Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Roberta's New Furniture (Photostory)

What?  Roberta's furniture is done?  Well almost.  I still need to put the legs on both pieces, and add the throw pillows, but I'm soooo happy to have this much done.  I had the delivery people deliver the living room set today, so Roberta could start using it.  Sharmaine just happened to stop by for a visit.

"Yes, they delivered it about 1/2 hour ago.  You are the first to see it."  (Roberta)
"It's nice, Auntie.  Coomfortable, too."  (Sharmaine)

"I still have to pick out some nice throw pillows.  I'll do that over the next couple of weeks."  (Roberta)

"I've been looking at some nice accent rugs.  I wanted to wait until the pieces arrived to see what size would be best."  (Roberta)

"But that's enough about me and this furniture.  How are you?"  (Roberta)

"I'm doing okay.  Just busy trying to find a place to stay."  (Sharmaine)
"Oh, that's right, you were staying at Danielle's.  Where are you staying right now?"  (Roberta)
"I'm still at Danielle's old place, but I have to be out of there by the end of this month."  (Sharmaine)

"I wish I had two bedrooms, I would offer to let you stay here."  (Roberta)
"That's sweet, Auntie.  I don't think I'm going to have any problem finding something.  Me and a couple of friends were thinking about getting a place together."  (Sharmaine)
"Are these females or males or both?"  (Roberta)
"Females, of course.  I'm not looking to live with any men until I get married."  (Sharmaine)

"Speaking of men and getting married, how is that cute lil' fella you brought to the cookout?"  (Roberta)
"Kobe?  Oh he's fine."  (Sharmaine)
"So you guys are still dating?"  (Roberta)

"Yesss, we are still dating."  (Sharmaine)
"You will have to bring him over for dinner one day."  (Roberta)
"He would like that.  That boy can eat."  (Sharmaine)
"Well check with him and let me know what is a good day."  (Roberta)
"Will JT be there?"  (Sharmaine)
"Probably, unless you don't want him to be."  (Roberta)
"Oh no, that would be great.  I like him and I like the two of you together."  (Sharmaine
 Roberta starts blushing.  

They chat for another 15, 20 minutes before Sharmaine heads out.

Now that Roberta has her furniture, I can finish decorating her house.  It won't be a total overhaul like Danielle's house.  Maybe some new curtains, a new rug, and some greenery to start.  The plan wasn't to have two navy pieces, but I'm hoping to lighten up the room with the pillows and curtains.

P.S.  My computer totally crashed today and I had to take it all the way back to factory settings.  Luckily I had the whole thing backed up, so I didn't lose anything.  When was the last time you backed up your files?


  1. First I have to say that I love the new sofa and chair! It goes so nice in Roberta's house. I love how Roberta is so interested in her nieces life! Looking forward to seeing what else you do in Roberta's house.

    1. Phyllis - Thanks! Roberta and Sharmaine have always been pretty close.

  2. En encantannn con los nuevos muebles y me gusta también el jersey don la galleta de jengibre, besosss año nuevo vida nueva y muebles nuevos jajjaja

    1. carmen - Muchas gracias! Roberta es muy feliz con él.

  3. Have your designer call my designer, because the new furniture is ma-velous dahling!!! It looks quite comfy. Besides that, I love it that Roberta still blushes at the mention of JT. Great episode!!

    1. Brenova - Thanks! My designer is always looking for new clients, so consider it done.

  4. Hello from Spain: take backup of all files on the computer is essential. You got lucky. I love the chairs. An Adorable house. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Buying the external hard drive a couple years ago, have saved me quite a few times.

  5. I love Roberta's new furniture!It looks so comfortable.She must be very happy.Great story.

    1. Sunita - Thanks! I always try to make the furniture comfy. I know how long they will be sitting there waiting for the next story. lol.

  6. NICE furniture! I like the pattern and color.

    I learned the hard way to back up my pc and files. Each time I got lazy about doing it I ended up regretting it. Now I do it immediately and also back up the backup. I have had cd/dvd and USB drives fail or not been read between pc's. What a hassle!

    1. Muff - Thanks. I found that chair fabric by accident while going through my stash. Buying my external hard drive has been such a lifesaver!

  7. I like the new furniture pieces. Navy is good color choice for someone who will have small grandchildren around.

    1. Jewell - Look at you, always in mommy mode and thinking about little sticky hands. lol.

  8. Great furniture! Navy is a bit dark, but with some colorful pillows, accent rug and light drapes it'll lighten the room up quite a bit. I need to start working on some new dioramas. LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. Yes, I have to find a nice light complementary color. Maybe a lime green. Just a thought.

  9. Love the furniture! Roberta is an auntie that I would love to have. Both of my parents were an only child so I have always yearned to have a sweet auntie. I can't wait to see her place come together. I know that you will make it so nice!!

    1. Geprgia Girl - Awwww. Roberta said stop by any time. She would love to be your honorary auntie.

  10. I like the furniture.
    Mais j'aimne particulèrement le pull vert. C'est très mignon.

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks. That is one of the Christopher Banks ornament sweaters. I bought 3 different ones. They are wonderful.

  11. LOVE Roberta's new furniture. Once she gets the throw pillows, it will be just perfect. I also love the Christmas sweater...adorable!!!!

    1. aoril - Thanks. She had them install wall to wall carpet the other day. She really wants to warm the room up. The Christopher Banks sweaters are the best. I will have to order more next year.

  12. i am shocked Danielle left her cousin there at their old place and can u plzzzzzz do 2 big favors for me can u plz make a vid of darius and nikki wedding on ur channel on utube and make a photostory about Mealine and when is she going to start dating!!!!!!!!!!? #1fan :)

    1. Ruby - Danielle and Sharmaine made that decision together. Sharmaine had no intent on moving with them to the new place. Melanie was already dating. Put her name in the search box on my blog. It will show the man she went out on a couple dates with. If I do any more videos, they will be on a new channel. I will keep you posted on that.

  13. Her house has been coming along nicely. Glad your were able to save your files. I think this computer gets back up once a week.

    1. Brini - A lot of my computer stuff is on clouds. So the only thing I have to back up frequently are my photos. I'm so attached to my computer, it always feels horrible when I can't use it. Luckily I have great friends, because one of them just lent me a laptop until I can get mine going again, or a new one.

  14. Roberta's new suite looks very comfortable and practical. Once you add all the little touches she will have a lovely room. As for back-ups, I back-up my important stuff on USB's. Other things like patterns are usually printed out anyway.

    1. Carrickters - She's been adding little things here and there. You may want to invest in an external hard drive. They aren't that expensive. I have a Terabyte drive and all my computer files are replicated there. I can just plug in via the USB port on any computer and access all of my files.

  15. Lovely furniture! I don’t know if you remember when my computer crashed. I had to get a new hard drive which meant that everything was gone. I lost a lot of pictures. My laptop never did bounce back even with a new hard drive. I think it was a lemon. I got a new computer for Christmas and is set up to back up without me having to do anything. I’ve always had my writing on an external disk and synced with dropbox so at least I was smart there.

    1. Kenya - Thanks. She has since installed wall-to-wall carpet. That warmed up the room. Luckily I had the computer backed up. It's so easy to do with the external drive. Still trying to decide if I will buy a new one or fix this one.


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