Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Drinks at the Local Bar (Photostory)

China arrives at the local bar.  It's packed, but there's one table left in the main seating area.  She follows the waitress to the table.

"Is this seat okay?"  (Tracey, the waitress)
"This is great.  My sister should be here soon."  (China)
"Okay.  Can I get you something to drink in the meantime?"  (Tracey)
China orders a glass of white wine.  Tracey checks on the guys in the next booth before heading back to the bar.

"So how long are you staying in town?"  (Chandra)

"I'm not sure.  I will be here at least a month, then I may shoot down to Florida to see family."  (Sharmaine)
"Well I will expect you at one of my performances before you leave town."  (Chandra)
"For sure.  You know I am a fan."  (Sharmaine)

Darius and Terrance are relaxing after a couple of tough weeks at work.  They lost out on a couple of contracts.  Nothing they did, per se, but a new company has been low balling the bids.
"We have to stick it out at this point.  There's no way they can do a top notch job for the prices they are quoting.  We will be there to pick up the pieces."  (Darius)

"It just sucks that the clients aren't taking our reputation into consideration when they are making these decisions."  (Terrence)
"You know what they say, you get what you pay for.  They'll be back."  (Darius)

"Voila, one glass of white wine."  (bartender)

"Hmmpt, I wouldn't mind having a drink with him."  (Sharmaine)

"Oh, that's Darius.  Yes, he is quite fine, but he has a girlfriend."  (Chandra)
"The operative word there is girlfriend, not wife."  (Sharmaine)

"Well, there's another cutie sitting at the bar."  (Chandra)

"Here you go."  (Tracey)
"Thanks."  (China)

"Don't be so obvious!"  (Chandra)
"Sorry.  I was curious.  You're right, he is cute, but he's a little old for you, don't you think."  (Sharmaine)
"I like my men experienced."  (Chandra)

"I think you have a couple of admirers."  (bartender)
"Really?  Well, if I wasn't waiting for my date, I might have treated them drinks. (Randolph)

"I don't see a ring on his finger.  You want me to invite him over?" (Sharmaine)
"When did you get to be so bold?  You were always the shy one."  (Chandra)

"Yes, I'm meeting my sister.  There she is."  (Sylvia)
"Right this way."  (Tracey)

"Hey sis.  Sorry I'm late."  (Sylvia)

"Hey.  I was getting worried.  Wasn't sure you were going to make it."  (China)

"Well, your brother-in-law started acting a little crazy as I was about to leave.  You would have thought I was going to meet a man, instead of my sister."  (Sylvia)
"Well you are looking extra sexy tonight.  You got your boobs all front and center."  (China, laughing)
"Really, sis?  Where's that waitress?  I need a drink."  (Sylvia)

"Speaking of my date, there she is now."  (Randolph)

Well, well, well.  If it isn't Melanie!

Randolph stands up to greet Melanie as she saunters over.

"Damn.  He was waiting for someone."  (Chandra)

"Well hello beautiful.  I'm glad you could make it."  (Randolph)
"Wouldn't dream of not coming."  (Melanie)
"It's a little crowded here.  I was thinking I'd take you to one of my favorite restaurants, not too far from here."  (Randolph)
"Okay."  (Melanie, in a soft voice that I've never heard her speak in, before)

"Oops, I almost forgot."  (China)

"I promised Taylor I would call and say goodnight."  (China)

"I said my goodnights before I left.  Tonight it's all about me."  (Sylvia)

"Okay, it's time to blow this joint.  We need to find a place where there are some available men."  (Sharmaine) 
"Let me finish my drink, first."  (Chandra)


1.  Randolph is a President Obama head sculpt.  It doesn't really look like President Obama to me.  He actually resembles my father, which is why I named him Randolph.  My dad's name was George Randolph, Jr.  This guy really doesn't look like a George.

2.  This is Randolph and Melanie's third date.  They met at a conference in Washington, DC.  Melanie is totally smitten with him, but she's trying to play it cool.  He is a divorcee, just like her, and he has a couple of kids.  


  1. I feel Sharmaine's pain. All the good men seem to be taken LOL. I'm slightly still reeling over the fact that MELANIE of all people, is smitten with someone!

    1. Verona - Lol! Melanie is hardcore, but even hardcore people have been known to exhibit a little softness at times. It's pretty early in this friendship. Let's hope she keeps her crazy at bay.

  2. I'm happy that Melanie has met a someone. Maybe she will become a nicer person. : )

    Oh btw, the bar looks great!

    1. Georgia Girl - Love can make even the meanest people nice. At least for a little while. Let's see how long Melanie is able to stay nice.

  3. Love the bar scene! The single ladies are crackin' me up. I think the Obama figure is a pretty good likeness of him, but I like the idea of using him as a different character, too.

    1. Jewell - Thanks! This Obama is an okay likeness, but I much prefer the other sculpt of him that I also have in my collection. I use that one as the President. Maybe it's time he make an appearance.

  4. Melanie in love? Well, well ... that's nice to see. Melanie cooing? Freak-kay, lol.

    Love the bar scene. I like that Chandra - side-glancing eyes. Miss Sharmaine is fresh. Tsk tsk ;-)

    1. D7ana - Thanks. Melanie reminds me of someone in my own family. It is freaky when you see a different side of them that you didn't know existed.

  5. great bar scene, and love the handbags!

    1. shirley - Thanks! I wish I could afford the bags my ladies carry. I can barely afford them in their size.

  6. Hola, que bonitos post. Tus barbies y ken me gustan mucho, eres muy cuidadosa con los detalles, haces un gran trabajo. Saludos.

    1. lindaivette - Gracias. Tengo tantas muñecas, y yo trato de mostrar como muchos de ellos como sea posible a través de las historias.

      Thanks. I have so many dolls, and I try to show as many of them as possible throughout the stories.

  7. Nice post. Nice twist to the story. :)

  8. Una escena de bar perfecta y con grandes historias por descubrir!!

  9. At first I paused when I saw you had incorporated the DID Obama into one of your stories as a regular guy; but you're right, he doesn't look like President Obama at all -- similar to what they have done with the MLK Jr. figure. At least with the MLK figure, you know who he is supposed to represent.

    I am glad Melanie finally found a man. Hope it works so she can stop being a pain to Rod and Danielle.

    Nice club setting.


    1. DBG - I've had the other President Obama figure for quite some time. I just purchased this head a couple months ago, with no intention of ever using him as the President. For the past 6 yrs, I have been called Michelle Obama's look-a-like. So at the very least, this guy might be mistaken for a Barack Obama look-a-like.

      Let's see how Melanie handles this new friendship. Lots of unanswered questions. He has an ex-wife and kids. That's always an unknown in relationships. She's not good at sharing.

  10. Tell your girls to come to Casey's. They'll find several available men, and it's not always crowded! LOL. Nice to see Melanie dating someone. Maybe now she'll leave Rod and Danielle alone. :-)

    1. Cindi - The girls said thanks for the invite, but I think they were headed out to a dance club. Who knows what Melanie will do with this new friendship. I hope she behaves. He seems to be a good catch.

  11. Hello from Spain: Great bar. I really like the doll of President Obama. I think he looks like the president himself. I like the tribute to your father. I love your dolls bags. The yellow bag is fabulous. Is original Mattel ?. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. When you see the two President Obama dolls together, this one doesn't do him justice like the other one. Here is a link to a post with my other President Obama doll. http://vansdolltreasures.blogspot.com/2011/04/of-course-i-bought-new-dolls.html

      The yellow bag is actually orange. It is a purse from La Boutique. I was trying to find a link to their site, but no luck. Here is the email of one of the creators. dianawieler@sympatico.ca

    2. Marta - Here is a link to La Boutique's Picturetrail.

  12. Hi Vanellsa, Randolph and Melanie are a very pretty couple. But I was wondering about these two girls Chandra and Sharmaine: they do need a boyfriend of their own! They're always eyeing guys at the bar....LOL

    1. billa's dolls - You know how it is when single women go out. They just people watch and look for potential dates. Otherwise, they could just drink at home.

  13. Oooooohhhhhh, Get it Melanie! I see Slyvia and China are enjoying their much needed mommy time. I hope things turn around for Darius and Terrence. Oh those young ladies should hit up the next lounge. Great story Vanessa!

    1. Doll Crazy - It was good to see the sisters (Sylvia and China) hanging out again. It's been awhile since they've been able to get out together. As for Sharmaine and Chandra, they are headed out dancing.

  14. I hope Nichole will be ok. Hopefully she'll get use to Melanie being with him like when she had to get use to Rod being with Danielle.

    1. Leandra - I think it will be awhile before Nicole meets the new man. Melanie wants to make sure he is going to be around before she makes any serious plans.

  15. This is a very nice bar scene! My eyes are drawn to everything that's taking place in the background of these shots.

    1. Roxanne - Thanks! I like doing scenes with a lot of different characters. That way I can give a little update on the million characters I have in town.

  16. Is there such a thing as a purse-gasm? I'm not even a purse person and I'm jonesin' over all the great bags in this post.

    A kinder and gentler Melanie? I guess that remains to be seen.

    1. Muff - I'm not a purse person as far as buying them for myself, but I love them, especially in miniature form. Mean people can be kind, but in time their true nature usually rears it's ugly head!

  17. Poor Charmaine. Beautiful goddess and having a hard time.

    It is not easy out there looking. That is why we must learn to love ourselves first so we won't feel so alone.

    What material did you use to make the white wine inside the glasses? Is it a kind of glue or is it actual liquid?

    1. KenyaDoll - Since Sharmaine has been traveling, she hasn't really had time for anyone. I'm not sure she's looking for anyone now, either. I think she's just doing what typical single women do when they go out. I guess if she runs into someone good, she won't pass him up.

      Those glasses of wine were given to me many years ago. You could use resin to make white wine.

  18. Nice story! And OHHHH those handbags!!! Where are thye from? :)

    1. Rosemary Hill - Thanks. The orange handbag is from La Boutique. Melanie's black handbag is from Anne Klein collector's doll. Chandra's bag is from the Tim Gunn doll with the yellow jacket, and Sharmaine's purse is from the 1st wave Racquelle Barbie Look doll. I believe the white one is from an FR doll set. Not sure.

  19. Glad to see Melanie has found a new friend. They've only had three dates but he's already thinking of her as "my girlfriend" so he must be smitten with her too. Can't wait to see how this unfolds!

    1. limbe dolls - You heard 'my girlfriend'? He may be thinking that, I don't really know. Maybe they will have a conversation about that soon. Should be interesting.

  20. Well you answered my question. I was going to say I must have missed the post where you introduced Randolph and I was going to ask if he was the president. So I definitely see the resemblance. He's one sexy looking doll. Speaking of sexy, I thought I was over Darius but it was just out of sight out of mind.

    1. Kenya - I be anticipating your questions and making sure I answer them ahead of time. lol. That is too funny about Darius. As soon as I figure out what's going on with him, I will give him a feature story.


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