Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Lena's Growing Wardrobe

Lena is becoming a sewing maniac.  She sews whenever she gets a free moment, which is sometimes in the middle of the night when both her Alans are sound asleep.  She added a couple more skirts and a simple knit dress to her personal wardrobe.

One of the skirts is a nice long jean skirt.

Here's a back view.  It has a little split at the bottom. 

This is her second skirt.  I hate that it doesn't photograph well, because it's really nice.  It's made from a very soft dressy type fabric.  Lena really enjoys making skirts.  I'm trying to convince her to start making some blouses and shirts to go with the other pieces.  She's not really listening.  She wants to make some more pants and skirts first.
Speaking of pants....these are the plaid sample pants she made a couple weeks ago.  She grabbed a shirt and sweater from the Barbie Style ladies and decided this could work together until she makes something else. 

Lena then made a sloper and pattern for a knit style dress.  She's pretty pleased with how it turned out.  Personally, I think this would be nice for one of the Asian ladies.  That motif just screams Asian to me.  Maybe the new Mixi girl can fit it. 

Here's a view from the back.

Here is the Mixi lady who will be trying this dress next.  If this one doesn't fit, I'm hoping Lena will make her one that does. 

Valencia has put in a request for a shorter jean skirt.  In the meantime, she said this one will work, too.  I guess it's true what they say, "beggars can't be choosy."


  1. Hello from Spain: congratulations on all these creations of clothing. Your sew very well and very fast. I envy your dolls clothes. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks! I'm happy the Prettie Girls will have some clothes to wear now.

  2. Good work, Lena! Now if I could only get my dolls to sew their own clothes too... :D

    1. Anderson's AP - Lena said, thanks. I'm surprised more dolls don't sew their own clothes, as much as they love clothes.

  3. I love a long denim skirt! It is something I would wear. The blue and white pants and skirt looks like the beginning of a fashion line. Shirts and jackets are needed along with a coat.

    1. Ms. Leo - I used to love a long denim skirt, too. I'm more of a dress person now. I haven't worn a skirt in a long time. Lena definitely has jackets in mind. It's one of her greatest sewing challenges and she wants to conquer it.

  4. Wow, Lena has been busy! She is very talented too. Looks like she will be able to start her own clothing business soon. I can see it now: "Fashions by Lena" or "Lena's Fashion Flair".

    1. Phyllis - Lena said once you get patterns made the rest is a piece of cake. I hope she keeps that positive attitude moving forward. I will have to check to see if she has a name in mind.

  5. The Asian-ish dress is great. I was oohing-and-ahhing the moment I saw it on the dress form.

    1. Smaller Places - Thanks. On the Asian-ish dress, the print reminds me of a dragon.

  6. These are lovely clothes! Lena is quite a seamstress.

    1. Roxanne - Thanks! Lena is happily making progress.

  7. these are lovely! Lena does great work!

    1. Lisa - Thanks! Lena is happy with her progress. She still has a long way to go.

  8. Replies
    1. limbe dolls - I love plaid pants in general, so Lena will probably add a few more colors.

  9. I love the contrasting topstitching on the skirt - and the pants. Go Lena!

  10. The fashions are nice! Go Lena/Van!! Lol! The long denim skirt is my fav. I have on one right now. We have casual dress code this month. Lena should go into business for herself instead of working for someone.

    1. Georgia Girl - Now that I think about it, I have seen you in quite a few long denim skirts. Lena figures she will get some great connections while working at the bridal shop. I'm sure she'll branch out on her own in the future.

  11. She has been busy. I have some projects I need to finish so I better get it to.I like the knit dress.

    1. Brini - She's trying to sew as fast as you do. You be putting it down! I can't wait until all the little sewing tricks I used to know, come back to me.

  12. She's really pumping those clothes out. They look good.

    1. Janainah - She has a long way to go. She knows the more she sews, the better she will get.

  13. Love the clothes! Lena does great work. She's been a sewing maniac, I've been a crocheting maniac. LOL. I finished another sweater for the girls, and now I'm working on a jacket. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. Lena wants to sew something at least every other day. Oooh, I can't wait to see your new pieces. I bought another Barbie knit book a couple days ago. Lol! I couldn't pass it up. It was such a great price.

  14. I adore the jean skirt & plaid pants! The wardrobe is looking lovely. But, that dresser though...LOVE! It caught my eye immediately. Artistically groovy! :)

    1. Sonya - I'm not surprised the artist in you likes that printed dress. I'm just happy to be staying on this sewing New Year's resolution.

  15. Hi Vanessa, Lena has been working reeally hard! I love your dresses, expecially the knitted dress!
    I know how it is, once you begin you can't stop making them new things!

    1. Billa's Dolls - Lena is looking forward to putting out more professional outfits like you. All she has to do is keep sewing. She's bound to get better.

  16. Lovely fashions! I'm a big fan of longer skirts like this.

    1. Muff - Thanks. Lena figured the longer skirts are better for work.


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