Monday, September 8, 2014

American Girl Paper Dolls

 Several months ago American Girl Company had a clearance on their paper doll books.  They were marked down to $5, originally about $20 - $26 (I think).  I bought five of them.  They've been sitting in the shipping box until today.  I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised.

Most books feature two different dolls.  Here is one with Cecile and Marie-Grace.

Inside the back cover is a book with the paper dolls, their clothes, accessories, and room decor.

Each book has two different room scenes.  Here is a living room.

The second scene is an outdoor courtyard.

Cecile comes with a pet parrakeet, and Marie-Grace has a pet dog.

Each doll comes with seven outfits,

and lots of accessories.

There are also items to add to the room for decor.

In the back of each book are pockets to hold everything.

Below are the five different sets I purchased.

The mini-AG Caroline doll was also on clearance.

I will show each of the sets on this blog over the next couple of months.  I hate that I didn't show them sooner so others could have taken advantage of the sale.  It's the best $5 I've spent in a long time.  Originally, I was going to see if I could use the scenes for the fashion dolls.  That still remains to be seen.

Here is a preview of the next chair that will be hitting my Etsy store.  Not quite finished yet.  


  1. Ohh, these are so clever! I really like that courtyard scene. I'm digging sets that feature graphic backgrounds. They are simple but still offer play opportunities.

    That looks like a very comfy chair that a man who works outdoors would like to sit in.

    1. Muff - The best paper doll sets I've ever seen. Hmmm, I would imagine if a man came in from outdoors working, and sat on this chair before showering and changing his clothes, the woman of the house would give him an ear full. lol.

  2. Those backdrops are really nice. I think they could definitely be used as backdrops for your dolls! Love the chair and glad to see you back making furniture.

    1. Phyllis - I can't wait to show you guys some of the other backdrops. The backdrops are the best part. I'm determined to use up as much fabric as I can, so more chairs and sofas are coming.

  3. Hello from Spain: I love the illustrations in these books. These paper dolls are fabulous. I love them. You can use these books as a backdrop for your dioramas. These are lovely designs. You always buy very well. This mini Carol is lovely . Keep in touch

    1. Marta - I really hope I figure out how to use the backdrops for the 12" dolls. I love the mini Carol doll, too.

  4. I love all the details in these!

    I actually bought a few of them during the clearance sale and never bothered to open them - you've inspired me to get them out! :)

    1. jSarie - I'm glad you were able to get some. They are really well done.

  5. Replies
    1. Male Doll World - Definitely the best I've ever seen.

  6. Bonjour Vanessa,
    I didn't know that Americain Girl have nice papaer doll. It's perfect to make some decorations.

    1. Shasarignis - I didn't know either, until I saw the sale. I just need to figure out how to use those wonderful backgrounds for the fashion dolls.

  7. It is good to see inside the paper doll sets since I have not opened mine. Very impressive. You were smart to buy several.


    1. DBG - I wanted to leave mine in it's original state, but felt compelled to show them. They are so well done. I do wish the stands were a little sturdier.

  8. Those books look very cleverly designed and it's a great idea having backdrops so you can actually tell stories with the paper dolls. I used to really enjoy playing with paper dolls when I was little but they never had great scenery like that. Your chair does look comfy too.

    1. Carrickters - I used to play with paper dolls a little when I was younger. These paper dolls, don't have the clothes tabs I was used to. They came with glue dots.


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