Saturday, April 23, 2016

Not Perfect, But I'm Happy!

I finally crocheted a complete garment for Barbie.  I've been wanting to do one forever, but constantly stumbled over the years trying to make it happen.  I've purchased supplies a number of times and gave them away each time because I was convinced it would never happen.   A couple of weeks ago, I saw a meetup group called Craft Addict, that meets once a week.  Their main focus seems to be knitting and crocheting.  I decided to check it out.  For a couple of hours each Sunday, we sit and work on whatever projects we want.  There is a lead lady, and other experienced ladies, who help you with whatever you need help with.  It's great to be able to get answers to questions that would ordinarily cause me to put the project aside forever.  The experienced people also told me how poorly written the patterns are in my Barbie crochet book.  So it wasn't just me!  Pattern reading is the thing that kept me from making anything in the past.  I decided I wouldn't be held hostage to poor pattern writing and I decided to make my own pattern of the garment in the book.  It worked much better than I expected.  Of course this first garment is my test garment, and it has a few issues.  

Jacquelyn is modeling the sweater.  It is a wrap sweater that ties on the side.  The neckline needs to be more symmetrical.  Next time.

Here you can see more details about how it wraps.

Of course I had to appease Dasia who was not thrilled about the whole crocheting thing.  This is my first princess seemed dress.  It's hard to see the details, but I plan to use contrasting black and white material next time.  It will be much easier to see the seeming down the front of the dress.

Side note about meetup groups:  I discovered almost two years ago.  There are hundreds of meetup groups just here in the Atlanta area.  I imagine each state has meetup groups you can get involved in.  You can also start up your own group.  Some of the groups have a minimal charge (less than a $1 per month), but most are free.  It is a great way to meet people and try out new activities.  I have gained several friends that now feel like family members.  Check it out.


  1. Actually, your sweater looks pretty good for a first attempt! I like Dasia's new dress too. I may have to check out the meetup thing! It sounds like fun.

    1. Phyllis - Thanks! Meetups are fun. I belong to one that explores lots of activities in my county. I also belong to a French speaking one. We meet once a month. Great way to use and improve upon my French.

  2. Looks great. I especially admire you because I am completely hopeless as far as knitting and crocheting are concerned. I have been taught, (or, at least, it's been attempted!) many times, and I either can't do it, or forget everything I've learned as soon as I stop. Ivy and I even got a DVD from the library, and in spite of rerunning it a thousand times, I just couldn't figure it out!My brain just doesn't work that way.

    1. Tam - I felt completely hopeless for years. I could make nice stitches, but could never get them into a garment. Check out YouTube videos. When I would get stuck, I would pull up a YouTube video and quickly figure it out, so I could keep moving. The beauty of YouTube is everyone has different methods and sometimes it just takes finding the method that works for you. Good luck!

  3. Looks good to me! I like the color and the size of the stitches(?)

    1. Muff - Thanks! In the past, my yarn was always too big to make the cute little stitches. That was made with crochet thread, which is the smallest available yarn to work with.

  4. I think the sweater looks great! Good for you for completing your first one. I have wanted to try to make my own doll clothes (especially for Ken), but just have to take the first plunge I guess. Thanks for the motivation. :)

    1. Farrah Lily - Take the plunge! It just takes practice and sticking with it. Go for it!

  5. Your clothes look great!

    Don't tell me it was this book! I have a book by that same author with knitting patterns for Barbie. I've never tried any; I would need to get way smaller needles. I've been part of a Meetup group, that knits and crochets, for a year or so. I really enjoy it.

    1. Barb - Yes, it's that book. I have both the crochet and knitting ones. A good tip would be to write out each row before you start. The way she writes instructions can be confusing. Aren't some of the meetup groups great? I have met some really nice people.

  6. The sweater looks good. It's way better than I would have made. Dasia's dress is very nice. I'm starting to envy her clothes. I don't dress as well as she does.

    1. Janainah - Thanks. I can't wait to make Dasia's dress in contrasting colors. I don't dress as well as Dasia either. She puts me to shame.

  7. I think that your clothes look really good. Personally, I can't sew at all, I've tryied a couple times and it has always ended up in a total disaster, so I really admire people who can sew, specially tiny doll clothes.


    1. monstercrafts - Thanks. You may want to try some YouTube videos to help with your sewing. Sometimes it just takes something to click and then you can get it.

  8. Great job on the sweater Vanessa!! The color is lovely and the style is perfect. Dasia is the best dressed, full figured doll I know. :-). The dress is beautiful as are all of your fashions!!

    Happy Sunday friend!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! A couple years ago, you commented, "is there nothing you can't do?" My sometimes silent response was crochet and knit an outfit. It feels good that I don't have to say that anymore.

  9. Hi Vanessa!
    Your sweater looks great! I know my first crochet projects for Barbie had issues, but that's how I learned. I've created some of my own patterns and have adjusted some to fit my Color Infusion guys and gals. Keep up the great work! :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks! I was so impressed at how quickly you started producing such nice doll crocheted items. The mistakes are definitely a great way to learn.

  10. Hello from Spain: I really like. Great color. Keep in touch

  11. Your wrap jumper looks great, no wonder you had to appease Dasia. Maybe you should promise to crochet her something to go with that lovely dress.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. Before I did the Barbie sweater, I knew I wanted to do a sweater for Dasia. I've started a simple classic sweater for her a couple of days ago.

  12. I agree with the girls above,it's cool your crochet and awesome the hability to try.
    I see a great future for your next creations.
    Please share them with us!
    Hugs my friend!!

    1. Jorge - Hi! So glad you like my attempt at branching out into something new. I will definitely share all my future projects.

  13. I can't knit (lacking patience, for sure), so your sweater looks absolutely fabulous to me. I love, love the color. Also love Dasia in that new dress!!!

    1. april - Thanks! This is crocheting. I think I like knitting better. It goes a little faster for me. Both take a great deal of patience.

  14. Hello again! This comment has nothing to do with your post, but I've seen on a My Froggy Stuff video that she found some cool doll stuff, such as doll size sport balls, at a shop called Party City. I don't know if that shop is avaliable in your area, but if it is, you may want to check it out.

    1. monstercrafts - Yes, we have Party Citys here in town. Thanks for the info. I will check them out soon.

  15. That sweater looks great, much better than my first attempt (and the ones after that too, if I'm being honest...). Getting some IRL help from people who know what they're doing is probably a better way to learnthan trying to decipher patterns on your own.

    Dasia looks great as usual. :)

  16. Anderson's AP - Thanks! Yes, the experienced people boosted my confidence. I'm now working on a sweater for Dasia. You know she didn't want to be left out.


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