickters - Yes, kids are more aware of what's happening more times than not. Parents can lose sight that kids have feelings, too.

  7. The trouble with people like Melanie is that they don't realize the harm they are doing to their children. Really, she is punishing Nicole to satisfy her selfish needs. Kind of hope this all backfires on her and Rod ends up with more time with Nicole instead of less!

    Nicole looks very nice in her dress!

    1. Phyllis - Agreed! You really have to feel for the kids who experience this. There are many selfish parents out there who lose sight of what is truly best for the kids.

  8. I love the dresses, too bad they don't fit the fashionistas. Isn't it great when another doll line clothes fit your dolls?


    1. monstercrafts - I always enjoy finding different clothes for the girls and the ladies.

  9. hi im so doggone ticked off at melanie. I don't know what you have in store for her but I hope you put the shoe on the other foot so to speak and bring her darn close to losing her daughter (have gracious Danielle save the day) then she can see all the anguish she is causing rod, danielle and nicole. sock it to her lol

    1. linda p - Lol! Maybe I should name the arbitrator Linda. We should send you in there and see what happens with Melanie.

  10. Hi Vanessa!
    Nicole looks so cute in that dress. Too bad her mother is such a b***h. I guess she just doesn't have enough to do. She either needs therapy, a kick in the pants or both! LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - Melanie has plenty to do, but somehow she still finds time to be "a meanie". Let's not forget she did have some therapy sessions. Maybe it's time for the kick in the butt.

  11. There is always something sad about Nicole to me. i always feel sorry for her, even if I'm not sure why!

    1. Tam - She looks sad to me in this picture. I'm sure she's missing Julian and Jacob.

  12. Nicole looks great in her dress. I will have to check Targe;s doll isle the next time I go. I did check Walmart the last time I was in there but they didn't have any thing exciting in the doll aisle. Nicole looks really cute in her dress.

    1. Brini - Hopefully you were able to find some of the Moxie dresses. They are perfect for the young girls.

  13. Hola, qué placer venir a tu blog.
    Me alegra ver tantas muñecas que por acá no venden. Disfrútalas mucho. Saludos desde México.

    1. lindaivette - Estoy contento de mostrar un montón de diferentes muñecas y siempre interesante escuchar lo que sucede en otros países


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