Thursday, January 7, 2016

Early to Bed (Photostory)

Danielle has managed to get the boys into the tub on time.  Her goal is to have them ready for bed, or sleep by the time Rod returns home.  She wants them well rested for their return to school and daycare.  She would also love to spend a little quality time with her husband tonight.  With all the chaos during the holidays, they have been running on empty, and have barely had time to catch up.

"Can we get a little washing in along with the playing?"  (Danielle)

Normally Danielle would be down on her knees scrubbing necks, cleaning ears, etc.  Tonight she decided to soak her feet while they cleaned themselves.  She will give them a more thorough cleaning tomorrow.

"Mommy, do we have to go to school tomorrow?"  (Julian)
"Yes."  (Danielle)
"Shoot."  (Julian)
"Aren't you excited to see your friends and tell them what Santa brought you?"  (Danielle)
"They could just come over and see what Santa brought me."   (Julian)
"Nice try, but if you skip school, Santa may come back and take away all your gifts."  (Danielle)
A worried look comes across his cute little face.
"Really?"  (Julian)
"Maybe.  I wouldn't chance it if I were you.  Now finish washing.  You guys have five more minutes and then it's story time."  (Danielle)

Twenty minutes later and the boys are out the tub, into their pjs, and ready for a story.  Well one of them is ready for a story.  The other one is ready to play.
"Jacob, it's story time."  (Danielle)
"I don't want to go to bed."  (Jacob)

"Jacob, look, I picked one of your favorite books."  (Julian)
"The cat?"  (Jacob)
"Yes, the cat."  (Julian)
"If I have to come get you, there will be no story.  You will go straight to bed."  (Danielle)
That did it.  Jacob runs to Danielle

"Why are you being so difficult.  You know the routine."  (Danielle)

"Mommy, I'm going to turn the pages."  (Julian)
"Okay.  What's the name of the book?"  (Danielle)
"The Cat in the Hat."  (Julian)
After the book, the boys convinced Danielle to let them stay in the bed with her.  She was too tired to argue and too tired to climb the stairs to escort them to bed, so they stayed.

When Rod returned home, he was greeted with a familiar sight.

He gathered the boys and headed to their room.  Danielle barely stirred.  She must have been exhausted.

Rod returned and hopped in the shower.  Danielle slept through it all.  He stood for awhile and watched her sleep.  He was tempted to wake her.  He was really looking forward to a little cuddling.

He sat on the bed, hoping this might wake her.  Nothing.  She was out.

He reaches over to turn out her light.

He crawls into bed,

and turns out his light.  There's always tomorrow.  


  1. Hello from Spain: I really liked this time of bathing children. The routine of bath and bedtime reading. Great room. I really like the decor. Fabulous photos. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. This is the first time I've done a proper story since decorating the bedroom.

  2. Sweet story! I loved that time with my kids when they were little. The night time routine was my favorite part of the day!

    1. Phyllis - Thanks. You were one of the lucky ones. Sometimes bedtime can be very challenging for some parents.

  3. I love so much, I can feel all the heat and the love in this family. You make it !

    1. Shasarignis - Merci, beacoup! J'adore faire des histoires avec cette famille.

  4. They are too cute, Rod is too good to be true!

    1. billa's dolls - Rod is a good man. It's a shame that Melanie couldn't appreciate him.

  5. Awwww the boys look so cute in that big tub. I knew Danielle was gonna rock out. Rod will have to schedule a date night with his love (and get her some temporary help).

    1. Brenova - Danielle will never accept temporary help. She is so used to doing it all. I think she forgot how tired a person can get when they are pregnant, moving into a new house, decorating it, and fitting Christmas in the middle of it all. Now that Christmas is over, I think they will be able to fit in some couple time soon.

  6. I miss my son being that small and reading to him. Then he would fall asleep. Cute story, Vanessa.

    1. Janainah - It can be the best time of the day with kids. They seem so sweet and angelic, especially after a warm bath.

  7. Awww, this is so sweet. I just love this couple!! Great photo story!

    1. Georgia Girl - She better enjoy these moments. Pretty soon there will be three.

  8. Una historia muy entrañable y cotidiana!!

  9. Looks like the holidays wiped Danielle out. I can relate. LOL :-)

    1. Cindi - I think it was all the rushing to get the house put together that really wiped her out.

  10. That Rod is such a keeper! He could have just jostled her a little to wake her up but when she didn't wake on her own he didn't push it. Good fellow.

    1. Muffin - Rod is a keeper. You know some men don't care whether you are sleep or not. Lol.

  11. Great story! Kids find it hard to sleep in their own bed at first in a new house. This is sooo normal! I agree, Rod is a keeper.

    1. Ms. Leo - This was just like old times before Danielle got married. She was happy to have the company.

  12. Yes that made me tired remembering the routine. I’m glad she got to soak her feet. LOL! I can’t also remember needing a break and just monitoring a soak in the tub - getting behind the ears the next day.

    1. Kenya - And you only have one! It's getting more uncomfortable for her to kneel at the tub. Rod may be on tub duty full time in another month or so.


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