Friday, July 24, 2015

Ian Resurfaces (Photostory)

Roberta has summoned her children to her home to have a chat.  Ian has just arrived.

"Hi mom."  (Ian)
"Hello son.  Thanks for coming.  Your sister and I are upstairs.  Come on up."  (Roberta)

"Feels like old times having my two younguns here."  (Roberta)
"Wow, I haven't heard that term in years."  (Ian)

"Hey little brother.  Where on earth have you been?  I haven't seen you in months."  (Danielle)
"It's called school, and it's kicking my butt."  (Ian)
"Well, it would still be nice to see your face once in awhile."  (Danielle)
"Now that I'm in town, maybe I could plan a weekly family gathering."  (Roberta)
"Weekly may be a little too much for our busy schedules, but we can figure something out."  (Danielle)

"Where are my nephews? "  (Ian)
"They are on a playdate with one of my neighbors.  I didn't want to bring them since mommy made this sound like such an official meeting."  (Danielle)

"Speaking of which, what is this meeting all about?"  (Danielle)
"Well, I brought you two together to give you a heads up about something."  (Roberta)
"Heads up about what?"  (Danielle)
"Well, when I lived in Florida, I had a friend, a male friend, who I went out with occasionally."  (Roberta)

"Went out with, like a date?"  (Ian)
"Yes.  He and I went out on dates."  (Roberta)

"Anyway, we weren't a serious couple, but we were close.  Well he's here in town visiting, and I thought it would be a good idea for you guys to meet him."  (Roberta)

Danielle immediately sits up.  In all the years since her mother and father parted ways, her mother has never introduced her to anyone she was "dating".  So she knows this is something different.
"You want us to meet him?  Why?"  (Danielle)
"Because he's a good friend, who has come all the way up here to see me, and I want to introduce him to my kids."   (Roberta)

"Are you sure that's all?  You're not pregnant are you?"  (Ian)
"Boy, I will slap you silly."  (Roberta)
"Well, that's the question you always posed to me about my girlfriends."  (Ian)
"Don't be crass, honey.  I raised you better than that." (Roberta) 

"He's not planning to move in here, is he?"  (Danielle)
"Of course not!"  (Roberta)
"So he's just here visiting and he's heading back to Florida."  (Danielle with a slight attitude)
"I didn't bring you here to get the third degree.  I just thought I would be courteous and introduce you guys before you see us around town together."  (Roberta)
"I'm sorry, Mommy.  I don't mean to be rude.  It's just that you have never introduced us to any of your male friends."  (Danielle)

"Mom, you always said I was the only man you needed in your life."  (Ian)
"I told you that when you were 10.  Things have changed a little since then."  (Roberta)

"Look, like I said, this is just me extending a courtesy to you guys.  You can take it or leave it.  I'm hoping you will take it."  (Roberta)
"Of course we will take it, Mommy.  I only want to see you happy."  (Danielle, softening up a bit)
"What's this guy's name?  I'll have one of my buddies run a background check on him."  (Ian)

Roberta shoots Ian a look.
"Never mind."  (Ian)


  1. I like that Roberta took the "I'm good and grown approach" without really having to say it.

    1. Doll Crazy - She almost did say, I'm grown, but she held her tongue.

  2. Kids really don't like it when a single parent introduces them to someone new, no matter the kids ages, lol.

    I think they all handled that relatively well.

    1. Muff - My 40 yr old nephew wouldn't let his 63 yr old mom date. He was also sabotaging things. I was so mad at him. WTF.

  3. It's good Roberta sat the kids down together to let them know about JT's presence in her life. Had they learned about him otherwise, the outcome might not have been very positive. Even though they will continue to be protective of her, knowing is half the battle. Once they meet him and feel he is the real deal, they should let down their guards and freely accept that their mom needs companionship too.


    1. DBG - Could you imagine them seeing the two of them out together around town? I don't think that would have gone over so well. It will be interesting to see how they react to him once they meet.

  4. I love Roberta! She made it plain that she was giving information and not seeking permission. Danielle cooled her jets right away! Ian responded the same way my son Ian would have responded. Now let's hope our fellow isn't jerking Roberta's chains.

    1. Bnova - Welcome to my blog. You are right, she almost said exactly that, "I'm not asking your permission." Awww, you have a son named Ian. Too cute. JT better come correct, or he could have real trouble on his hands. I think Roberta wouldn't have any problems putting him in his place.

  5. Roberta shooting Ian a look and him saying, "Never mind" was priceless. I literally burst out laughing.

    1. Janainah - Roberta loves her Ian, but she still doesn't play, and he knows that look by now.

  6. Lol, I love how Roberta snapped at Ian! She's a great girl, I really appreciate her attitude in this situation!

    1. billa's dolls - Ian sometimes oversteps when it comes to his mother. He gets away with a lot, but she is good at reining him in when she needs to.

  7. Lol..Ian is hilarious. I'm hoping Mr. Man puts a ring on it at some point.,,

    1. Tracy - Mr. Man isn't getting any younger, so hopefully he comes correct.

  8. Roberta handled this very well. She was letting them know that this is what is happening, but I don't need your approval! Lol! I love Ian's comments. Lol!

    1. Georgia Girl - Roberta definitely was not looking for kid approval. Lol.

  9. Replies
    1. Val - Ian means well. He's such a momma's boy. He tends to overstep sometimes.

  10. Danielle's cousin (the cutie that stayed with them) would look really good with Dasia's son. ;)

    1. AG Lanc - You know that is the first person I tried to match Dasia's son up with. It was a no go. I was a little surprised.

  11. I LOL'd at "I told you that when you were 10".

    1. Kenya - That is probably the only thing he remembers his mom saying when he was that age. Boys take those things to heart. Can you imagine how Christopher would be if you ever had to start dating someone else. OMG. I can hear him now.

  12. Even though Roberta always has a smile, it's the way you positioned that last shot that she looks like she's got the "Really?" face on.

  13. Hello from Spain: I really like the house of Roberta. The piano lounge is fabulous. Roberta does very well to talk to your kids about her plans. Those kids never like new partners of their parents. keep in touch

    1. Marta - I love having a house that is already set up and I just have to do the story. I've picked out a house for Dasia. Hope to get it soon.

  14. Very nice story, Roberta really handled her children well. I also like her living room good job.

    1. Annaloy - Thanks! I still haven't taken the time to make her new furniture, but she is making due quite well.

  15. Roberta was nice to inform them instead of surprise them with the news, lol. All I can say if she gave them heads up and that's all she can do.

    1. Brini - She did more than some parents would do. The rest is up to them.

  16. Good thinking on Roberta's part, and that Ian is a mess- lol. Roberta's responses sound like what I would say and do in that situation. Initially, I was surprised that Danielle was more put off than Ian. But it makes sense, because the oldest child often feels a greater obligation to look out for the parent's interests.

    1. Jewell - I was a little surprised at Danielle's reaction, too. But I also suspected she had met Roberta's male friends in that past. The first time is always the hardest. Ian was cruisin' for a bruisin'.

  17. My uncle who is in his 80's had a female friend that he was seeing and her children put a stop to it! They thought she was dishonoring their long deceased father. I think this is very sad. They both needed the companionship and having someone who cared enough to talk to them regularly. I don't think adult children should interfere and they should be happy that their parent has a friend! I think it puts new life in their step. It is ok for them to be looking out for their best interests, but they need that companionship in their lives. I do think Roberta is one smart cookie and she is not gonna let herself be taken advantage of. It is good that she is being open with her children and introducing JT to them.

    1. Phyllis - That is really crazy. Why wouldn't you want your parent to have companionship and happiness in their life. It's so selfish! Not only is Roberta a smart cookies, she's a tough cookie. I'm sure she will be fine.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yeah, Ian was sitting pretty close for that comment. He would have gotten a slap! Sons tend to be the worst in this type of situation. Great story.

    2. Ms. Leo - You are right. Sons tend to be very possessive over their moms. It's usually worse when the son lives at home. Luckily that isn't the case with Ian. Roberta would be slapping him up for sure.

  19. I love this family their funny,caring and loving I just hope this man is good for Roberta she doesn't need anymore heartbreaks love you Vanessa.

    1. Hi Ruby - The kids are hoping their mother's new man is good for her, too. Time will tell.


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