Monday, March 9, 2015

Finally Starting!

After many hours of staring at beautiful craft rooms on Pinterest, I decided to finally take the plunge, and do my office/craft room the right way.  I can't begin to tell you how excited I am!  Sometimes getting started is the hardest part.  I'm admittedly doing things a little backwards.  My plan is to plan out the room by putting the new and revamped furniture pieces in place.  Then I will strategically paint the room.  I've learned not to get hung up on the order of things.  The important thing is getting it done.  I don't know what color I want to paint the room and if I wait to figure that part out, this room may never get done.

 I went to Ikea on Saturday and bought two of the Kallah cubby bookcases.  I already had/have plenty of matching baskets and cubby sized cases.  These bookcases are very easy to put together and very sturdy.  

The pictures will be removed and lots of storage things added to the wall.....after I paint.

Just to give you an idea of the mess I made getting started.  Again, I'm ultra excited because I can actually see the finished room already.  I'm making another Ikea run later this evening.  Stay tuned for updates.


  1. Good for you! This is exciting!

    Yeah, you have to just plunge in and make progress. Having the right furniture should actually mean a simpler job of moving things to the center of the room to paint, so your order makes as much sense as anything.

    1. Smaller Places - This furniture is amazingly light considering how sturdy it is. I think getting the room together first will help me pick out a paint color in the end.

  2. Congrats on getting started! That is the hard part! I love how you can focus in on the organized area. Then the birds eye view shows that you have more work to do, but focusing on the organized area and expanding it will help you to get in done faster!

    1. Phyllyis - Isn't it amazing the mess that can be made in the process of organizing? I feel if I share my progress with you guys, you will keep me on track.

  3. I keep tilting my head this way and that way as I stare at the last photo trying to see into all the nooks and crannies, lol.

    1. Muff - LOL. You see how dim I have the picture. Once I get it all organized I will show the nooks and crannies.

  4. Wow! You've been busy. I love Ikea and their shelving units. I have two of the Expedit model shelves but I know they're almost identical to Kallah shelving. This is going to look's halfway there. :-)

    1. Tracy - Funny how quickly I jumped from organizing the basement to redoing the craft room. So much for focus. But I don't even care as long as it all gets done. They don't have the Expedit shelves anymore. And I said Kallah, but they are Kallax. I went back and spent 3 hours walking around. My legs are still killing me.

  5. Replies
    1. Male Doll World - Thanks. I made more progress and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now.

  6. Looks like quite a project, but you've made a great start. I need to get into my room and reorganize again, but I can't get motivated to do it. Your room will look great when it's done. :-)

    1. Cindi - Organizing is always a big project. I made a lot more progress since this post, so I am ecstatic now. I already feel myself being more creative.

  7. congratulations ongetting started! I know that is the hardest part and the IKEA stuff is great. Your room colors are already lovely but I understand if you want a change, I know I do. I just need a bigger room, sigh. and shelfs. and lots of space to have the dios set up. It is going to look great!Can't wait to watch your progress!

    1. Lisa - I like the muted colors in the room, but I need a fresh coat of paint. Knowing me, the color won't be drastically different, but we shall see.

  8. WOW! I love this project, I like your approach to the whole thing....I don't have the room to do this, so no huge projects for me.....
    Kisses Billa

    1. billa's dolls - I have no excuse. I have the room. I just have to take advantage of having the room. This is my first real attempt at making this space organized and pretty.

  9. Those are really nice shelves! I haven't been to Ikea in long time and it up the street from me, lol. You surely got started well. I'm sure it will all come together nicely too.

    1. Brini - The shelves are even nicer in person. I couldn't let my dolls have Ikea shelves without me. I love Ikea. Just shopping there means great exercise. I need an epsom salt bath after two trips in one week. I need to go back and get a few more things, but I need at least a week to recover.

  10. Hello from Spain: I also have those shelves. You are very talented .. I look forward to the whole reform finished. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - That's right, they have Ikea Spain. Aren't these shelves great? I would love to have more. Something about putting things in cubbies that is so satisfying.

  11. Vanessa, everything looks great! I love those shelves. Looking forward to seeing it finished.

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing it finished, too.

  12. Oh, so inspiring... I could imagine you in that room, making lovely things ... Someday, I will convert the garage as my craft room, too.. But while I'm still saving for it, lots of research should be done so the place is perfect for fostering creativity :)

    1. Shasha - Thanks! I finally got a chance to do more work on the room yesterday. I also spent time working in there. I discovered I need a new chair quickly to add to the comfort. I hope your garage transformation will happen sooner than you think.

  13. I hope the update is in my catching up. That looks great so far! The white really brightens it up.

    1. Kenya - Lots more progress has been made since this post. So stay tuned. Speaking of catching up, I'm in the process of doing the same thing. I will be over real soon.


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