Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Gifts from Rosemary Hill

I recently received some beautiful handmade gifts from Bogi of Life in Rosemary Hill.  I was completely taken by surprise.  I've admired the knitted items that show up in her stories, that she explained were made by her mom.  How lucky is she?  She sent the sweaters to Rod and Danielle, but I've enlisted Lena and Allen to model them for us.  Rod is in the basement, and it may be a couple of days before I see him again.

Here is the first sweater.  I love that it's large enough to fit my NBA guys.

The second sweater is a beautiful coral color with cable knits and three working buttons.  Lena said, "Danielle, who?"  It may be difficult getting this back from her.

This is the third sweater.  Can't you just see Rod in this sweater?  I am in awe. 

There were a few other gifts in the box, including this beautiful rug, 

these two bunny figurines, and a few other items that will be used in future dioramas.

The family portrait.  

I love my new gifts!  My thanks to Bogi and her mom.  These gifts will be cherished by the residents of Morristown for many years to come.


  1. So cute! The rug and bunny figures are my favorite! They are a beautiful doll family! :)))))

    1. KenyaDoll. - Those bunny figures are sooo cute!

    2. those are my faves too! and the sweater rod is sporting also looks good.

  2. Very nice sweaters! Love your gifts.

    1. Georgia Girl - You know how much I love doll sweaters, and these are so intricate.

  3. I love them, you're so lucky. I think lena should keep the orange jacket, it looks really awesome on her.

    1. Juanita - I think you are right about Lena and that sweater. I may let her keep it for a little while. That color looks good on her.

  4. Unos regalos maravillosos y lo guapos que están con ellos!!! La foto de familia es entrañable!!

  5. What a pleasant surprise. It was very nice of Bogi and her mom to send them.


    1. DBG - It was a great surprise, and I love my new gifts!

  6. Hello from Spain: Congratulations. I also follow the Bogi's blog. The clothes are beautiful and the carpet is nice. Lovely pictures. Keep in touch

  7. The workmanship looks beautiful. Your little folk are going to appreciate those next winter.

  8. Those are lovely sweaters - and how wonderful that they have such tiny, in-scale buttons!

  9. Great gifts! I'm going to see if I can find some free patterns to crochet Barbie sweaters. The evening dress is almost done. :-)

  10. Congrats on your gifts! I have a set I am thinking about knitting up soon.

  11. Hello Vanessa!
    Thank You so much for this post!! I love these pictures!! I am so glad You love the gifts and that the sweaters fit Lena and Allen so much :)
    Thanks to Everyone for the nice comments, it was great to read them!
    I invited my mom to see this post and translated her the kind words, she was very glad. She is 67 years old and hasn't ever been abroad but felt it heartwarming to know that her creations travelled so far and got so nice welcome.
    Many hugs from both of us, from Hungary! :)

  12. Hola, son unos bonitos regalos.
    Me han encantado tus post, el dedecado a la madre fue encantador, que dificil tarea.
    Cuidate, hasta pronto.

  13. Hi Vanessa and congratulations on the lovely gifts! That was kind of Rosemary and her mother.

  14. Hi Vanessa, she is very nice to think of you to give you gifts ! We all know you are an exceptional friend ! and that is why we send to you some beautiful gifts !

  15. Both sweaters are so cute ! Rosemary Hill and her mother are very kind and talented!

  16. Congrats for your new gifts! A very nice pictures, I love this family =)


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