Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Picnic Time Part 2 (Photostory)

"Hey honey.  You're looking cute in your hot pink."  (Roberta)
"Thanks."  (Danielle)
"This is JT.  JT, this is my daughter, Danielle."  (Roberta)

"Very pleased to meet you."  (JT)
"Likewise."  (Danielle)

"And this little teary eyed fella is my grandson, Jacob.  Who's been messing with grandma's baby?  Come to grandma."  (Roberta)

"Where's Rod and Julian?"  (Roberta)
"Rod made a quick trip to the store. and Julian is out there riding his bike.  Why don't you two just relax.  Rod will be back soon and he'll fire up the grill.  Can I get you two something to drink?"  (Danielle)
"Oh no.  Not right now.  I have to unpack the desserts I brought."  (Roberta)

"I'll take care of that Mom.  Just go relax."  (Danielle)
"Do you need me to help with anything?  I'm pretty good on the grill."  (JT)
"I don't want to step on my husband's toes, so I think we should wait until he arrives.  You know how you guys are when it comes to grilling."  (Danielle)
"Well, we'll be over here on the park bench, if you need us. I'm going to leave this bag here.  Nothing in it but a blanket."  (Roberta)

On the way to the bench, Roberta stops to say hello to Leslie and Sylvia.

Danielle begins unpacking the goodies Roberta brought.
"Mmmm, sweet potato pie."  (Danielle)

"I'm baaacckk"  (Rod)
"Thank goodness.  Mom and JT are here."  (Danielle)
"Great.  Ian and Valencia are right behind me.  I'm going to go over and say hello to your mom and JT."  (Rod)
"By the way, he was trying to get on your grill, but I told him he would need to talk to you about that."  (Danielle) 

Leslie and Sylvia are shooting the breeze while the kids play.

JT and Roberta are relaxing and playing with Jacob.
"This is my buddy, but wait until you meet Julian.  I wonder where he is?"  (Roberta)

Julian and Ciana are behind the playground.

Ian and Valencia finally arrive at the picnic area.  
"Hey sis."  (Ian)

"Hey.  Hi Valencia.  I was hoping you would be able to make it.  Ian thought you would be working."  (Danielle)
"I was able to get someone to fill in for me."  (Valencia)

"This is my handsome son-in-law, Rod.  Rod this is JT."  (Roberta)
"Nice to meet you, man."  (Rod)
"Same here."  (JT)
"I hear you are pretty good on the grill."  (Rod)
"I can hold my own."  (JT)
"Well, come on over.  I could use the help."  (Rod)
"You two go ahead.  I'm going to sit here a little bit longer."  (Roberta)

"Hey, that's my grandma.  I didn't know she was here."  (Julian)

Ian plops down on the bench.

"I thought I was ready for this, but I don't know."  (Ian)
"Ready or not, he is here.  He's not that bad, and mom is pleased as punch, and that's what's important."  (Danielle)

"Look at him over there, thinking he's all that."  (Ian)
"Chill little brother.  Take time to get to know him.  You may just like him."  (Danielle)

"Do you think he and mom are serious?"  (Ian)
"I don't know.  I think they might be headed in that direction, if they aren't already there."  (Danielle)
"Oh shit.  He's coming this way."  (Ian)
"Just be polite and behave.  You don't want to get mom upset."  (Danielle)

"There's my handsome grandson.  Hello Ciana.  I was wondering where you two were."  (Roberta)
"Hi Grandma.   When did you get here?"  (Julian)

"Not too long ago.  You plan on giving me a hug anytime soon?"  (Roberta)

"JT this is my little brother, Ian."  (Danielle)

"Nice to meet you, Ian."  (JT)
JT extends his hand.  Ian just gives him a look.  He can feel Danielle's glare, so he finally shakes JT's hand.

"Your mother has told me great things about you."  (JT)
"Well she hasn't told us much about you."  (Ian)
"Whatever questions you have, just ask."  (JT)

"Mmmm, you give the best hugs."  (Roberta)

Ciana is bored with Julian and his grandma, so she heads off to see her mom.

"Grandma, who's that man that was sitting next to you?"  (Julian)
"That is my friend, JT.  He's looking forward to meeting you.  Let's go over and join the gang."  (Roberta)



  1. Very enjoyable and well done story, Vanessa.

  2. heart was pumping. If Ian doesn't want his Mama to snatch him bald, he'd better start treating JT with respect! EXCELLENT part 2πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ I can't wait for more!!! (Gosh darn now I want some sweet potato pie)

    1. Bnova - You know Ian wouldn't have acted like that if Roberta was standing there. It would not have been pretty.

  3. Ha Ian! I just knew he was going be something else. JT handled him well though.Ian's wearing a new shirt isn't he.And he went and got himself a new woman to.I thought Raven was gonna be the one.Guess not.I didn't know Joseph could stand up by himself so well.I thought he was still at that age where he needed assistance.

    1. Val - I wasn't sure how Ian or Danielle would act. Maybe if Roberta had introduced JT to Ian it would have been different. He didn't get to experience the connection JT and Roberta seem to have when they're together. Ian and Raven broke up over a year ago. He's been with a couple different women since her. Joseph has always been able to walk on his own. He is 13 months old.

  4. Really nice story.I like how Danielle accepted JT.And Ian....Well he is gonna accept him too I hope.

    1. My doll stuff - Thanks. I think Danielle realizes how happy her mom is, and besides her mom welcomed Rod with open arms. We'll see about old Ian.

  5. i'm just hoping Ian and Jt get along cause if Roberta takes things to the next level Ian is going to have to deal with JT love you Vanessa

    1. Ruby - I'm hoping Ian will warm up to JT, too. I think JT can really help by being patient.

  6. I can see Ian is going to get himself in trouble. I can hardly wait to see if he can pull himself together.

    1. Janainah - Ian better straighten up before Roberta gets over there.

  7. Great post, it looks real and lively! I hope things will get better with Ian, I was relieved he shook JT's hand after all :-).

    1. Linda DD - Thanks. I think Ian could feel Danielle's growing impatience. He better get it together.

  8. Ian reminds me of my kids! They don't want me to date and if I do, they don't want him to hang around our house! Actually, they said I can date when they grow up and leave the house! Haha! Great post, now I can't wait for the next installment. BTW, what happened to Ian's poseable body?

    1. PhylIis - Lol. I think it's even trickier when the kids are still living at home. Hopefully they are close to leaving, so you can feel comfortable dating. I had to use Ian's body for another doll a long time ago. I have a new one for him, but didn't take the time to change it out.

  9. Awesome post Vanessa! Ian is being a brat. He needs to get with the program. Roberta seems to very happy. I foresee a wedding. Looking forward to part three.

    That Julian is just so precious!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. Boys can be real bratty when it comes to mothers. I think Roberta will be able to handle him.

  10. LOL @ Ian getting his feathers ruffled. His mom might have to smack him upside that head.

    1. Muff - I think Ian is even more upset that JT is handsome. That added insult to injury.

  11. menos mal que las cosas han ido ien en el encuentro de Ian y JT!!!!!!

    1. PILAR - Esperemos que las cosas consiguen mucho mejor entre Ian y JT.

  12. I still don't trust JT! He's gonna have to prove himself to me uhmm Roberta. I'm with Ian who does this guy think he is. We want Roberta to find love again but there nothing wrong with caution. In the end he'll have to trust his mom's judgement.

    1. AG Lanc - Lol! I can understand your trepidation. On one hand Roberta is very lucky to have such caring kids.

  13. Wait...what happened to Ian and raven?

    1. Tracy - Ian and Raven haven't been together in over a year. I was trying to find the post where I mentioned it. I showed him with Rosa, one of the Mixi girls. They had a few dates, but it wasn't anything serious.

  14. It always takes one and Ian is being that one in this situation by not extending his hospitality toward JT. I am glad everyone else thus far has welcomed JT. Hopefully Ian will come around and do the same unless JT gives him cause not to do so.


    1. DBG - I think Ian thought he would be okay with it until he actually saw JT with his mom. Then reality set in. Hopefully once JT spends more time with them, he will loosen up.

  15. Waw ! I like all the little details. Where did you find all these stuff ???

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks. I've accumulated stuff for many, many years. There's so much more stuff that never gets shown.

  16. Hello from Spain: Gran Picnix. It seems the real life .. I wish things will get better with Ian. They are very polite and correct. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. Let's hope the picnic gets even better, and everyone starts enjoying themselves.

  17. Hi Vanessa, as usual guys are a bit jealous of their moms, I like how the story is unfolding!

    1. billa's dolls - I hear that a lot from people. Protective sons. Got to love them.

  18. Hi Vanessa!
    Wow, Ian sure doesn't want anything to do with JT. His coldness comes through quite clearly! LOL It'll be interesting to see if he'll even give JT a chance. :-)

    1. Cindi - I don't think he would have acted that way if Roberta had been there, too. He better get his act together. Roberta doesn't seem like the type to deal with craziness.

  19. Aside: I love Leslie's pants. Cool print!

    I was touched that Rod invited JT to work the grill with him. Now that's welcoming, lol.

    Visiting here is like being out with family without the direct hassle. Thanks for this Labor Day treat! Hope all at Chez Morristown are having a great time ;-)

    1. D7ana - Leslie pants are from one of the Barbie Style dolls. Rod is still a sweetheart. Any man willing to share his grill is alright with me. Happy Labor Day!

  20. Ian is still pouting. LOL! I thought something was getting ready to happen to the kids, they looked like they were too far away. Whew.

    1. Kenya - I think Ian is pouting more because JT is so cute. Girl, our community is very safe. The only crazy person there is Melanie, and she wouldn't dream of taking those kids.


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