Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Ikea Bedroom

 I am loving this new bedroom set!  Yesterday, I popped down to Ikea after visiting with our dolly friend, Jewell.  I had been seeing this set on various blogs and knew I had to have one, or two.  It is a fabulous set that is made of high quality materials.

The set comes with a bed, a closet, desk and chair, a striped rug (red on the other side), and the cutest dinosaur.

He's a little blurry here, but isn't he adorable?

So the new resident for this room is Kenaz.  He is moving up to a big boy room  He's so excited.  Look at that smile.

He first checks out the new dinosaur.

Then he sits in his new chair.

I asked him to open the closet so we could see inside.  It has a metal clothes rod.  The hangers are cutouts that came on the box.

Antoinette joins Kenaz and coerces him to take a nap in his new bed.  This is the first time she doesn't have to twist his arm, or deal with his crocodile tears.

This bed is pretty special.  It expands...

to full Barbie size!  Antoinette knows she will be able to use Kenaz's room to accommodate any overnight guests.  Hopefully she's not dreaming of a new KidKraft home.

The expanding bed also means older boys can use it.

Here is a picture of the set in the box.  I bought two sets.   They were $14.99, which is a great price for what you get.  Wouldn't it be nice if Mattel could hire Ikea to make their furniture?  We would get some great pieces.

Here are a few pictures of the cutouts on the box.  I don't normally use the cutouts, but they are worth showing.  I'm thinking about painting some of them and using them as background props.

A window and a trunk.

Hangers and a mirror.

The hat boxes are cute.  I think I will cut off the white border, color the boxes, and set this along a bedroom wall, or in a closet.


  1. This set is beautiful, I never saw it before, thanks for sharing!

    1. billa's dolls - Glad I can introduce you to something new.

  2. Replies
    1. Ladonna - It's so well made. I'm so happy Ikea is continuing to make furniture we can use.

  3. Great find. Now you KNOW I'm headed to my local IKEA! I'm gonna need a paycheck just for reading awesome blogger family finds!

    1. Brenova - Happy shopping! It's Christmas time, so we can justify buying a little more, even when the gifts are for us. Lol!

  4. I like it.It's great that bed can expand.Kenaz looks really happy.

    1. My doll stuff - Can't you tell Kenaz is thrilled. Now his mother wants a new house to put his bedroom in. Tsk. Tsk.

  5. Love this set! I don't have an IKEA nearby, but there has to be one in the greater Detroit area somewhere. I wish you could order these online!

    1. You can order them online, Phyllis.

    2. Janainah - I'm not sure this item can be ordered on-line. Check the site, and see if you can actually pay for it. It will add it to a shopping list, for you to take to a local store, but it doesn't allow you to pay for it and have it shipped. Let me know if you are successful.

    3. The living room set is available online, but not this bedroom :-(. This is the message you get online:
      "Sorry, this product is not for sale on our website or over the phone, check if it's available in your local store."

    4. Phyllis - Thanks for the additional info.

  6. Love this set. Looks very promising. I hope it will have the same price that Living room one has.

  7. Hope you are all able to get this set.

    Natalia, the set here in GA sells for $14.99. The living room set now sells for $14.99, too. I think when the living room set first came out it was $12.99.

  8. I like this set. I have debated buying it. Decisions, decisions. I had better not wait too long to make up my mind. I think Kenaz will really enjoy it and I do think the best part is the versatility of the bed. It's so cool. And, yes, Mattel needs to start partnering with Ikea or any other company that makes a better class of doll furniture.

    1. Janainah - Stop debating and buy this set. You won't regret buying it. It is worth the $15.

  9. Love it. Hope it shows up near me.

  10. Love it. Hope it shows up near me.

    1. Roville - If there's an Ikea near you, it's probably already there.

  11. I love this set, I saw it on someone's blog awhile back. Unfortunately, you can not order it online. :(

    1. AG Lanc - Kind of strange that only certain things can be ordered on-line. Hope you are able to get one.

  12. Wow... what an adorable bedroom set. I love it! Me, a person who is not into doll furniture. I don't blame you for grabbing two.


    1. DBG - Isn't it cute! I thought the bed and the closet would be cute in a kid's summer camp scenario, so I considered buying 3 or 4, but changed my mind. I also thought about a children's hospital ward, or an orphanage.

  13. I see you decided to go on down there. Looking at these pics, I gotta say it was worth it. My little one has that chair in purple. I might have to go when we break for the holidays. I was going to text you when I opened my order but it was late. I was tickled pink with everything I unwrapped, and Dena said "No way" was I giving away her sweater after you paired it so perfectly with her new pants- lol.

    1. Jewell - Yes, I went. The traffic wasn't bad, and the store wasn't packed like it is on the weekends. So happy you liked your items. Dena is a smart woman. She was probably like, how is she going to gift away these clothes when my closet is bare. I don't blame her.

    2. Jewell - Heads up....I was looking for a new KidKraft house today. Antoinette was in my ear wondering how everyone else is getting a house, and she and her family doesn't have one.

    3. I think she has a valid point. And until I can make room for another house, at least I can vicariously enjoy shopping for and decorating one through you LOL

  14. Gad,I wish I had an Ikea store close to me. Nice bedroom set! :-)

    1. Cindi - How far are you from Gainesville? If you want me to pick one up for you we could meet one day when I have my doctor's appt. Let me know.

  15. I saw this a couple months ago at my local IKEA but decided to wait until I've figured out my storyline. This is a great set just like the living room set. I'm sour on Mattel...they don't handle business well. I'd rather see IKEA handle their on but...I hope they notice enough of a buzz in the 1/6th community to expand on their items and maybe make the next batch a little more proportional.... :-)

    1. Tracy - I say go ahead and buy the set now. The price on the living room set went up $2 since it's introduction. You don't want to risk the price going up or stock running out.

      Maybe we in the doll community need to put that buzz in Ikea's ear about making more doll furniture and making it a tad bit bigger. It's promising that they made the bed expandable to Barbie size.

  16. Hello from Spain: I know this new room but in my country is exhausted in stores. Congratulations on your purchase. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! Hopefully they will get more in stock soon.

  17. What an amazing set. It looks really cute in the small size but it is wonderful that it expands so much. I'll have to look for it at our Ikea store next time I go.

    1. Carrickters - I'm already looking forward to next year's set. Lol. I know it's wishful thinking, but fingers crossed they continue producing sets we can use.

  18. Bonjour Vanessa !
    I never seen this one to my Ikea close to my house. You are very lucky to have this beautiful bedroom.

    1. Shasarignis - Bonjour! Hopefully this new set shows up in your area soon.

  19. Both Kanaz and his new room are adorable!!!!

  20. This set is on my 2016 list...with a bullet! Thanks for The info!

    1. Ms. Leo - Lol. You have a lot of kids in your town, and they will love this bedroom.

  21. Nice! An Ikea wont be built in my area until 2017. Maybe I will mosey up to Orlando before then.

    1. Muff - Yes, they did a great job on this set. Hope you are able to get your hands on it.


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