Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Morning (Photostory)

Lena and Alan have moved to a different rental property.  Being new to the area, they are not ready to commit to buying a home before they are sure what area they want to live in.  

Sometime in the middle of the night......

Very early the next morning, Alan, Jr. is up and ready to get out of his crib.  He's not crying.  He's just making grunting and whining noises, hoping mom or dad will come to his rescue.

Momma Lena and dad are still fast asleep. 

Pretty soon Lena hears him making noises.  She stays quiet, hoping he will fall back to sleep.  He does just the opposite.  He starts getting louder.

Lena raises up to see what time it is.

6:43am.  Way too early to be waking up on a Sunday.

"Alright.  Alright.  Come to mommy."  (Lena)

"I sure wish you inherited your daddy's sleep habits.  Mommy needs you to sleep a little longer on the weekends."  (Lena)

"I'm sorry honey.  Did we wake you?"  (Lena)
"What time is it?"  (Alan, groggily)

"Almost 7."  (Lena)
"Ughh.  I need another hour."  (Alan)
"Dadda dadda dadda..."  (Alan, Jr.)
"Dadda is going back to sleep."  (Alan) 

Lena lays Alan Jr. down and they all drift back to sleep.

It's 8 o'clock, and Alan is up and showering.

Lena and Alan, Jr are still snoozing.

By the time Alan gets out the shower, Lena is half awake.
"Good morning, sleepy head."  (Alan)
"Good morning.  I'm getting up in a few minutes to go fix breakfast."  (Lena)
"No need.  The guys and I decided to do a late breakfast before we head to the game."  (Alan)
"What's on your agenda today?"  (Alan)
"I invited Adele and Autumn over for coffee.  I figured I better get to know the basketball wives a little better."  (Lena)

"I like the sound of that."  (Alan, bending down to kiss Lena)
"I'll be downstairs reading the paper and watching the news."  (Alan)
"Okay.  I'm getting up, too.  Turn the light on when you leave."  (Lena)

"Good morning, Sunshine.  Are you ready to get this day started?  We're having company today, and you get to meet some new people.  First on the list is a shower for mommy."  (Lena)

Lena quickly showers.  She has a lot to do before the ladies arrive.  She's looking forward to spending time with the ladies.  She's still new in town and is anxious to connect with some new friends.


  1. It is good to see Lena again.

    I love the photo with the baby standing at the side of the baby bed wanting attention.

    The shower design is interesting.


    1. DBG - I mentioned last time that we would be seeing Halle in a story. Lena said, 'Hold up. Didn't you just show Halle in the past couple of posts?" So Lena won out. I hope the hundreds of other neglected dolls don't get any big ideas about stories.

  2. Great story Vanessa, love this family. Is the house the Happy Family Dollshouse? Love the little baby walker. Hope to see Alan and Lena again soon. Bye!

    1. Juanita - Thanks. Yes, this is the Happy Family house, but I extended it a bit. We will see them again soon.

  3. Very cute story! As always, I love all the little details, like the photos on the wall, the book on the nightstand, and the products on the bathroom shelves.

    1. Roxanne - Thanks. Lena twisted my arm to get a story. Got to love a woman who is persistent and knows how to get what she wants.

  4. Hello from Spain: lovely baby photos in bed with his parents. I really like this room. Fabulous watch. A very true story. Little children weekends !! also early risers. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I'm sure parents would love if kids knew the difference between the weekends and the weekday.

  5. Alan Jr. makes me smile. He gets Mommie and Daddie up and then falls back asleep. LOL. Kids.

    Love the setting and how Lena has personalized her place ;-)

    I love hearing about Halle, but I love reading about all of your characters. Good to see Lena and her Alans.

    1. D7ana - Alan Jr. could have just as easily laid back down in his crib, but what would be the fun of doing that when he can cuddle with mommy and daddy?

  6. As always I love all the little details in your decor. :-)

  7. So happy to see Lena getting some more camera time- I just love her! I enjoyed all the little details in the photos. Tell Lena to hang in there. I remember those days all too well. I'm trying to get my almost two year old to sleep till nine on Saturdays, but she's not hearing it.

    1. Jewell - She's such a beautiful doll. Oh that's so awesome that you have your own little one. You would probably need to keep her up til 1am to get her to sleep til 9.

  8. Adorable story and VERY relatable at the moment. That little walker is precious. Excited to see what's next for this trio!

    1. Valsays - Thanks! I take it you have a little one, too. lol.

  9. Cute story. That looks like the McGraw's house! They must live in the same neighborhood!

    1. Phyllis - Thanks. You are right. They are leasing a place in the same subdivision where the McGraws and Karla and Tori live.

  10. Very cute story! Your details are awesome as always. The shower scenes, the wall dimensions, the baby decor, etc. Lovely!

    1. Georgia Girl - Thanks. I wonder which home they will ultimately settle into?

  11. Really cute decor! The HF is really great to use for different scenes. As soon as Lena check the time she should of woke Alan up, he is sleeping toooo good.

    1. Brini - Thanks. I have a whole subdivision with this floor plan. lol. Lena wants Alan to keep sleeping, otherwise, he might want to put her to work in other ways. He likes that morning action.

  12. Great Story Vanessa, i love the way you capture the beauty of everyday life.

    1. billa's doll and fashions - Thanks. Sometimes we overlook the beauty in the simple things.

  13. I just have to fuss about the typical man that couldn't let her get her shower in real quick before he left! I don't think my husband ever had to take a shower with our son sitting in there. As you know, my vent is like 9 years old. LOL!

    1. Kenya - Well I'm glad you finally got that off your chest. Should I email this to your husband? lol!

  14. Where did you get the little baby walker from? It's so cool, did you get it off eBay or from a shop? I really wanna know. Thanks, bye

    1. Juanita - I bought the baby walker from a local shop. It was a little convenient store in one of our malls, and they just happened to have some cheap doll sets from China. The walker was pink, but I painted it red.


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