Thursday, January 22, 2015

So Where's Danielle (Photostory)

Since Rod and the boys are hanging out at the barbershop, Danielle decided to use her alone time wisely.  She's starting her day at the hair salon.  If she has time, she's planning to stop by Ni'Chalet's.  She got a gift card at Christmas, and she's anxious to spend it.

"So what did you do with the boys, today?"  (Kara)
"They're both with Rod."  (Danielle)
"Oh he's a brave man to take Jacob, too."  (Kara)
"Well Julian is a great helper, so I'm sure they will be fine."  (Danielle)

India is just finishing up J. Lo's updo.

Carmen is having a little Baskin Robbins while she waits for India.

"So how were your holidays?"  (Kara)
"They were great.  Unfortunately, my mom wasn't able to make it this year."  (Danielle)
"Is she okay?"  (Kara)
"She's fine.  She just made other plans.  She is such the social butterfly now."  (Danielle)

"Yes, that looks nice."  (J.Lo)
"When are you going to let me do a style with your hair out?"  (India)
"Soon, but it's so much easier to take care of it when it's up."  (J.Lo)

"Oh girl, that massage feels so good."  (Danielle in a low moan)

"Thanks.  Can you put me on your schedule for Thursday next week, same time?  I leave for New York on Friday."  (J.Lo)
"Sure."  (India)

As J. Lo heads over to speak to Kara, India beckons for Carmen, who gathers her purse.
"Actually, let's just go to the basin."  (India)

"Kara, when is your next gig?  I want to be there, if I can."  (J.Lo)
"Chris and I are performing at The Den in two weeks and then again the following week."  (Kara)

"Excuse me for being rude.  Do you know Danielle?"  (Kara)
"No.  Hi.  I'm Jennifer."  (J.Lo)
"Hi.  Nice to meet you.  Danielle."  (Danielle)
"Jennifer is a singer, too, and she just recently moved to town."  (Kara)

"So how's school going?"  (India)
"School is hard, but I'm hanging in there."  (Carmen)
"And how's Max?  Are you two still dating?"  (India)
"We are still dating, but it's so hard with him traveling with the band.  I just wish I could see him more."  (Carmen)

"Okay, I'm pretty sure I can make one of those dates.  I have a show next week in New York, but then I don't have any dates scheduled for about a month."  (J.Lo)
"Chris and I would love to have you come to one of our shows."  (Kara)
"You two are so cute together.  Well I have to run.  Nice meeting you Danielle, and I will be in touch Kara."  (J.Lo)

When J. Lo turns to leave, there standing in the doorway is none other than Melanie.

She and J. Lo exchange hellos as she passes by.

"Melanie, what are you doing here?  I don't have you on the schedule today."  (Kara)
"Hello Melanie."  (Danielle in a fairly monotone voice.)

"Hey."  (Melanie to Danielle)
Danielle thinks to herself, hay is for horses.  Is that the best hello you can muster?
"I'm sorry for just dropping by, but I have a really big last minute date tonight, and I desperately need to get my hair done."  (Melanie)
Danielle thinks to herself,  poor guy.  Does he know you are a witch?
"Can you come back in about 90 minutes?  I can get started on you before my next client."  (Kara)
"Great.  I'll be back."  (Melanie)
She then turns and leaves the shop.

"Well that was interesting."  (Kara)
"To say the least."  (Danielle)
"Well let's get this hair washed.  Come on over to the sink."  (Kara)

Two years later and there is still major tension between Melanie and Danielle.  I don't know if it will ever go away.  Luckily the kids don't seem to be affected by the tension.


  1. I missed their little drama! Some people never change! Divas never do.

    1. Ms. Leo - It's little drama now. It used to be big drama. Some people can hold a grudge FOREVER. I know a few of those people myself.

  2. Melanie looks great in her dress. I am happy that your photo stories are back. : ) The shop looks nice!

    1. Georgia Girl - I have to hand it to Melanie, she looks great in just about everything she puts on. I had all the salon stuff sitting in a box, so I was able to put it back together really quickly.

  3. I'm so glad that your doing stories again I missed them greatly! I love the hair salon and i cant waite to see what more you have planned!

    1. Will - Hello! So nice to hear from you again. I'm excited the stories are back, too. Sometimes taking a break can rejuvenate a person.

  4. Kara is very sensible. 90 minutes means Danielle will be out of there before Melanie comes back. Hairdressers hear about drama but the last thing you want is to have it in your workplace.

    1. Carrickters - You see she didn't tell Melanie to take a seat. She definitely wanted her out of there.

  5. JLo's expression suggests even she finds Melanie to be a bit much.

    Melanie may be "difficult," but she rocks that dress hard.

    1. Smaller Places - JLo doesn't know Melanie yet, but sometimes a person's spirit just doesn't feel right. Yes, the witch has a nice wardrobe and she looks great in it.

  6. Great story! I hope that Melanie will learn to be as beautiful on the inside as she is outside. Can't wait to see who her big date is.

    1. limbe dolls - Thanks. Didn't you know Melanie has a new beau? I did a couple of stories on their first couple of dates. Now we are all waiting to see if she can hold on to him. Stay tuned.

  7. Hello from Spain: I see you have clothes of the fashionistas dolls. Fabulous. A great hairdresser. A perfect furniture. I see that follows the tension between these two women. A very average and actual behavior. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Yes, I deboxed most of my Barbie Style dolls so I could start using their wonderful clothes. Old wives and new wives often don't see eye to eye.

  8. Hi Vanessa, I was looking forward for Melanie to pop up!
    Great story!

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. It's always hard when exes have to deal with other. It's even harder when one of them still harbors some hate.

  9. lol, if only Melaine had heard what Danielle said. I really loved this story.

    1. Annaloy - Thanks. I'm sure Melanie had some crazy thoughts of her own going on in her head.

  10. Que grandesss ideasss y que grandesss historiasss, besossss

    1. carmen - Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

  11. Ah, Melanie being Melanie ;-)

    But she does wear her clothes well.

    Glad to see Danielle taking a little "her" time.

    1. D7ana - Melanie doesn't know how to be anything but Melanie, which usually sucks for those around her.

  12. LOL at Danielle's thoughts. At least they are fairly civil to one another.

    1. Muff - Yes, they've learned to be civil after two years, but at any moment there could be a jump off.

  13. The photo where everyone seems to stop dead in their tracks as Melanie enters the room is something I can visualize happening when a witch, like Melanie, walks into the room.

    It is so Melanie to show up without an appointment because she thinks the world revolves around her. What a witch!


    1. DBG - You mean the world doesn't revolve around Melanie? Let her tell it....

  14. Shoot, I got tense when she walked in the room!

    1. Kenya - Now that's funny! If you tensed up, you can imagine how Danielle felt seeing her there.

  15. Hair salon drama...I miss it so! Since I do my own hair now after reverting to my natural roots I don't get the chance to see it anymore! Classic Beauty Shop dramatics!

    1. Sonya - Isn't there always drama at the hair salon? It's definitely the place to be if you want to hear juicy gossip, or buy something 'hot'.


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