Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Julian's New Toy (Photostory)

When we last saw Danielle and Jacob, they were headed to the boys' bedroom, after his bath.  As you will see, Danielle has not had time to finish decorating their room.  Her plan is to get Jacob a car bed, too, and decorate the room with a complete car theme.  (I still have to add some side decals to Julian's bed).

Jacob enters the room first, where Julian is in his bed playing with a toy he just got while out with Sharmaine.

Danielle is right behind Jacob.
"My toy."  (Jacob)

"Mommy look at my new robot cousin Sharmaine got me.  He can walk and talk and everything."  (Julian)

"That was nice of cousin Sharmaine.  I hope you thanked her."  (Danielle)

"I thanked her and I gave her a hug."  (Julian)
"Well good.  It's important to always remember your manners."  (Danielle)

"My toy."  (Jacob)
"No, Jacob.  This is my toy."  (Julian) 

"Stop!  You're going to break it."  (Julian)

"Alright Jacob.  That's enough."  (Danielle)
Danielle reaches down to separate Jacob from the toy, and all hell breaks loose.  Jacob goes into full temper tantrum mode.

"Sweetie, you can't claim all the toys."  (Danielle)
Jacob is not having it.  He continues to scream, almost squirming out of Danielle's arms.

"Mommy you want to see what my robot can do?"  (Julian)
"Not right now, I'm trying to calm Jacob down.

As Danielle tries to hold Jacob and get his pjs out the draw, Rod appears in the doorway.
"What is all that noise?"  (Rod)

"Oh you're home.  Jacob is having a fit because he can't have Julian's new toy."  (Danielle)

"Hi Daddy.  You want to see what my new robot can do?"  (Julian)

"Now that's a pretty cool looking robot.  Let me help your mother first, then I'll take a look at it."  (Rod)

"Here, let me have him."  (Rod)
"Be my guest."  (Danielle)

"Jacob...okay, now that's enough."  (Rod)
"It probably didn't help that he didn't get his full nap."  (Danielle)

"Here, Jacob can play with my robot.  I don't want him to cry."  (Julian)
"That's nice of you, but we can't reward his bad behavior."  (Rod)

"Do you want to put on his pjs, or should I?"  (Danielle)
"I got it."  (Rod)

Jacob finally settles down as Rod sits down to put on his pjs.  Rod cleans his tear stained face with the towel before proceeding.

"I'm sorry I made you cry, Jacob.  You can play with my robot tomorrow."  (Julian)
"Play with my robot?"  (Jacob)
"No, play with my robot.  (Julian)

"Arms up, Jacob."  (Rod)
"Julian, don't forget you're taking a bath as soon as cousin Sharmaine finishes in the bathroom."  (Danielle)

"Don't smile at me now after that awful display you just put on."  (Danielle)
"Say, I'm sorry, Mommy."  (Rod)

"Speaking of sorry, I'm sorry I was gone so long today.  I planned to be back sooner, but time got away from me.  Do you accept my apology?"  (Rod)

Before Danielle can answer, Sharmaine appears in the doorway.

"Awww, you guys are so cute together."  (Sharmaine)

"So are you headed out, now?"  (Danielle)
"Yes, I'm meeting my girlfriend for a drink or two.  Then we might go dancing."  (Sharmaine)
"Be careful out there."  (Danielle)

"Can I go with you?"  (Julian)
"Kids aren't allowed where I'm going, but I promise we will hang out again, soon."  (Sharmaine)
"Thanks again for my robot."  (Julian)
"You are welcome, again.  (Sharmaine)

Sharmaine turns to leave.

"Guess what Julian?  It's bath time."  (Danielle)
"Oh man. I hate bath time."  (Julian)
"Come on.  I'll help you with your bath."  (Rod)
"Thanks, hon.  I'm going to read Jacob a book and put him to bed."  (Danielle)


  1. Love the kid's room and toys. Your stories are so real and relevant. Awesome as usual.

    1. Duke of Swann - Thanks. Danielle has a lot of work left to do on this room. She's just been so busy lately.

  2. Hello from Spain: I like the new toy of Julian. The bed is fabulous. Very nice and original. I love it. Nice and real scene between brothers. Red furniture is fabulous. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I have to make Jacob a bed now. Wouldn't want him to feel left out.

  3. Fantastic bedroom - and that car bed is especially brilliant!

    1. jSarie - Thanks. I need to finish the bedding and the side decals, so I can offer beds for sale.

  4. I love the family dynamics - how well Rod and Danielle work together.

    That car bed is adorable. Glad that Julian has it. And the cool new robot.

    1. D7ana - Rod is a big help to Danielle. She was looking a little tired to me, so I'm glad he was there to help.

  5. This is a great family. Love the story line and the bed is awesome!

    1. KMQ - Thanks! I'm proud of that little bed. I just need to put some finishing touches on it. I already have another story planned for this family.

  6. Love the bed and of course your stories.

    1. simsgrl - Thanks! I appreciate you stopping by my blog.

  7. Great photo story! That Jacob was too cute climbing on that bed. I knew that he was about to do something. It was great seeing Rod and Danielle. They are my favorite Morristown couple. :-)

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks! Jacob said all new toys needed to be approved by him. I'm surprised Sharmaine didn't buy him a little toy, too.

  8. LOL @ poor Jacob. It even looked liked he was kicking his little feet during his temper tantrum. I would have wanted a bed like that when I was a kid!

    1. Muff - The good thing about the car bed is Danielle doesn't have any trouble getting Julian to go to bed now. Maybe she should buy a car shaped bathtub, too.

  9. I love that car bed, and I want to play with Julian's new toy, too! Very cute story.

    1. Roxanne - Thanks. His toy really does walk and make noises. Hard to show that in a photostory.

  10. Hi Van, this story is so cute! Jacob is a lovely pest...LOL
    Rod and Danielle are beautiful couple

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. Jacob is not normally a pest, but he does think all the toys in the house should be his. Reminds me of one of my dogs. He does not like sharing toys with the other dogs.

  11. That was a cute story. I could hear Jacob's meltdown. I saw that coming when he was standing there in his little towel - I said, "Ut oh".

    1. Kenya - Thanks. Ut oh is right. Maybe Sharmaine should have said the toy was for both of them. Or she should have bought him a little toy.


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