Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Amazing Organization Video and a Dress

Busy night, last night.  I started crocheting my first Barbie dress last night, while watching tv clips on YouTube.  Somewhere around 2am, I misplaced my crochet hook.  One minute it was in my hand and the next it was not.  I felt my higher power was telling me to go to bed.  I did find the hook about 30 mins later when I turned on the little fan I keep on the floor next to my bed.  *Clang, clang, clang*.  The hook had fallen into the fan.  I went to bed, anyway, and woke around 5am and started working on my dress again.  YouTube was still playing on my tv.  One of the videos I watched was a "5 in 1 Craft Room Tour" by Lisa Pullano.  It was my first time seeing one of her videos and I was thoroughly impressed.  I wanted to share it with you because she does an excellent job explaining where she bought everything in her room.  There were quite a few pieces I feel would work great for our doll/accessories storage.  She tried to keep it cost effective  by using pieces from Ikea, Target and Amazon.   This was the only video of hers I watched, but I have a feeling she has many others.  It's 19 mins long and well worth watching.   Her makeup supply is incredible!  I can't imagine anyone needing that much makeup, but it sure looks impressive.  Let me know what you think.

Here is the dress I finished this morning.  I'm getting much faster at doing this.

Here is a picture of the dress pattern I followed.....sort of.  It is not exactly like the dress in the book.  I'm learning how to fake it, and my confidence is building.  It is however, the closest I've come to reproducing a pattern in the book.  My ladies are very happy.  They are finally getting some of my creations.


  1. I really like your dress! You did a great job. I am going to have to watch that video tonight - Lord knows, I could use some good organization tips!

    1. Phyllis - Thanks! I sort of wish I was born with better organizational skills. But not if it meant giving up any of my other skills.

  2. The dress looks great! How long did it take you to complete?

    1. jSarie - Thanks! I don't know exactly how long it took. I started working on it around 7pm that night, then worked on it on and off until the next morning. It was finished (except for the snaps in the back) by 8:30am. I will time my next project.

  3. Beautiful dress Vanessa!! I have my favorite snack and a cold bottle of water. I am ready to check out this video. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! Hopefully you got a chance to see the video. Our girl, Jewell says her closet is like that. I think you and I just need to hire her and call it a day. Why should you and I suffer through something that she is so good at doing? Lol.

  4. Wow, talk about life goals. I would love that girls room, but instead of makeup and clothes it would be full of dolls.

    What a fancy dress! I see from the pattern it was for tea time, but looks like a stylish business dress to me.

    1. Muff - Me too! My problem with getting completely organized is that I'm always itching to start working on a project. One day.

      Thanks. I agree that it would be a nice business dress. I made the color a little lighter and moved the stripe from the bottom up a little bit.

  5. Believe it or not, my closet is *almost* this organized, the biggest differences being that it's enclosed rather than open and I only have one drawer of make-up. But my clothes, jewelry, shoes, and handbags are all neatly displayed on items from Target, Amazon, and Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Those IKEA picture ledges she showed would be good for displaying dolls. I measured them in store last week, and they'll hold doll stands up to 3 and three-quarter inches deep, which is deep enough for even my Integrity stands.

    1. Jewell - I believe it, which is why I just need to hire you. You could be my Candace Olsen, who comes in and makes magic happen.

  6. Darling dress. There is no end to your talent, Vanessa. Dolly hugs!

    1. Roville - Thanks so much. I think we all push each other to learn and do more.

  7. Beutiful dress.How long did it take?The video was really good! I can see you making that 5 in 1 room!I'm sure your dolls are happy for the dress!I love this blog!I would always go back and look at your older post and look at your videos!

    1. Jaiden - Thanks. I don't know exactly how many hours it took, but I did it in one sitting. I'm so happy you enjoy my blog. I really wish I had the time to continue the videos. Maybe one day I will do a few more.

  8. Hi Vanessa!
    Great dress! I've found the more I do, the faster I get at it. You're getting me motivated to start crocheting doll clothes again. LOL The video looks interesting. I'll have to take a look at it. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! I was quite impressed with how quickly you were able to make actual garments. You were definitely another source of inspiration for me. Looking forward to seeing new items from you.

  9. Bonjour Vanessa ! Your dress is very nice. Je n'ai jamais tricoté en suivant un patron car je ne comprends rien aux patrons pour la laine. Mais c'est vraiment beau ce que tu as fait.

    1. Shasarignis - Bonjour! Merci beaucoup. J'etudie le francais pour trois mois, et je te comprends. Je suis vraiment contente, que mon francais est mieux.

  10. Replies
    1. DBG - Thanks! I have to admit I am surprised it turned out as well as it did.

  11. The dress turned about really nice. Now that your "hooked" I can imagine all the great out fits you will create.

    1. Brini - Thanks. Lol, I am a little hooked. I like that I can crochet throughout the night and not leave my bed.

  12. Vanessa, I am so jealous. I simply do not have the patience to do more than a hasty patch of (sometimes uneven) chain stitches. Your dress looks so wonderful.

    1. april - Thanks. I find it hard to believe with everything that you do, that you struggle with patience when it comes to crocheting. But I do understand. Crocheting has been elusive to me for over 10 yrs. So I think you can do it. My advice is to find a little local group of crocheters, who meet and get advice from them. It helped me out tremendously.


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