Monday, March 21, 2016

Welcome Elsa

Elsa arrived a couple of days ago.  I wanted to get her out of her box and photographed.  She is such a beauty.

That leather jacket feels like butter. 

She is greeted by Sonya (Jac doll).  Elsa is anxious to hear about life here in Morristown.

"So what's it like, living here?"  (Elsa)

"'s more of a place for 12" fashion dolls.  Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of dolls here our size, but all of the attention goes to the 12" dolls."  (Sonja)
"Really?"  (Elsa)
"We were pretty excited to hear you were coming.  Hopefully that means we will get a little more attention.  Maybe some new clothes.  That would be nice."  (Sonya)

"There's a woman here in town that is a genius when it comes to getting new clothes.  I'm drawing a blank on her name.  What is her name......?   I think it's Dasia."  (Sonya)
"Maybe we should plan to meet with her and find out how she does it."  (Elsa)

"What about men?  Are there any here our size?"  (Elsa)
"There's one.  Who knows, maybe there will be another one in the future.  Do you know Esme and Tyler?"  (Sonya)
"I've heard of them, but our paths have not crossed yet."  (Elsa)
"They both live here, too.  I will have to plan a girl's night out."  (Sonya)

Elsa stares off into the distance.  She wonders if she made the right decision coming here.  She was hoping to make a lot of friends."  (Elsa)
"Oh yeah, and there are a ton of Gene dolls here.."  (Sonya)

"You look worried.  Don't be.  We make the most of it.  We have plenty of 16" parties when the lights go out.  Several of the ladies even have kids, so there is plenty going on."  (Sonya)

"And I will take very good care of you.  If you need a place to stay until you find your own place, you are welcome to stay with me."  (Sonya)
"Thanks so much."  (Elsa)

I have several pieces of furniture that can be used with the 16" dolls.  This dresser (jewelry box) was purchased about 10 years ago.

The top and all three drawers open.

Upcoming 12" story.....
Yesterday, I took a small break from working on orders and made Rod a lounging outfit.  A pair of pajama pants and a muscle shirt.  He and Julian are watching a little Sunday football.  We will find out what Danielle and Jacob are up to when I get to work on this story.

Below are two items on one of the orders.  I also just completed, and shipped, a 13 piece Dasia order, and a few single item Dasia orders.  I'm in the process of designing new pieces for Dasia, and developing patterns for the Lammily doll.  I'm also trying to perfect recipes for the baking business I am trying to develop.  A couple nights ago, I completely forgot to go to bed.  Lol.  When I looked up it was 5am.  I got a two hour nap and went back to work.  Sometimes insomnia really comes in handy.  I will be back soon with a new story.


  1. Oh Vanessa, I really enjoyed this post!!! Elsa is really pretty. I like how another doll her size takes her in and welcomes her. (Pssst...My dolls do the same with each new arrival!) Sounds like you're pretty busy these days!!!

    1. april - Thanks so much. I'm hoping Elsa will inspire me to sew a few 16" outfits. They are the perfect size to dress.

  2. She is sooo pretty.I can't wait to see her in stories. Also have you heard about the new curvy dolls.Awesome right!I can not wait to here about danielle's baby!

    1. Jaiden - Thanks. I agree. She is a beauty. Yes, I've heard of the curvy Barbies. I have plans to get at least one, but I haven't found the one I want, yet.

  3. You make such lovely furniture. I love that crib. I hope Elsa enjoys being in Morristown. The 16" girls get a little neglected around here, which is ironic since they are the reason I even started making dioramas.

    1. Janainah - Thanks. Those 16" dios can take up quite a bit of room. So much easier to do it for the 12" dolls.

  4. She's gorgeous!

    Loved the dialogue about other doll sizes getting the attention - I feel like some of my dolls must be having that conversation too. LOL! ;)

    1. jSarie - She was totally meant to be in my collection. The dolly angels must have read the blog post where I talked about her being on sale. I just know they were responsible for that 40% off sale.

  5. Just love those dolly conversations about the other dolls in town! Elsa is indeed beautiful. I can see why she was so hard to resist. I just got a box from IT today and can't wait to open it! I am sticking to the 1:6 scale dolls, but seeing the beautiful 16 inch dolls makes them hard to resist. I just don't know where I would put them. Maybe a "Land of the Tall" corner in Hanaly Corners.

    1. Phyllis - I'm very happy she is here. Glad she has some friends her size to hang out with. Oooh an IT box. I'm intrigued.

  6. Do the 16 inch girls avoid the 12 inch girls or something? Cant they get along?

    1. Muff - Girl the 16" dolls don't even notice the 12" dolls. They are so short in comparison. Their meeting with Dasia should be interesting.

  7. Hello from Spain: I love your new doll. Elsa is very pretty. Your furniture is fabulous. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I'm really counting on her to inspire me to sew for the 16" dolls. I think it will be more fun to sew for them.

  8. Elsa is gorgeous! It is clear why she was chosen. The story was too cute!

    The crib and sofa are nice! I need to get a crib one day if I can ever sit down and plan this wedding out loud. I have it all planned in my head. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - This big girl wore me down. I don't feel so bad about being so slow about Darius and Nikki's wedding. Your poor couple has been engaged forever. Lol.

  9. Congrats,Vanessa!
    I just LOVE Elsa!I think she is your first girl from I wrong?Well,anyway she is really gorgeous and shows how photogenic she is...Love your forniture collection!! <3

    1. Jorge - Thanks! Elsa is a beauty. I can only imagine what your photography could do for her. To be honest, I'm not sure if she is my only Japanese doll. I have a hard time telling the difference with my Asian dolls.

  10. Elsa is lovely. That crib is too cute. You should see the look I just gave my dolls- they better not even think about it- lol. I am saving my change for those Lammily fashions.

    1. Jewell - Thanks. Your dolls give you those crazy looks, too? Lol. They are all a trip. I can't wait for the new AA Lammily doll to come out. I think once she gets her, the fashion creation will go a lot quicker.

  11. I wish U could survive on a 2 hour nap. It's amazing what you get done but it looks as though you will have to get even more because I can't see Dasia wanting less clothes just because you are sewing for the bigger girls. And,of course, your customers are still going to want furniture and clothes.

    1. Carrickters - Oddly enough, not getting sleep doesn't affect me the next day. Can I consider that a talent? Lol. Luckily, the more I sew, the faster I get. So Dasia's clothes habit will still be fed.

  12. Sorry, typo - I meant I wish I could survive on 2 hours of sleep.

  13. I enjoyed the "doll" conversation but I missed the class on 12 and 16???

    1. Kenya - Sorry about that. I may have to post them together one day soon. Even though the 16" isn't twice the size of Barbie, it looks like it is.

  14. i also love the way the same size doll welcomes elsa. my dolls do the same thing. i remember when my bijou moxie teen welcomed lizette toner doll. they have been paired ever since. i love the scripts you have for the dolls. so real.

    1. Hi Darlene. Thanks. I've considered buying a Lizette doll, but it hasn't happened yet. I would have to catch her on a great sale like I did Elsa.


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