Thursday, October 30, 2014

Prepping for the Halloween Party (Photostory)

Danielle and Antoinette are at the community center finishing up the decorations for the Halloween Party.

They have sectioned the room into areas.  There will be storytelling near the fireplace, bobbing for apples in the center, picture taking in the back left corner, and snacks in the front left corner.

"What do you want me to do with these masks?"  (Antoinette yells over the sound of the vacuum)
"Put them in one of the wooden crates.  I figured the kids could take those home as souvenirs."  (Danielle)

Antoinette sets about her task.

Danielle pauses at the fireplace.  She's not completely satisfied with the setting.  She decides to move one of the creatures from the center to the fireplace.

"Now that's much better."  (Danielle)

"Where should I put the crate?"  (Antoinette)
"I think next to the door is best.  Set the other crate over there, too.  I am planning to put treat bags in that one, so the kids can have candy to take home with them."  (Danielle)

"And all these spiders, what are your plans for them?"  (Antoinette)
"I'm just going to put them near the fireplace.  That will be a nice scary effect as the kids are listening to the ghost stories."  (Danielle)

"I was going to have Rod hang these spiders, but I don't feel like waiting.  I'm going to put the spiders in place, then can you help me hang the spiders?"  (Danielle)
"Sure, no problem."  (Antoinette)

 Moments later....

"That should do it.  Whew, I'm tired."  (Danielle)

The ladies take a rest.
"I think that's all I'm going to do today.  I'm tired.  I'll finish up tomorrow morning."  (Danielle)
"Let me know if you need me to come over.  I still have some running around to do before the party, but I'll make time, if you need me to."  (Antoinette)

"I don't think I'll need you.  There's not much left to do."  (Danielle)

"I'm happy with the storytelling area, and the picture taking area."  (Danielle)
"Who's going to be the storyteller?"  (Antoinette)
"Our dear father-in-law, Freeman."  (Danielle)
"Really?  Good choice."  (Antoinette)

"Darn, I should have pulled out those chairs from the back room.  I'm going to put a few along that wall over there."  (Danielle)
"Do you want me to help you do that now?"  (Antoinette)
"Nope.  It can wait until tomorrow.  I promised Rod I wouldn't stay here all night.  Let's get out of here"  (Danielle) 

Happy early Halloween!  There will be a Halloween story, but it won't be posted until the weekend.


  1. I love your set-up, especially the tombstone. Rest in Pieces! ROFL :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. Halloween usually passes us by, but I really wanted the kids to celebrate it this year.

  2. Hi Van, Antoniette and Danielle did a great job, I love the room, this year is too late, but I MUST buy some halloween diorama pieces for next year, looking forward to see the party!

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. Usually Halloween gets away from me, but I'm really hoping to get a full story done. It's a little hard finding costumes for everyone.

  3. i like the setup can't wait for the party.

  4. What a cute room! Antoniette and Danielle sure know how to set up for a party! I think the kids will have a lot of fun at the party. Those big black spiders were really huge and scary! I need to get some Halloween dio stuff too -- maybe next year!

    1. Phyllis - Thanks. You know Danielle is back in her element of planning parties. These holidays creep up on me every year and somehow I am never quite ready.

  5. Wow, that's going to be quite a party! The kiddies will have so much fun! Freeman is a great choice to tell the Halloween stories - I imagine he has a great narrative voice. LOL

    1. Roxanne - Thanks. Freeman has the perfect deep voice for story telling. I wonder what his costume will be? (That means I haven't thought about it). Dressing the adults in costumes gets a little challenging.

  6. I always admire Danielle's community spirit. Her jumpsuit is very cute too!

  7. Hello from Spain: Danielle and Antoinette worked very hard. They did a great decoration for Halloween. You have many fabulous furniture for this party. Happy Halloween. Keep in touch

  8. Yay, Danielle is back. Happy Halloween. Looking forward to seeing the kiddies enjoy it.

  9. The community center is so cute. Danielle put a lot of work into it so I know the kids are going to love it.

  10. Happy Halloween, the kids are going to have a great time :-).


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