Saturday, August 30, 2014

Bath Time for Jacob (Photostory)

Later that evening, Danielle decides to go ahead and give Jacob his bath early.  Julian and cousin Sharmaine are still out, and Rod has yet to return from his errands.  It's the perfect time for mommy and Jacob time.

"Are you ready for a little splash and play?"  (Danielle)
"Play with toys?"  (Jacob)
"Yes, you can play with toys."  (Danielle)

"You go pick out a toy while I run your bath water."  (Danielle)
"Okay, mommy."  (Jacob)

"Ummmmmm"  (Jacob)

"Mommy, this one."  (Jacob)
"Okay.  Come put him in the water."  (Danielle)

"Sweetie, you are going to have to sit down."  (Danielle)
"Mommy, hot."  (Jacob)
"It's not hot, but I will add some more cold water."  (Danielle)

Danielle made the water a little cooler, and Jacob settled into splash and play mode.  Danielle got a few scrubs in around the neck and the ears.

While in the linen cabinet, grabbing Jacob a towel, Danielle hears a familiar voice.

"Mommy, want some?"  (Julian)
"How about a hello, first?"  (Danielle)

"Sorry.  Hi, mommy.  Want some?"  (Julian)
"Hello son.  What do you have?"  (Danielle)
"It's caramel popcorn."  (Julian)
"Oooh, my favorite."  (Danielle)

Danielle helps herself to one of her favorite treats.
"I picked that out because I know you like it."  (Julian)
"Awww, you are such a sweet son.  Did you have fun with Sharmaine?"  (Danielle)
"Yep!  We went to four stores and she bought me candy and toys."  (Julian)
"Wow, that sounds like fun.  I can't wait to hear about it.  But right now I need you to take this popcorn to the kitchen, and get ready for your bath.  You're next."  (Danielle)
"Bath, now?  But I was going to play with my new toys."  (Julian)
"I'll see you back here in fifteen minutes."  (Danielle)

Julian leaves with popcorn in hand.  He's not thrilled.
"Okay Jacob, splash and play time has come to an end."  (Danielle)

"Now my baby is squeaky clean.  Let's go find your pjs."  (Danielle)

"Hey cuz.  Any chance I can get a quick shower?  I'm headed out to meet a friend."  (Sharmaine)

"Well I was going to get Julian in the tub next, but I'm sure he would be happy to wait.  So you can have it in about 5 minutes.  (pause)  So is this a date?"  (Danielle)
"No, nothing like that.  I just ran into this girl I used to know, and we decided to go grab a drink and catch up."  (Sharmaine)
"Oh, okay.  By the way, thanks for taking Julian out.  That just made his little day."  (Danielle)
"It made mine, too.  He was just so excited, it made me smile."  (Sharmaine)

After Sharmaine leaves, Danielle tidies up the bathroom before she and Jacob head out.
"Okay Jacob, lead the way.  We're going to your room."  (Danielle)

The tub, toilet, and vanity are all part of my new Gloria/Fancy Life set I bought several months ago.  I didn't realize how perfect the colors would be for the boys bathroom.  

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

So Versatile!

 I delivered the Sparkle fashions to Ni'Chalet's this morning.  Racquel immediately started hanging them in her store.  I decided to try them on a few dolls to see if they fit.  

First up is the new Skipper doll.  This outfit comes in one of the five packs.

The quality is quite nice for the price point.  The jacket is a separate piece.  The shirt and shorts are one piece, and the pattern on the fashions is the same on the front and the back.

Here are three of the Sparkle fashions on three different dolls.  Marisa is on a Liv body.  The outfit she is wearing is a one-piece.  I used a little double stick tape to get the outfits to fit better.  

Tyler even got in on the action.  He's sporting this outfit as a t-shirt and boxers. The perfect outfit for bedtime. Isn't he adorable?

Here's a picture of Racquel putting the clothes in her store.

Angelica showed up shortly thereafter and took over this task so Racquel could do other things.

Faith came to keep an eye on the kids.  Here she's helping Angelica's daughter out of her jacket.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sparkle Fashions for Ni'Chalet's

Not that I needed new fashions for Ni'Chalet's, but how can you pass them up?  They are cute and cheap.  I've seen them on quite a few blogs and on Flickr.  Today I got a chance to go to Walmart.  They had a large selection.  Below is what I bought.  I just noticed today that they also come with accessories!  Each fashion comes with either a purse or a pair of shoes. 

This is one of the 5 outfit sets that cost $8.88.  If you like all the outfits, you get a slight savings when you buy the pack.  

It was the cute red plaid shorts and the jean jacket that first catch my eye.  The black and green outfit will make great pjs.  

A close up of the other outfits.  I like them all.

I bought 7 of the separate fashions that were $1.97 each. 

Racquel was looking for clothes for the teenagers and the college aged kids.  I think she hit the jackpot.  I will deliver these to Ni'Chalet's tomorrow, so they can get the store stocked.

Kudos to this company.  I love that they put different faces on the cards.  

Monday, August 25, 2014

Time to Get Busy (Photostory)

It's a rainy day in Morristown.  Racquel is not letting that stop her from getting to the shop.  Remember her shop, Ni'Chalet's? 

With baby Shay and umbrella in hand, Racquel hurries from the parking lot to the store.  The rain is coming down hard. 

Finally inside, Racquel drops the umbrella.

"Alright, I think I'll just let that dry for a few minutes.

"Mommy has to get out of this raincoat.  I'm going to sit you down for a few minutes."

"Alrighty.  Let's go get your playpen from the back." 

"Hang right here, and I'll get your toy and your blanket." 

"Mmmm, yumm, ummm"  (Shay)

"Here's Curious George.  He's going to keep you company." 

Baby Shay loves her Curious George.  It's her new favorite toy.  This should keep her busy while Racquel works in the store.

First she goes over to her pink dress display that she plans to hang up on the back wall.  She will need help with this task.

Next she surveys the empty rack that needs to be filled.  She has the merchandise in the back room.

Next she takes a look at her handbag and shoe display shelf.  She still needs to select four pair of shoes for the display. 
"What's this hat doing here?"  (Racquel)
She reaches up to remove the hat.  She will put something decorative in it's place.

While trying on the hat, her cell phone rings.
"Hmmm, that's probably Angelica."   (Racquel)

Just as expected, it's her cousin Angelica.
"Hey girl.  Are you still going to be able to come help?"  (Racquel)
"I'm already here.  I brought Shay with me."  (Racquel)
"Okay.  I'll see you in a bit.  Drive safely.  The rain is making the roads slick."  (Racquel)

Racquel says goodbye to Angelica.  She's happy her cousin volunteered to help in the store.  Without the store generating money, she's reluctant to hire the help she really needs.  She has to get this store open asap, or her husband is going to kill her.  There is still a lot to do.  She still has to have the store signs hung, the chandeliers installed, merchandise displayed and the list goes on.  The last time we saw Racquel, she was reopening Ni'Chalet's in a different location.  Once she got everything set and was ready to open the store, there was a major snag.  The owner of the building was having serious financial issues and ended up filing bankruptcy.  Racquel was heartbroken.  Luckily she didn't loose a lot of money, thanks to her husband's expert negotiation skills.  However, it did mean she would have to find a new location.  She has had setback after setback since she decided to expand the store.  Of course, her husband thinks this is a sign that she should have stayed at the first location.  Racquel is not listening to him.  She is determined to prove him wrong.  Wish her luck in getting everything done so she can reopen the store in a couple of weeks.

FYI:  I added the rain via Photoshop.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Few Updates

Ian broke up with Raven.  He's currently dating a few different ladies.  He decided he wasn't ready for anything serious again.  He and Rosa have gone out a few times.  She's really feeling him, but he's made it clear he doesn't want a committed relationship.

I bought a second Evi bike.  As you can see, it's a different color than the first one.  You don't get to chose your color. 

Found this Sparkle Girls playset at Walmart last week.  I didn't open it to check the quality, but for $7.87, it was worth it.  I hope they come out with more playsets.

I finally got my MiWorld set.

I mainly bought it for these cute nail polishes. 

I found this set on Amazon.  Nothing too special, but I had to have that water dispenser.

I'll be painting the pink park

Last but not least, Joseph is playing with the latest kid toy to hit Morristown.  This is such a nostalgic piece.  I remember when my little brother used to play with one of these.