Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bah Hum Bug.....Not Really.

Hello guys.  I was trying to take pictures of dolls today, but my hectic schedule didn't allow for it.  Just to get you caught up.  I just finished two weeks of radiation.  It wasn't painful or anything, but it was very emotional.  They treated three areas;  my right arm, my left leg, and my spine.  Treatment of the spine left me really nauseous.  I hate that feeling.  Midway through the second week, I was able to take advantage of their free acupuncture sessions.  That really helped take away the nausea.  I also experienced some fatigue.  There were a few days that I slept most of the day away.  After the first week, I started having pains in my right knee.  The xrays revealed lesions in that area as well.  So I am headed back to radiation next week for another 5 treatments on my knee.

My house guest is doing much better.  She may be leaving next week.  My brother is coming to visit today, and my granddaughter will be here from next Monday through the end of the year,  Chances are I won't be posting much at all, but I will try to get a couple of posts up before January.  I miss my dollies and I miss chatting with you guys.

Just in case I don't get back before Christmas, have a very merry Christmas.  I look forward to being back regularly starting in January,


  1. Oh, Vanessa, I wish you didn't have to go through all of this. My thoughts and prayers will be with you. I hope you have a wonderful holiday with family, friends and dollies of course! I hope 2015 brings you good health and I look forward to hearing from you whenever you can do a new post!

    1. Phyllis - You know what they say, God doesn't give you more than you can handle. I guess he knows I'm a work-a-holic because he keeps piling it on. Lol! Have a wonderful holiday, my friend.

  2. I second what Phyllis said and wish you didn't have to go through this. I am happy to hear that you have family coming for the holidays and glad to hear your house guest is doing well. I need to start posting myself but I keep letting my doll time get put on the back burner. Happy Holidays, Vanessa!

    1. Tracy - Yes, where are your doll stories? You've been promising us stories for a couple of years now. lol. It was nice to see my brother yesterday. He was just passing through on the way to Louisiana. I'm excited to see my granddaughter. She always makes me laugh. Have a wonderful Christmas! Looking forward to those new stories of yours.

  3. Sounds like it was a difficult week... hope it gets better and that having family around is joyous. Best wishes for improved health and a wonderful holiday.

    1. Smaller Places - Luckily for me, I rarely remember the bad stuff. I try to keep moving forward. Thanks for your well wishes. Happy holidays to you and your family.

  4. My prayers are going out foryou, and I hope things get less hectic and your health improves. Take care.

    1. Lisa - Thanks so much for your prayers. I think most of us have hectic schedules this time of year. I will rest in January. lol! Happy holidays to you and your family.

  5. My thoughts and prayers are also with you my friend. I'm glad you'll have company in to spend the holidays with you. May you have a wonderful, joyous Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2015. :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks for your prayers, dear. The doggies and I are gearing up for some holiday fun. My granddaughter loves dogs as much as I do. Good thing. Maybe early next year the dogs and I will come for a visit. Merry Christmas to you and Marianne and the rest of the family.

  6. Praying you come through all this victoriously..await to hear you say all is well for 2015.! Have a blessed Holiday

    1. simsgrl - Thanks for your prayers. I hope you and your family have the best holiday ever. Hard to believe 2015 is here already.

  7. Merry Christmas, wishing you all the best, have a great time with your family and friends!

    1. jewel snake - Thanks so much. I wish you and your family the best during this holiday season. This year has flown by. It was great to spend it with such great blogging friends.

  8. Hello. I hope and pray all goes well for you. I enjoy reading your blogs. It takes mind off all the stress I go through. May God continue to bless and heal your body. Remember he has very thing under control. Be blessed

    1. Angelia - Hello and welcome to my blog. I'm glad you enjoy the stories. We will get back to storytelling soon. As a matter of fact, I just loaded a new story today. Go figure. Thanks for you well wishes and prayers. Happy holidays to you and your family!

  9. my prayers are with you! i look forward to reading about your dolls in the new year. merry christmas to you and your family!

    1. Shirley - Thanks for your prayers! You don't even have to wait until next year for a story. I just posted a new one today. lol. Had a little extra energy this morning. Merry, merry Christmas to you and your family. See you in the new year!

  10. Hey Vanessa! I was excited to see a post from you. I continue to pray for you friend. Many blessings to you and your family during this holiday season. I wish you a Merry Christmas and an extremely prosperous New Year!

    1. Georgia Girl - Another late reply. Thanks for the holiday blessings!

  11. You are to good of a person to be going through this. Prayers going up for healing, strength and comfort. Take a easy. {Hugs}

    1. Sonya - I must have been a bitch in a former life because I have been put through the ringer. But we all have our crosses to bear. So many people are doing worse than I am. So I'm not going to complain.

  12. Wishing you continue good treatment and good health. Wishing you the best for the Holidays and New Year.

    1. Male Doll World - Thanks so much. The radiation wasn't too terrible, but I'm SO glad it's over. I hope I never have to do it again.

  13. Wishes for happy holidays, renewed health and strength, peace and blessings are being sent on your behalf.


    1. DBG - Thanks for the well wishes for my health and well being. They are always accepted with open arms.

  14. Hi Vanessa, I'm happy to see you back, you're such a great girl. I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season, and to your guest too!
    Kisses Billa

    1. billa's dolls - Sorry for the late reply. I truly appreciate your wonderful comments.

  15. Replies
    1. Ian - Thanks for the holiday wishes. I hope you had a wonderful holiday, too.

  16. I'm sorry that I didn't know what was going on with you. I know I usually check in but Nov & Dec where a whirlwind of crazy busy. Once I had a chance to be lazy over the holidays I didn't even feel like reading blogs.

    1. Kenya - I know all about crazy in Nov and Dec. I totally understand about taking a break from the blogs.


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