Saturday, December 19, 2015

2015 in Review

I know I am doing this post a little earlier than usual, but I've been so busy, I haven't had time to do much with the dolls this past week.  This is a good time to get the yearly review in.  I can't believe how fast this year went by!

First things first.  Did I stick to my 10 doll limit for the year?  I just went back through the year and counted the dolls twice, because I couldn't believe how few dolls I actually purchased.  Here is the final count and list.

              Dolls that counted towards the 10.
              1.  AA Chelsea ballerina
              2.  2014 AA Holiday Barbie
              3.  American Girl Doll of Many Lands  (Asian)
              4.  American Girl Doll of Many Lands  (England)
              5.  Dasia
              6.  Lammily
              7.  Our Generation Mini Girl #1
              8.  Our Generation Mini Girl #2
              9,  Our Generation Mini Girl #3
             10, Our Generation Mini Girl #4

             Dolls that DID NOT Count
             1.  Two Girl Scout dolls purchased for cookies and
             2.  Two Science dolls purchased for microscope and

I bought a total of six male dolls;  two PowerTeam guys, JT, a Starting LineUp hockey guy, Emmit Smith, Troy Aikman, and Terrell Davis.

So I was very successful in limiting the number of lady dolls that entered Morristown.  That was my initial goal.  Technically, I only added one official Barbie to the group.  Not bad!  Having the ten doll limit helped out tremendously.  There were times when I had dolls in the cart at the stores and on-line, and I took them out knowing I would have to add them to the list.

In the beginning of the year, I dubbed 2015 the year of learning new things.  I have done a great job sticking to that.  A lot of that learning was in the form of expanding my sewing and my cooking skills.  Thanks to Dasia, I sewed a lot more than I expected to this year.  I learned new techniques while building her wardrobe.  I sold clothing for the first time in my Etsy shop and it was quite a successful venture.  I became an avid baker and will hopefully sell my baked goods starting in 2016.  I also got my bartender and barista certification.  I don't drink, but I've always wanted to know how to mix drinks.  If times ever get tough, I can always become a bartender.  Lol.  Line dancing was another activity I started this year.  Talk about fun!  Definitely something I will continue.

As for my health, I spent 2 - 3 days of almost every week this year, sick in the bed from chemo.  I am happy to report that my numbers are the best they've been since being diagnosed, and I am officially on a chemo break as of the beginning of this month.  Yippee!  We don't know how long the break will last, but I'm grateful for whatever time I get.

2016 will be the year of "Getting it in!"  That means I will be participating in a lot more activities outside of my craft and doll rooms.  I've already started, which is why the last few weeks have been so busy.  I attended my first symphony recently, and just last week I went to my first ballet, The Nutcracker.  I've already bought tickets for my next ballet, Moulin Rouge.  Two weeks ago I flew to Culpeper, VA to have a cousins reunion with all my first female cousins on my dad's side.  There are 17 of us, and 14 of us were there for the big slumber party.  I didn't know most of them, but it was one of the highlights of my life.  At the end of January I'm flying to Los Angeles to see my godson play in his final college football game.  I can't believe how quickly that four years went by.  If you recall, his name is Quentin.  He's headed to the NFL.  I'll keep you posted about which team.  Oh yeah, in a couple of hours I'm headed to a local music concert to see Tyrese, Keith Sweat, BBD, Silk, and Jagged Edge.  Most of you won't know who these singers are, but I will probably be very hoarse tomorrow from all the screaming I plan on doing.  

Moving forward, there will be another limit on my doll buying.  I don't know what the number will be yet.  I will make a valiant effort to get all the Kidkraft houses furnished, so we can have lots more stories.  There may be one or two more Kidkraft houses in 2016.  I just bought a new lathe (machine for woodworking), so I plan to offer handmade pens for sale this year on my website.  I will also continue to sew and sell clothes for Dasia.  Below is the next sweater that will be offered.

I would like to thank all of you who have read my blog, left comments, sent emails, bought things from me, mentioned me in your posts, prayed for me, laughed with me, etc.  The love and support I get from you guys is so important to my well being.  I'm looking forward to doing it all again next year with you, my blogging family!  Much love, and happy holidays!


  1. Isn't it fun to keep experiencing new things? I love constantly looking at my current state and thinking about what I will do next. You did well sticking to your 10 dolls this year. So many options, so tempting to doll lovers.

    I think you found quite a niche sewing such fashionable clothes for Dasia. They are all so nice.

    Happy Holidays!

    1. Janainah - So many wonderful things to learn about. Dasia is already looking forward to new clothes. She really is a clothes hog.

  2. Hi Vanessa, sounds like this was a good year! and you've been so brave to limit your doll buying, I thought I was doing well, then I went on an FR/Action Figures binge. Now I literally don't have any room for new dolls, so maybe I shall do better in 2016.
    You did a lot of new things, and you did a WONDERFUL job with your sewing, your clothes are extremely well done!
    I'm happy you're feeling better and I want to thank you for your great blog, it is a continue source of inspiration and fun!!!
    Happy Holidays!!!!

    1. billa's dolls - Your wonderfully tailored clothes are an inspiration to me. Every time I see one of your men's suits, I think maybe one day. Keep up the great work! Can't wait to see your creations next year.

  3. You have had a busy, goal-oriented, goal-achieving year. I am happy to hear that your health is great and that you are enjoying a chemo break.

    That sweater made for Dasia is nice!

    Wishing you all the best in 2016 and beyond!


    1. DBG - Thanks! I just can't believe how quickly this year passed. Dasia has started her list for 2016. Looks like I will be busy in my sewing room, once again.

      Happy Holidays to you and the family.

  4. It's amazing to read what you've achieved this year while having to deal with such major health issues. Congratulations on all you've achieved (including sticking to the doll limit). How wonderful that you are able to have a chemo break for Christmas. Praying and hoping you have a wonderful 2016.

    1. Carrickters - Thanks. It's been a great ending to a challenging year. Here's to 2016. Cheers! Happy Holidays to you.

  5. You had a fun 2015!Having a limit in buying dolls is a good thing.I hope you and your dolls are gonna have a wonderful 2016.

    1. My doll stuff - It's been so great having you as part of my blogging family this year! Looking forward to chatting with you next year.

  6. You have done real good Vanessa! Especially with all the Dasia fashion you have been creating. I do plan on sewing more myself. Line dancing huh? I know that a lot of fun. I'm glad the doll budget was maintained, sometime we do want everything. Glad your numbers are good to. Just remember you are stronger than you think.

    1. Brini - Thanks! I hope we get to see lots more of the Dotson's next year.

  7. Vanessa, I am so proud of you for sticking to your 10 doll limitation! You did a really good job with it. I also am glad you will be continuing with your line of clothing for Dasia. My Dasia is definitely waiting to see what you will offer! I also think it is great that you are trying new things. Glad to hear that your numbers are good -- will continue to pray for you. You are always a inspiration to me with your attitude and your ability to push through everything. I look forward to seeing your furnished houses and who the residents of each home with be! Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!

    1. Phyllis - Thanks for all the prayers, support and advice throughout the year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  8. Congratulations on your remission! I like the idea of a yearly doll limit...maybe I will try that!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. Watchme81 - Welcome to my blog! I'm not actually in remission. I'm just on a chemo break that I'm hoping will last forever. Lol. That doll limit thing works, especially if you have blogging friends that are counting along with you. The people here kept me on my toes. Merry Christmas!

  9. Congratulations on the progress you have made with your health, but most of all =the new things you've been able to accomplish and experience while battling that. I admire you for that, that takes so much energy when it is so much easier to give in and rest. I also admire you for not giving into the dolly buying! Your clothing for Dasia is wonderful.
    I know you will greatly enjoy the ballet and the symphony. For my birthday this year I got to go to a harp concert, heaven! and the ballet is a rare treat. The nutcracker is a wonderful ballet, I haven't seen Moulin Rouge.

    1. Lisa - Thanks! Yes, the harp is heavenly. At my symphony they had a flute and harp duo. My neighbor lost her husband 2 years ago, and she and I have been venturing out and enjoying plays, symphonies, and ballets. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  10. Hello from Spain: congratulations. You keep your goals on buying dolls. You are a very creative person. You make many fabulous activities. I'm glad your health improves. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Can't wait to see all the new things you bring us next year.

  11. I know this is off topic but when will u post doll stories on YouTube again?
    ~sammy :)

    1. Bratzsammy - I'm not sure when stories will be on YouTube again. They take a lot of time, and I've added so many more activities to my life, that I just don't have that kind of time. I may try to figure out a way to do at least one video every 3 months.

  12. All I can do is to thank God for you, and your blogging with Dasia. I have had a rough year, starting with losing my mother to cancer in Feb. She was the cement in our family, she was the one who was so faithful to God, and like a steadfast rock, all throughout her diagnosis, and to her death. My daughter is a Barbie collector, and when she showed me your sight, I just had to buy a Dasia doll, but ended up getting Dena. And then started to sew. This has been a real interesting adventure with the sewing machine. And all this time, I had no idea you were going through things with your health. I am so happy that you were able to keep up the wonderful work you do with your dolls and all the blogs you created. I am looking forward to another year with you!

    1. Dorothea - So sorry to hear about your mother! I'm happy that seeing my site led you to Dena and sewing and a little joy at such a difficult time. The dolls and blogging have kept me going, so I completely understand. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  13. Congratulations for sticking to your doll limit, for trying new things, and for a chemo break! You are such an inspiration to us all. On another note, I love that sweater. And if you keep sewing all these great clothes for Dasia, I'm going to be forced to give Dena some more camera time. Girlfriend is gonna need to star in a series of stories or something to justify me buying more clothes- LOL.

    1. Jewell - Thanks! Heads up, there may be more KidKraft houses in 2016. Lol. We would love to see your Dena in a story. Big girls need love too. The company is also selling more nude dolls. You could buy a Dasia and make her your lead actress' mother. Sorry drawing a blank on her name. Too lazy to look it up. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  14. I agree the sweater is beautiful :)

    1. Bratzsammy - Glad you like the sweater. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I love your stories and look froward to seeing more. Have a blessed holiday season!!!

    1. Rebekah - Welcome to my blog! Always great to see new visitors in the comment box. Happy holidays to you! See you next year.

  17. Vanessa, your idea of doing "A Year in Review" is brilliant. For me, I've really enjoyed seeing the fashions you've been creating for Dasia. Everything looks so realistic (and well made). I also like your dollhouse finds. I don't have the space (or budget) to do one, but I enjoy seeing what others do. Happy holidays to you and I look forward to seeing lots more of your blog.

    1. april - Finding your blog was one of the highlights for this year. I think I have to thank billa's dolls for that. Your fashion sense and creativity are out of this world. Every time I saw a post from you, I was in awe of what you had created. So nice to find a real fashion person who does such a wonderful job translating the real fashions into the fashion doll world. Thanks for coming along for the ride. I look forward to more brilliance from you in 2016.

  18. That's good to know, thanks for replying back! :)

  19. So glad I found your site. Love the story lines and you are an inspiration with all you do. Have wonderful 2016!

    1. Chris - Welcome to my blog! Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your kind comments. Hope to see you in 2016! Happy New Year.

  20. Thank you so much for your very nice post (at the end). It is touch me a lot. Thank you so much ! We still keep in touch for 2016.

    1. Shasarignis - You are very welcome. I'm looking forward to spending more time with you next year.

  21. Yippee to good numbers!! Cheers to 2016!

    After a third year of watching Christopher play football I now love and and have watched college and pro games on TV. So definitely can't wait to hear who Quentin is going to play for so I can "know" somebody.

    1. Kenya - Cheers! Oh my! I never thought you would love the game. I was there with you when he first started. I'm a huge pro fan. I wasn't much into the college games. So I'm looking forward to seeing him in the NFL.

  22. Vanessa, I have forgotten to ask you : I want to know if Dasia doll is bigger or smaller than Lammily doll ?? I want to know if the Lammily's fashions (like a dress) is bigger or smaller on the Dasia doll ???

    1. Shasarignis - Dasia clothes are very big on the Lammily doll. They just have such different body types.

  23. What a good girl you were! I was only a good girl in 2015 because I was broke, lol.

    You've accomplished so much I've no doubt that 2016 will yield the same.

    1. Muffin - So good to hear from you! I was worried. We haven't heard from you in months. Hope you are doing well.

    2. Muff - Forgive the Muffin that showed up in my last response to you. Autocorrect was working overtime. The Muffin comment was for you.

    3. LOL, Muffin is my nickname but no one ever calls me that. They shorten it to Muff so that's how I named my blog.

      I'm okay, just broke and busy. Neither of which make for good doll time.


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