Monday, February 1, 2016

Dinner Time at the Taylors (Photostory)

Hey guys.  I've been a little off kilter lately.  You know how it is when your computer is acting up.  I haven't revived my computer yet, but I have a loaner for now.  I'm not able to use my normal photo editing software, but I did the best I could with what I have.  This is just a short story to lead us into the next two stories, which will happen before the weekend.

After the ladies left, Danielle prepared dinner for the family.  As soon as she heard Rod's car in the driveway, she sat his dinner on the table.  She was hungry.  Apparently, Julian was too, because he made his way to the table without being called. 

Jacob was a different story.  He was busy riding his motorized four wheeler he got for Christmas.  

"Did you wash your hands?"  (Danielle)
"Yep."  (Julian)
"The word is yes."  (Danielle)
Just then Rod enters through the garage.

"Mmm, smells good in here."  (Rod)
"Hi honey.  Hope you are ready to eat.  Dinner is ready."  (Danielle)
Before Rod can get his next words out, Julian starts screaming.

"What in the world?"  (Danielle)
"Mommy, make him stop."  (Julian)

Danielle looks over and sees Jacob ramming his toy repeatedly into Julian's pool table.  Clearly he hasn't quite figured out the steering system.
"I'll get him."  (Rod)

"Honey, just put him in his seat.  It's time to eat."  (Danielle)

"Whoa, nelly.  Let's turn this off."  (Rod)

Jacob looks at Danielle and laughs.
"Bad Jacob!"  (Julian)
"I don't think he meant to do it.  I'm sure he's sorry."  (Danielle)
Rod washes his hands and takes his seat at the table.

He grabs Danielle's and Julian's hands and blesses the meal.  
"Amen."  (Rod and Danielle)
"Amen!"  (Julian)

"So did you and the ladies have a good visit?"  (Rod)
"Yes, we did.  I got all caught up on all the happenings around town."  (Danielle)

"How was your time with your dad?"  (Danielle)
"Interesting, as always."  (Rod)
"Interesting how?"  (Danielle)
"I'm starting to think he has someone in his life, but he hasn't really opened up about it yet."  (Rod)

Rod turns to take a bite of his dinner.
"Hmmm, seems to be a lot of that going around?"  (Danielle)
Rod pauses.  He's not 100% sure what she is talking about, but he can tell from her tone that it's not good.

He looks up.
"What do you mean?"  (Rod)
"It's just something that Antoinette said earlier today that kind of caught me off guard."  (Danielle)
Rod is clueless.  He has no idea what she is talking about.

"Mommy, can we have ice cream for dessert?"  (Julian)
"I ate the last of the ice cream yesterday, but how about chocolate pudding?"  (Danielle)
"Chocolate pudding is for snack time not dessert time."  (Julian)
"Well excuse me."  (Danielle)

"Eat your dinner and I will find you something suitable for dessert."  (Danielle)
Rod has yet to take his eyes off his wife.  He is racking his brain.  Then it dawns on him.  Maybe his brother Tony told his wife about Melanie.  He's not sure if that's it, and he's not spilling the beans unnecessarily.

"Are you going to tell me what she said?"  (Rod)
"We'll talk about it later."  (Danielle)
Rod knows that look.  His wife is not happy.  He's pretty sure this has to do with Melanie.  They eat the rest of their dinner with very  little conversation.


  1. Hi Vanessa! Intriguing story with more to come. And I love your sets! I always slide show the pics after I read to story so I can see the design closer.

    1. DeMari - Thanks. Yes, more to come. Stay tuned.

  2. DANIELLE! Spill! Tell him what's wrong!

    1. Smaller Places - Lol. Don't worry, he will find out real soon. She didn't want to have that conversation in front of the kids.

  3. Rod is smart. He is waiting to see which thing he's in trouble for. But maybe that's not such a good idea. He would feel more relieved if he just told her what he should.

    1. Janainah - Goodness, how many other things hasn't he told her that he doesn't know which one she is talking about? All in the name of protecting her.

  4. Hello from Spain: I really like these pictures of everyday life. The billiard table is fabulous. Children are adorable. Happy dinner. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I really enjoy the every day happenings of dolly life.

  5. Oh lawd.....these cliffhangers.....gimme moooooore pa-lease!!staying tuned.......
    PS.. Hope your computer gets a new life real soon.

    1. Brenova - Or that my life gets a new computer soon. Lol! I will take either one. More coming real soon.

  6. You may be having troubles with your computer, but girl, you're still really good at putting together your stories! I am marveling at your very well equip kitchen. And I, too, love that pool table.

    1. april - Thanks so much. I am so addicted to my computer. You mean the pool table that is taking up the whole back porch? The one Rod bought without his wife's knowledge? Yeah, Danielle is still not thrilled about that table. She and her friends probably would have been chilling on the back porch, had it not been for that pool table. Lol.

  7. This is the first time I see Rod in a tough spot with his wife....LOL
    You did a wonderful job with the pictures Vanessa, I can imagine it must be very difficult without your pc and favourite software.
    Reading about the kids really made me smile, they are just so true to life!

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. Rod doesn't normally get in trouble. He's in a real pickle at the moment.

  8. Hello there! I lot a little bit of track of the stories during the semester, but it seems interesting. I also love your dioramas and scenarios.


    1. monstercrafts - Thanks. There haven't been a ton of stories. I'm trying to pick up and do more stories this year. Hope you had a great semester.

  9. Replies
    1. Kenya - Just what Melanie was hoping for....discord with the happy couple.

  10. It's refreshing to see a family sit down to dinner together and on top of that, bless their food. Rod is being smart and foolish at the same time. I love that this couple believes in talking out their issues. Good communication is a must in a marriage.

    1. Jewell - Don't you just love it when families sit together and have dinner? The whole tine I was married we ate dinner as a family and my then husband always blessed the meal. That is where the similarities end. We kind of missed the good communication part. Lol.

  11. I love that little Julian!! He too precious! I hope that Danielle does not go in to hard on Rod.

    Side bar...who is the father of Julian and Jacob?

    1. Georgia Girl - Julian was not having it! Julian and Jacob's dad died in a car accident long before I started the stories.

  12. I'm impressed with Rod. He has intuition, the way some husbands don't, even if he has to struggle a bit.

    1. Roville - Rod normally tells Danielle everything, so it wasn't too hard for him to get an idea.

  13. Bonjour Vanessa, comme toujours tu nous fais de super belles histoires. Merci. Aussi j'en profite pour te dire que j'aime particulièrement les pulls.

    1. Shasarignis - Merci, beaucoup. Ce chandail a été retiré d'un mannequin de bijoux .

  14. I love little Julian he's a cutie.
    Ps pls visit my blog to see what my sylvanians are upto 😊

    1. Sylvanians - Thanks. I love the Sylvanians. I will check it out.

  15. Rod's going to get it... and not the good it either.


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