Saturday, August 30, 2014

Bath Time for Jacob (Photostory)

Later that evening, Danielle decides to go ahead and give Jacob his bath early.  Julian and cousin Sharmaine are still out, and Rod has yet to return from his errands.  It's the perfect time for mommy and Jacob time.

"Are you ready for a little splash and play?"  (Danielle)
"Play with toys?"  (Jacob)
"Yes, you can play with toys."  (Danielle)

"You go pick out a toy while I run your bath water."  (Danielle)
"Okay, mommy."  (Jacob)

"Ummmmmm"  (Jacob)

"Mommy, this one."  (Jacob)
"Okay.  Come put him in the water."  (Danielle)

"Sweetie, you are going to have to sit down."  (Danielle)
"Mommy, hot."  (Jacob)
"It's not hot, but I will add some more cold water."  (Danielle)

Danielle made the water a little cooler, and Jacob settled into splash and play mode.  Danielle got a few scrubs in around the neck and the ears.

While in the linen cabinet, grabbing Jacob a towel, Danielle hears a familiar voice.

"Mommy, want some?"  (Julian)
"How about a hello, first?"  (Danielle)

"Sorry.  Hi, mommy.  Want some?"  (Julian)
"Hello son.  What do you have?"  (Danielle)
"It's caramel popcorn."  (Julian)
"Oooh, my favorite."  (Danielle)

Danielle helps herself to one of her favorite treats.
"I picked that out because I know you like it."  (Julian)
"Awww, you are such a sweet son.  Did you have fun with Sharmaine?"  (Danielle)
"Yep!  We went to four stores and she bought me candy and toys."  (Julian)
"Wow, that sounds like fun.  I can't wait to hear about it.  But right now I need you to take this popcorn to the kitchen, and get ready for your bath.  You're next."  (Danielle)
"Bath, now?  But I was going to play with my new toys."  (Julian)
"I'll see you back here in fifteen minutes."  (Danielle)

Julian leaves with popcorn in hand.  He's not thrilled.
"Okay Jacob, splash and play time has come to an end."  (Danielle)

"Now my baby is squeaky clean.  Let's go find your pjs."  (Danielle)

"Hey cuz.  Any chance I can get a quick shower?  I'm headed out to meet a friend."  (Sharmaine)

"Well I was going to get Julian in the tub next, but I'm sure he would be happy to wait.  So you can have it in about 5 minutes.  (pause)  So is this a date?"  (Danielle)
"No, nothing like that.  I just ran into this girl I used to know, and we decided to go grab a drink and catch up."  (Sharmaine)
"Oh, okay.  By the way, thanks for taking Julian out.  That just made his little day."  (Danielle)
"It made mine, too.  He was just so excited, it made me smile."  (Sharmaine)

After Sharmaine leaves, Danielle tidies up the bathroom before she and Jacob head out.
"Okay Jacob, lead the way.  We're going to your room."  (Danielle)

The tub, toilet, and vanity are all part of my new Gloria/Fancy Life set I bought several months ago.  I didn't realize how perfect the colors would be for the boys bathroom.  


  1. Hola, que lindo lugar, se ve tan real.
    Ya me puse al corriente con tus post, la foto en la lluvia es preciosa.
    Me encantan tus dioramas.
    Besos y saludos.
    Hasta pronto.

    1. lindaivette - Hola. Gracias. Se siente muy bien volver a hacer historias sobre una base regular. Me alegro de que hayas vuelto después de mi largo descanso.

  2. Such a sweet and realistic story. I love the boys' bathroom! The colors are great. I thought it was a repaint. Would you mind sharing which body Sharmaine is on?

    1. Jewell - Thanks. I thought I was going to have to paint one of my other bathrooms, till I remembered I had this still boxed. Sharmaine is just on an Artsy fashionista body. I bought some extras before they stopped the articulation.

  3. What a perfect boy's bathroom. And I just love Julian! He's so adorable. Cute story! :-)

    1. Cindi - Thanks. Julian was probably wondering how his mom could be so mean after he brought her caramel popcorn. lol.

  4. Hello from Spain: I really like the bathroom. This furniture is very real. Great color. The curtain is lovely. Jacob is an adorable child. Nice pictures. Bath time is the preferred time for children. Keep in touch

    1. Marta - Thanks. I am happy to finally have their bathroom done. It's been on my 'to do' list way too long.

  5. That Gloria Fancy Life set is cute. I like the colors - aquatic. Nice theme for a child's bathroom.

    Julian is soooo cute. Jacob is a little sweetie, too. Good to see Danielle and her boys. I don't think she was being mean about the popcorn; she's a Mom so she was ticking off the stuff that she had to do. I think Julian was disappointed with her response. Sharmaine's showering/bathing will give him a few quality minutes with Mommy ;-)

    1. D7ana - I much prefer the Fancy Life colors to the other Gloria sets. It blends in well with other colors. Yes, Danielle was just being mom, but I'm sure Julian was thinking the caramel popcorn surely should have given him a little play time. After all a kid can take a bath any old time.

  6. Cute story! I have that bathroom set too. It is really nice.

    1. Phyllis - Thanks. Remembering I had this set was perfect timing.

  7. i'm so glad you are back to posting regularly. i hope you are feeling much better. great story!

    1. Shirley - I'm happy to be posting, too! It feels great to be able to get around crutchless, sometimes.

  8. I'm another one with that bathroom set. You've designed it out wonderfully! Yes, the Fancy Life color schemes are much better than Gloria.

    1. Muff - Thanks. I totally forgot I ordered it. I can't believe I left that shipping box untouched for 4 months. They could have shipped me rocks and I would not have known.

  9. It's a good furniture set, I don't have it, but saw it on the photos earlier. I like the colors, but it seems to me, that the tub is too small. It's OK for kids like Jacob and Julian, but it's hard to imagine how adult dolls, especially Rod, would use it.

    1. Dukasha - I was thinking the same thing when I saw that tub. It's a nice soaking tub because it's so deep. I doubt that an action figure can fit. I will try it the next time I'm down there.

  10. I LOVE the bathroom decor! The kids are adorable. :-)

    1. Tracy - Thanks! This has been on the 'to do' list for a long time.

  11. Hi Vanessa, this is such a lovely story. I like your stories a lot, they are all so true to life. And the bathroom looks amazing.

    1. billa's dolls - Thanks. You are so kind. I really enjoy doing stories about every day life.

  12. The bathroom looks very lovely! Colours are fresh and everything matches perfectly together <3 !
    Kind regards

    1. Karoliina - Thanks so much for your wonderful comments!

  13. I love the bathroom. It is soooooo cute! And Jacob walking with his little towel on - SO adorable.

    1. Kenya - Thanks! Did it inspire you to do a bathroom for Christopher? lol. I didn't think so.

    2. Chile please. Lol! But we only have two so his bathroom has to look grown up for guests. ;-)

  14. I would like for my real bathroom to look as nice. This dio reminds me of a Home and Garden cover I saw.

    1. Doll Crazy - Wow, that's a nice compliment. Thanks.

  15. I love the boys bathroom. Makes me want to do another bathroom story.

    1. Mustiwait - Thanks. We would love to see a new bathroom story in your town.

  16. such a cute way of narrating stories at the same time displaying barbies, amazing post.Thanks
    for this sharing this amazing post here. Would you like to follow each other
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    1. subham - Thanks for visiting my blog. I joined your site. I think your fashion posts will be inspirational when dressing my dolls.

  17. I like all your decoration in the bathroom. You have so much idea ! I will need you to make my movies !

    1. Shasarignis - Thanks! You don't need me for your movies. You are much better at movies than I am.


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